"I have never understood the distinction of “primary” partner. Does that imply we have secondary and tertiary partners, too? Can my primary partner be my sister or child or best friend, or does it have to be someone I am having sex with? I have two friends who are sisters who have lived together for 15 years and raised a daughter. Are they not partners because they don’t have sex? And many married couples I know haven’t had sex for years. Are they any less partners?...My feelings about attachment and partnership have always been that they are fluid and evolving. Jack’s father, Dan, will always be my partner because we share Jack.
Dan is the best father and the most wonderful man I’ve known. Just because our relationship is nonsexual doesn’t make him any less of a partner. We share the same core values, including putting our son first. My more recent ex, Bryn, remains my partner because we share our activism. And Clare will always be my partner because she is also my best friend."
يُعد دان أفضل والد والرجل الأكثر روعة. ليس لأن علاقتنا غير جنسية لم تقلل من كونه شريك . فنحن نتشارك القيم الأساسية نفسها فيما يتعلق بتربية ابننا الأول. يبقى براين شريكي السابق الأحدث ، شريكي لأننا مازلنا نشارك نشاطنا. وستبقى كلير دائما شريكتي لانها صديقتي المفضلة أيضا.