Not all non-native speakers have trouble communicating in English. Many speak at a native level, but many do not. The ability to communicate with people who speak a limited amount of English is actually a skill that can be developed over time with practice. Whether you deal with non-native English speakers often or rarely, this advice will help you to communicate more effectively and smoothly.
1 Speak clearly and pronounce your words correctly. Exaggerated pronunciations will not help your listener and may cause more confusion. However, you may find that it helps to pronounce some words as the non-native speaker does. This will be especially true if the proper pronunciation is very different from the non-native pronunciation.
Recognize that people wrongly think that turning up the volume somehow creates instant understanding. Avoid this common mistake (however, do not speak too quietly).
3Do not cover or hide your mouth because listeners will want to watch you as you pronounce your words. This helps them figure out what you are saying in many cases.
3 Jangan menutup atau menyembunyikan mulut anda kerana para pendengar pasti ingin melihat anda sewaktu anda menuturkan kata-kata. Ini membantu mereka memahami apa yang anda tuturkan dalam pelbagai keadaan.
Jangan menutup atau mengembunyikan mulut anda kerana pendengar mahu melihat bibir anda semasa anda melafazkan kata-kata anda.
Ini membantu mereka memahami kataan anda.
3 Jangan menutup atau menyembunyikan mulut anda kerana pendengar mungkin mahu tengok bagaimana anda menyebut perkataan-perkataan anda. Dalam banyak kes, ini akan membantu mereka memahami apa yang anda katakan.
4Do not use baby talk or incorrect English. This does not make you easier to understand. It will confuse your listener and may give the wrong impression about your own level of competence.
5Avoid running words together ( Do-ya wanna eat-a-pizza?). One of the biggest challenges for listeners is knowing where one word ends and the next one begins. Give them a small pause between words if they seem to be struggling.
5 Elakkan menggabungkan perkataan bersama (Do-ya wanna eat-a-pizza?). Salah satu cabaran besar untuk pendengar ialah mengetahui di mana satu perkataan berhenti dan perkataan seterusnya bermula. Berikan satu hentian di antara setiap perkataan sekiranya pendengar seperti sedang berusaha untuk faham.
5 Jangan bercakap dengan perkataan yang berderet-deret (Do-ya wanna eat-a-pizza?). Salah satu cabaran terbesar bagi para pendengar adalah bagaimana membezakan di mana satu perkataan berakhir dan yang seterusnya bermula. Berhenti sekejap di antara perkataan-perkataan jika mereka nampaknya tidak dapat memahami anda.