大変申し訳ございませんが お客様都合の返品となりますので実費送料を除いた額US$15.5を差し引いた額238.4ドルを日本へ返送到着後の返金となります。送料には返金費用が含まれておりますので 必ず受取拒否をしていただく必要がございます。受けとってしまいますと 追跡可能な方法で米国への返品送料がお客様負担となりますので 余計に返品送料がかかってしまいますのでお気をつけ下さい。商品受け取り拒否後にキャンセルの手続きは以下の方法でしてくださいくれぐれも商品は受け取り拒否してください
Translation / English
- Posted at 03 Oct 2013 at 01:45
I sincerely apologize for the trouble. Since it would depend on when it is the most convenient time for you to be able to return the product, we will be deducting the US$15.5 actual shipping fee and will be refunding a total amount of $238.4 once the product arrives to Japan. The shipping fee includes the refund fee so you will need to reject receipt. If you accept it, then you will have to shoulder the charges for returning the product back to the US using a traceable method and this would incur other shipping charges so please be careful of this.Please follow the cancellation procedure below after you have reject accepting the product. Please ensure to reject accepting the product.
Translation / English
- Posted at 03 Oct 2013 at 01:44
We are really sorry, but the reason for returning the package was due to your personal preference. Therefore, we will exclude the postage of $15.5 and refund you $238.4 once the item gets to Japan. The postage includes the cost for returning the item, please make sure you do not accept the item.
If you accept the item, you will be responsible for returning the item to the US with a traceable shipment. Please be careful since it may lead you to pay for the extra postage. Please follow the procedures below once you refuse to accept the item. Once again, please refuse to accept the item.
If you accept the item, you will be responsible for returning the item to the US with a traceable shipment. Please be careful since it may lead you to pay for the extra postage. Please follow the procedures below once you refuse to accept the item. Once again, please refuse to accept the item.