Notice of Conyac Termination ( Updated on November 25)

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Sharp is famous for liquid crystals. It is true that they have an advantage i...

This requests contains 234 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( yoppo1026 , ayumi_mc64 ) and was completed in 0 hours 30 minutes .

Requested by rockey at 27 Aug 2013 at 11:05 2176 views
Time left: Finished




Rating 57
Translation / English
- Posted at 27 Aug 2013 at 11:34
Sharp is famous for liquid crystals. It is true that they have an advantage in having techniques to produce high quality LCDs (liquid crystal displays) . However, from the prospect of profit, they have retired from LCD production.

On the other hand, Sony doesn't produce LCD but import the excellent LCD from overseas. They make a strong effort in improving image processing technique represented by 4K technology, improving fuctions and excellent interface for users.

From the prospect of the perfection level of products, Sony defeats Sharp.
Their models are the newest for now.
They haven't contacted us yet.
[deleted user]
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 27 Aug 2013 at 11:20
Even in Japan, if it refers to the LCD display manufacturer, Sharp is famous. It is sure that Sharp has the technology for manufacturing the high quality LCD display. However, Sharp had already withdrawn from the LCD market because of the profitability issue.

Sony, on the other hand, does not manufacture the LCD display, but acquire the high quality ones around the world and they concentrate on the improvement of the image processing technology and functions and the excellent user infterface as represented by the 4K technology.

Looking from the point of high quality finished product, Sony captured the title.
These are the latest models at present.
We have not received any contact from them.
Rating 50
Translation / English
- Posted at 27 Aug 2013 at 11:54
Sharp is best know for the Liquid Crystal Display in Japan. Even though the company had the upper hand with producing high quality LCD technology, loss making market made it to cease the production.

On the other hand, Sony did not produce own LCD but purchased good ones from outside of the country and focused more on improving video processing technology such as 4K, enhancing functions and polishing user interface.

Overall, Sony won the game with highest quality of the completed product.
Sony is the state of the art models at this point.
We have not heard anything from them yet.


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