Sojeong Choi (cherrytomato)

4.9 2 reviews
ID 인증 완료
약 10년 ago 30s
한국어 (Native) 일본어
Business Culture Music Gaming Accounting Manuals Website Advertising


◆翻訳者、経理担当として IMAGIN Co., Ltd. (2011年4月〜現在)
 Tokyo, Japan

  •JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) N1
  •MOS Master (Microsoft Office Specialist Master)
   Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access
◆Translator and bookkeeper, IMAGIN Co., Ltd. (Apr 2011 ~ present)
 Tokyo, Japan
  •Translated contracts and general business documents between
   Korean and Japanese.
  •Translated application proposals.
  •Translated marketing materials, including product packaging.
  •Translated user manuals.
  •Kept the company’s books and prepared quarterly financial
  •Collected and reported monthly expense variances and
   prepared explanations.
  •Created presentation materials for monthly/quarterly reviews
   of expenses.
◆Freelance translation and proofreading (May 2012 ~ present)
  •Projects I have handled include product packaging, user guides,
   basic purchasing agreements, phone apps (including language
   learning apps), restaurant menus, and websites.
  •I am comfortable working independently or as part of a team.

 ◆Japanese Language Proficiency Test- Level One (most difficult)
 ◆Certified Microsoft Office Master
  (all recent versions, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access)
 ◆I have worked with a variety of companies’ in-house translation


Language Pair Area of Specialty Experience Description Example Translations
일본어 → 한국어 Business 4 years 2012年~現在 日本企業で実務経験5年目となります。
일본어 → 한국어 Culture 2 years
일본어 → 한국어 Music 5–10 years 大学で作曲と日本語を複数で専攻させていただきました。
일본어 → 한국어 Accounting 4 years 日本企業で経理実務5年目となります。
일본어 → 한국어 Manuals 3 years 2012年~現在 BM WORKS JAPANブランドカタログ・商品パッケージ等翻訳
한국어 → 일본어 Gaming 3 years 2012年~2013年 カードゲームの企画書翻訳
한국어 → 일본어 Manuals 3 years 2012年~現在 BM WORKS JAPANブランドカタログ・商品パッケージ等翻訳
한국어 → 일본어 Website 3 years 2012年~現在 BM WORKS JAPAN ホームページ、楽天市場、Amazon等翻訳 韓⇒日
한국어 → 일본어 Advertising 3 years 2012年~現在 BM WORKS JAPANブランド広告文翻訳

Work History

(Completed / In Progress)
Standard Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Light Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Starter 한국어 ≫ 일본어 1 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter (High) 일본어 ≫ 한국어 9 8  / 12485 268  / 38837

Working Data

Working Hours
last 6 months (hour / month)
Submission Rate
(submission count / order count)
0 hour / month 100 % (20 / 20)