yyokoba 翻訳実績

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No lost kids any more; Beluvv creates Guardian to keep a track of kids

Despite parents trying to be as vigilant as they can, about 8 million children get lost every year. Guardian, a device created by Beluvv hopes to tackle the problem

Nearly 8 million children get lost every year. The shocking statistic inspired Taiwanese startup, Beluvv, to create Guardian, a small wearable device that is able to track a child’s movements. Most notably, the device is paired up with a smartphone app using Bluetooth and utilizes the network of users to help each other find a child when the child goes out of the parent’s pre-set radar.


さらなる子供の失踪を防ぐ; Beluwが子供の居場所を把握するためGuardianを開発



yyokoba 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

That event, according to DisplayTech, will see the introduction of an iPad mini with a Retina display. Such a device has been rumored since the release of the first iPad mini, but analysts disagree over whether Apple will be able to push out a new mini in time for the holiday season. Many have noted the difficulty of putting a battery capable of supporting a Retina display into the mini's small form factor, but Hsieh predicts the next generation of mini will feature a 2048x1536 display when it is unveiled.

Hsieh also says another long-anticipated iOS device will make an appearance next year, an iPhone with a 4.7-inch 1280x720 display.


DisplayTechによると、そのイベントではレティナディスプレイを搭載したiPad miniが紹介されるようです。そのようなデバイスは最初のiPad miniが発売されて以来噂されていますが、アナリスト達の間ではアップルが新miniをホリデーシーズンまでに発売できるかどうかで、意見が分かれています。多くの人が、miniの小さいフォームファクターにレティナディスプレイを維持することができる電池を搭載することの難しさを指摘していますが、Hsieh氏は公開時には次世代のminiは2048x1536ディスプレイを搭載すると予測しています。


yyokoba 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Lend an Eye empowers the visually impaired through crowdsourced eyes

An Android app is turning smartphones into eyes for the visually impaired. Created by marketing agency Grey Singapore, Lend an Eye consists of a pair of apps, one for the visually-impaired and another for the volunteer.

Whenever users need assistance, they simply activate the app through voice or a double-tap on the screen, and several volunteers are contacted simultaneously. The person who answers the call first through the volunteer app can guide the user through both a real-time video feed from the user’s smartphone camera and an embedded map broadcasting the user’s location.


Lend an Eye、目をクラウドソースして視覚障害者に力を与える

あるAndroidのアプリが、スマートフォンを視覚障害者の目に変えつつある。マーケティング代理店のGrey Singaporeによって作られたLend an Eyeは二つのアプリから成り、一つが視覚障害者用で、もうひとつがボランティア用である。
