yusukeameku 翻訳実績

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Web visionaries like Reid Hoffman and Sean Parker struggled to come up with positive feedback on stage. Robert “I-get-excited-by-nearly-any-start-up” Scoble was so bored he was playing Hangman via Twitter with Paul Carr. Marc Andreessen praised Udorse—a company that he joked would make the world a worse place if it succeeded—because at least it was a new idea. Tim O’Reilly said he didn’t care whether Cocodot, one of the companies he judged, succeeded or failed because it was so meaningless in the world. And Tony Hsieh just said it blatantly: “I didn’t see anything that was trying to change the world.”


Reid HoffmanやSean Parkerといったウェブ上の野心家たちはステージ上で、何か肯定的なフィードバックを思いつくのに頭を悩ませた。
「入り口すら見えないもの、それにゾクゾクする」と言ったRobert Scobleは、退屈すぎてPaul Carrとツイッターで「ハングマン」のゲームをしていた。
Marc Andreessenは、Udorse—a会社は少なくとも考え方は斬新だが、これが成功すれば世界が悪くなると冗談を言った。
Tim O’ReillyはCocodotの判定に関わったが、この会社が良い会社であろうと悪い会社であろうと、世界には何の意味も持たないと言った。
Tony Hsiehはばっさりと切り捨てた、「ここにいるのは世界を変えようとなんかこれっぽっちも思っていない奴らばかりだ」

yusukeameku 英語 → 日本語

THE ASSET-PRICING MODEL OF Sharpe,Lintner,and Black
has long shaped the way academics and practitioners think about average
returns and risk. The central prediction of the model is that the market
portfolio of invested wealth is mean-variance efficient in the sense of
Markowitz.The efficiency of the market portfolio implies that (a)
expected returns on securities are a positive linear function of their market
βs (the slope in the regression of a security's return on the market's return),
and (b) market βs suffice to describe the cross-section of expected returns.
There are several empirical contradictions of the Sharpe-Lintner-Black
(SLB) model. The most prominent is the size effect of Banz.


「Sharpe,Lintner,and Black」の資産価格付けモデルは、長い間学者と実務家のリターンおよびリスクの平均的な考え方を形成してきた。

yusukeameku 英語 → 日本語

The warm cool sensation that results as the fabric contacts a skin surface is probably also related to the surface contour of the fabrics. The warm cool feeling is believed to result from the rapid transfer of heat from the skin to the fabric surface immediately after the fabric is placed on the skin.Differences in moisture regain of fibers, however, may result in different warm cool feelings as increasing moisture regain increases thermal
conductivity.The relationship between qmax and relative humidity of 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, and 95% is shown in Fig.5. As indicated in Fig.5, the more RH, the better the cool feeling, while the more RH, the worse the warm feeling.



yusukeameku 英語 → 日本語

Take Tyrel Hartman, who wanted to use the social discovery app StumbleUpon to propose to his girlfriend. Both were active Stumblers and often enjoyed exploring the site together, so Hartman contacted the company and requested that they rig his girlfriend’s account so that she’d stumble on a wedding proposal disguised as a blog post.

StumbleUpon’s team could have easily said no to Hartman, but instead, they were inspired by Hartman’s enthusiasm and explored a new use for their product. It required cross-departmental collaboration and an investment of resources, but it was also a priceless marketing opportunity that earned the company ample news coverage across the web.



yusukeameku 英語 → 日本語

Of course, you still need to produce and share content. It’s not time to ditch the company blog or stopping sending original tweets. It is time to recognize that the conversations within your community actually turn into knowledge. Ultimately, your community is a living FAQ.

4. Keep the Momentum Going

Once you’ve earned your customer’s trust, they’re likely to be even more engaged with your brand and product. That’s a good thing, but it means you’ll need to go above and beyond to continue building that relationship. To do that, you have to get to the point where the trust goes both ways and you trust the customer.



