NIVEA (yuki_nk) 翻訳実績

10年弱前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
サイエンス 文化
yuki_nk 英語 → 日本語

[Update]Alipay Teams Up with Global Blue to Provide Chinese Tourists Tax Refund Service in Europe

Alipay, the payment arm of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, has entered into partnership with Swiss tax-refund company Global Blue to launch a service that will allow Chinese tourists to receive tax refunds directly into their Alipay accounts when they are shopping in Europe.

According to the company, the service will be available from mid-July at 5,000 stores in France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom, as well as South Korea. More countries are expected to roll out the service in the coming month, the company added.





yuki_nk 英語 → 日本語

European Union has become an important and popular destination for Chinese travelers thanks to lower taxes and huge variety of consumer products, especially for cosmetics and luxury goods. However, Chinese visitors to Europe did not collect 1 billion yuan (US$161.02 million) in tax refunds in 2013 due to the troublesome and prolonged (up to 3 months) tax refund application procedure, according to NetEase.

Founded in 1980, Global Blue is a tax free shopping service provider which cooperates with 27,000 retailers in 37 countries. Tourists who purchase items from Global Blue retail partners can apply to get the local sales tax charged on their products refunded to their credit cards, allowing them to shop tax-free.



1980年に設立されたGlobal Blueは37カ国、27000店舗と提携するタックスフリーショッピングサービスを提供している。Global Blueと提携している店舗で買い物をする中国人観光客は購入商品のセールス税分をかれらのクレジットカードに還付してもらうことができる。