Yoko Hargest (yokokh2015) 翻訳実績

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8年以上前 女性 50代
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yokokh2015 英語 → 日本語

OTR: Stop burying the problems with Li-Fi to save the headline

This Li-Fi thing is pretty cool, but it would be a lot more interesting if reports were honest about fundamental flaws

Tech enthusiasts reading the news these past few weeks can be forgiven for thinking Internet technology just broke through a huge wall. Reading all the Li-Fi headlines, I was asking myself — did we just make the equivalent jump from dial-up and DSL to Wi-Fi?

No. Not even close. But don’t tell the media — “100 times faster than Wi-Fi” sure makes for a sexy headline but the tech has some serious flaws.






yokokh2015 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

The issue isn’t with the Li-Fi companies, it is the media’s coverage — whether it be MTV, The Next Web or Mashable, readers get a sexy headline and 9/10 of an article explaining how it will transform the industry.

At the end, we finally get the problems with the technology — natural light interferes with the technology, so it can’t be used outdoors (or near windows). For that matter, it also can’t really be used indoors because light waves don’t travel through walls.

That leaves one place to use Li-Fi in its current iteration: one cold dark room filled with LED lights.


問題はLi-Fi企業にあるわけではなくマスコミ報道にある。それがMTVなのかThe Next Web、あるいはMashableであろうと、読者たちは魅力的な見出しと、これがいかにして産業を変化させるのかについて説明する記事の9割の内容に引き付けられる。



yokokh2015 英語 → 日本語

This is a serious problem, correct? Am I wrong to think this is the kind of defect that would be nice to know before diving headlong into a deep discussion of technological feasibility?

If I know the limitations going in, it is OK to read a 2,000-word piece explaining how science fiction is becoming reality. But to bury problems that fundamentally impact whether or not the technology could ever become commercially feasible? That is misleading.

Here is an especially galling example via The Next Web.

“Intelligent car-to-car communications could be enabled via the vehicles’ LED headlights, with a view towards preventing accidents.”




ここに、The Next Webが紹介した特に腹立たしい例がある。


yokokh2015 英語 → 日本語

How could this possibly work knowing natural light interferes immensely with the technology?

To be fair, it isn’t everybody. TechCrunch, PCMag and TechTimes wrote fair and balanced articles.

But, for fun, let’s break down some of the suggested uses for Li-Fi, and explain how many of the ‘benefits’ become detractions.

Statement: LiFi can be used on a plane because it won’t interfere with radio frequencies!

Reality: It can’t be used on a plane unless they take out the windows or force them all shut. (As a lover of window seats, I will gladly enjoy mindnumbingly slow Wi-Fi to be able to see what it’s like to be above clouds.) Furthermore, the entire plane will need to be filled with LED lights. Woofta.



公平のためにいうと、全部の記事がそうだったわけではない。TechCrunch、PCMag、そして TechTimesは公正でバランスのとれた記事を書いた。




yokokh2015 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

The study found that shoppers usually end up buying a product in a physical store after researching it on mobile while in store, but it is often not the same physical store where the mobile research began. The next most likely scenario is to buy the product from another store’s website after leaving the store, using either a mobile phone or a personal computer.

The 18-34 crowd, or Millennials, behave differently than other shoppers, however. More than two thirds of shoppers in that age range engage in showrooming, and they’re more likely to buy the product at a competing store than other shoppers, the study found. Older shoppers are more likely to buy at the same store after checking prices on a mobile device.




yokokh2015 英語 → 日本語

Oddup scores $1M for its startup rating system, initially focused on Asia

Oddup is an 18-month-old startup out of Hong Kong that offers its own startup rating system based on factors it says are designed to determine risk. Websites like Mattermark, CB Insights, and Funderbeam offer similar rating systems on their platforms, but Oddup founder James Giancotti told VentureBeat that they don’t go into the kind of depth that Oddup is trying to achieve — a pursuit that has today landed it $1 million in seed funding and attracted corporate customers including J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and BNP Paribas.



創業から18か月の香港で生まれたOddupは、リスク判定用に設計された諸要素に基づく自社のスタートアップ格付けシステムを提供する。Mattermark、CB Insights、 そしてFunderbeamといったウェブサイトも、それぞれのプラットフォームで類似の格付けシステムを提供している。しかし、Oddupの創業者であるJames Giancotti氏はVentureBeatに対しこう語った。他社のシステムはOddupが達成を試みる複雑な種類の判定はしない。自社のシステム追求は、今日、シードファンディングの100万米ドル獲得を達成させ、J.P.Morgan、Goldman Sachs、そして BNP Paribasを含む法人顧客たちを引き寄せた。