CHAPTER 27-3You help set goals so your employees can know how well they are doing. Through the corporate system, you obtain new or better equipment that will make your employees more . productive. You set the tone, values, and attitude of your workplace so that a place of motivation, positive reinforcement, and growth and development of your employees. If you are a servant and look out for the needs of your employees adequately, you will have fulfilled a large part of your function as a boss. No one employee can perform every function in a company. Your function as a boss is to equip and lead a group of people.
CHAPTER 27-3従業員が自分の仕事がうまくいっていると分かるように、ゴールをセットする。会社組織全体において、従業員がより生産的になれるよう、新しく、よりよい知識を手に入れる。仕事場の気風、値打ち、状態を整え、従業員が、モチベーションを保ち、前向きで力強く、成長、発展できるような場所にする。あなたが召使いであり、従業員の必要としてるものを的確に見つけ出す事ができれば、社長としての役割の大部分を成し遂げたことになる。会社の中で、すべての役割を果たすような従業員はいない。あなたの社長としての役割は、従業員たちを教育し、そして導くことなのだ。
27-2Deter distractions Quite easily. Look at a corporation as an organism. Each person plays a role in maintaining the health of that organ-ism. Each person performs duties that keep everything running smoothly. A boss's duty or function is to be sure that employees have every opportunity to perform. their functions as well as possible. To serve your employees means to provide leadership, training, tools, and an atmosphere where they can concentrate on their jobs and their performance without worrying about distractions that take their focus away from what they were hired to do. Equip employees To be a servant means to shape budgets to be sure that there is enough money to train your employees adequately.
CHAPTER 27-1Probably every one of us grew up with the idea that bosses had the power to delegate all the jobs they didn't like doing to others who had to do their bidding. Well, that may have been true then (although it's not likely), but it certainly isn't true now. In today's environment as a leader, you are to be a servant to those who work for you. You are to serve them, create an atmosphere where they can win, and care about them as people. But what exactly does it mean to be a servant? A person functions as a servant by performing services for another. How does being a boss begin to figure into this definition?
CHAPTER 27-1恐らく、私たちは皆、社長というものは、自分のやりたくない仕事を、命令に従わないといけない立場の人に押し付ける権力があるもんだ、という考えを植えつけられて来た。かつてはそうであったかもしれない(本当は違うんだけれども)が、現在はまったくそんなことは真実ではない。社長の置かれている現在の状況では、自身が、自分のために働いてくれる人の召使いであるべきなのだ。社長のあなた自身が、彼らに仕えて、彼らが優勢になれるような環境を作り出し、人として彼らを愛するべきである。しかし、召使いになるというのは、正確にはどういう意味なのか?1人の人間が、他の人に対してサービスを施し召使いとしての役目を果たす。いかにして、社長であるといういことが、こういった定義にたどり着き始めたのか?
CHAPTER 26-2The person makes a promise to you that you accept as credible. But as time goes on, you find that the person can't or won't honor the commitment made to you. What is your response? Probably you feel hurt, unmotivated to help this person, and maybe even a little vindictive. You may decide that you don't want to do business with the person again. Over time you may learn to live with it, but things can probably never be the same again. When you turn the tables and you become the boss, you can see where you can easily create sour attitudes and perhaps cause good people to leave your employ. if you aren’t careful about the commitments you make. This whole issue boils down to this principle:
CHAPTER 26-2その人が、あなたが信頼してもいいと思えるような約束をしたとする。しかし、時がたつにつれ、その人はあなたとの約束を守ることができない、あるいは守るつもりがないような様子が見えたとする。あなたなら、どういう反応をするか?恐らく傷つき、この人を手助けするのはやめようと思ったり、もしかしてちょっと復習してやろうと思ったりするだろう。二度と一緒に仕事はするまいと決意するかもしれない。時がたてば、そういうことも受け入れるようになるかもしれないが、物事は決して同じようにはならないということもありうる。立場が代わって、あなた自身が雇い主になったとき、もしも、あなた自身がした約束事をないがしろにしていたら、つらい状態に陥り、優秀な部下が自分のもとを去ってしまうという事態を目の当りにすることも起こりうる。この問題は、こういった原点に要約されるのだ。
CHAPTER 16-4A productive approach The more chances someone takes, the more likely it is that some of them will work and be highly productive. Good ideas can be so productive that I would even go so far as to say you should reward people for making good attempts, even if those attempts should end in failure. You'll know that they are thinking about what they are doing and trying to do it better. You shouldn't tolerate the same mistake made repeatedly, though. That shows a lack of judgment, an inability to learn, or just plain carelessness. You should discuss every mistake with employees and be sure that they understand what went wrong and that they have learned something from each attempt at a new idea.
CHAPTER 16-4生産的なアプローチつかむチャンスが多ければ多いほど、うまくいく可能性が高くなり、より生産的になるものだ。よいアイデアはとても生産的であるし、たとえ、失敗に終わることがあったとしても、部下に試させてみるべきだとまで言いたい。彼らが、自分のしていることについてよく考え、そしてより上手くやろうとしているのが分かるだろう。しかし、同じ間違いを繰り返し起こすようならば、許していてはいけない。それは、判断力が足りない、学習能力がない、あるいは、単に不注意だ、ということの表れだ。従業員と、失敗のたびによく話し合い、何が間違っていたのかを理解しているかどうか、そして、新しいアイデアでの挑戦のたびに何かを学んできたのか、を確認するべきだ。
CHAPTER 16-3Let's look at a sports illustration. A baseball player is considered• highly effective and is highly sought after if he gets a hit one out of every three times he goes to bat. A basketball player is a great shooter if he hits over 50 percent of his shots. A quarterback is very effective if he completes over 50 percent of passes. If we look at these athletic performances, we can see why it is so vital to allow employees to make mistakes. First, it encourages innovation. Second, the production of the passes that a quarterback does complete more than makes up for the ones that hit the ground without finding their intended target.
CHAPTER 16-3スポーツの例を見てみましょう。野球選手は、3回の打席に1回の割合でヒットを打ったら、とても優秀な選手だとされ、引く手あまたになるでしょう。バスケットボール選手なら、50%の割合でシュートを決めたら、素晴らしい選手です。クオーターバックの場合だと、50%の割合でパスを成功させたら、とても優秀です。こういったスポーツのパフォーマンスを見てみれば、従業員が失敗を犯しても許すということは、なぜ大切なのか、が分かります。まず、失敗を許すことで、改革が促進されます。また、クオーターバックがパスを成功させれば、目指したゴールを見つけられずに地面にたたきつけられてしまたパスの分など十分に穴埋めできるのです。
商品を確認しました。lot of 10で注文したのですが1点しか到着してません。残りの9点を送ってください。
Thank you for delivering the goods.I had ordered lots of 10, but I received only 1 of them. Plese send 9 more items. Thank you.
I opened two Rosetta Stones that I had received first but they didn't have the activation code. So, I can't receive the online service for them.I'm afraid that the three Rosetta Stones I purchased afterwards don't have the activation code,too, I have not opened them yet. If they are genuine, I think it is possible for them to be returned. Please take a solid action. Thank you.
Terms and ConditionsSales AgreementAll products, services and prices shown in our online shop do not constitute legally binding offers. Once you enter all of the personal contact information and click the "order now" button on the order confirmation page, the order will be considered legally binding. You will receive order confirmation immediately after the order process hs been completed. The sales agreement is valid as soon as the delivery confirmation has been sent. If you do not receive order confirmation or the delivery within two (2) weeks, you are legally no longer bound to your purchase.
諸条件売買契約我々のオンラインショップで提示されているすべての製品、サービス、価格は、それだけでは法的に拘束力のあるオファーにはなりません。個人的な連絡情報を入力し、注文確認ページの「order now」ボタンをクリックした途端に、その注文は法的に拘束力のあるものとみなされます。注文のプロセスが終了したらすぐに注文確認があなたのもとに届きます。売買契約は、配達確認が送られるまで有効です。もしも、注文確認が届かない、あるいは、2週間以内に商品が配達されない場合、ご購入行為にあなたは法的に何の責任はありません。
Foscam is a wireless or wired IP camera solution for indoor use. It combines a high quality digital video camera with network connectivity and a powerful web server to bring clear video to your desktop or smartphone from anywhere on your local network or over the Internet. The high quality video image is transmitted with 30fps speed on the LAN/WAN by using MJPEG hardware compression technology. The image resultion is 640 x 480 (300k Pixels).camera is based on the TCP/IP standard. The control, management and maintenance of the camera is done simply by using your browser to remotely configure and upgrade the firmware.Foscam camera can reach up to 7 meters of visibility in absolute darkness with 5 infrared LED's.
This item is on sale in an extremely unusual way at Amazon.Most of the items at Amazon Japan are shipped in a few days after being ordered, but this seller needs 4 weeks to ship from the stock.The price of this item you need is 500JPY, if it is a new one. If the price is acceptable to you, I will buy for you with 10% charge and the full shipping fee.The shipping fee depends on its weight and about 10$ for 1 kg.If you want to buy, please let me know. Thank you.
Thank you for your interest in doing business with St. Paul Harley-Davidson. Due to our policy agreements with Harley-Davidson Motor Company we are prohibited from selling items to known resellers. Due to this fact, when we receive emails or orders such as yours, we require a written statement proving you are not reselling the product and it is for personal use. If you can supply such documentation we will revisit and reevaluate your request. Again, I thank you for your interest in St. Paul Harley-Davidson and wish you well.
St.Paul Harley-Davidsonとのお取引にご関心をお寄せいただき、ありがとうございます。当社とHarley-Davidson Motor Companyとの業務協定に基づき、我々は、転売業者には、商品をお売りすることができません。そのため、あなたのような方からEメールや注文をいただいた場合、商品を転売するおつもりはなく、あくまで個人的なご使用のためだという証明を書面でいただく必要があります。この書類をご提示頂けるようでしたら、ご要望につき再度改めて検討、評価させていただきます。最後になりましたが、St.Paul Harley-Davidsonにご関心をお寄せいただき、ありがとうございます。 ご多幸をお祈りいたします。
I think that we should take the shipping fee shown on the Ebay page. It shows that the additional fee for PayPay is not neccessary. The direct shipment to Japan would cost 42EURO. If you have any opinion, please let me know.I'm sorry that the payment of 25 EURO the other day was a little delayed, that is because I was not used to the PayPal system and had some trouble with using it. And one more reason was that I was under treatment of cancer.I spent a few days to translate German and had difficulty in explanation the other day, I sent a reply after translatiing by the software of translation.
To ensure the timely receipt of any Cash Back payments you may be eligible for, please reply to this support ticket with your current physical mailing address, including your name, street address, and zip code. Alternately, you can reply to verify that the payment mailing address (not paypal address) in your Cash Back account is accurate.FatWallet does not share, trade, or sell this address for commercial purposes, nor will we use it to send you any unsolicited information. I'd also like to reassure you that any eligible Cash Back purchases you have made will not be affected by this audit process.As soon as we receive this information we'll be able to move forward and process your account. :)
こんにちは!今日EMSで君にCDを送ったよ!楽しみに待っていてね!EMSの追跡番号を教えるので、下記URLから検索してね。それと、FataのREMIX音源と君のNew trackを是非聴かせて欲しいな。うまく行けば僕の新しいレーベルから4月頃リリースしたいと思ってる。そして君のEPも作りたいと思ってるよ。君さえ良ければ新曲と"Mili Mola"と"Recursion"も含んだEPにすることも出来るし。是非検討してみてよ。
Hello!I sent you a CD by EMS today. Please wait for a while, I hope you will like it!I tell you the tracing number of EMS, so please check at the URL written below. I want to listen the REMIX music source of Fata and your New track. If everything works well, I hope to release them with my new label someday around April. And also I want to make your EP. If it is okay for you, the EP can include new songs, "Mili Mola" and "Recursion".Please think about my idea. Thank you.
Dear genryu.mamachida5849,Hello, Please send me the amount 164EUR + 47EUR shipping = 211EUR. to my PayPal adress: Thank You :) - bmw_guru
Did you have a good rest on holidays?We will order again soon, then we will get in touch with you. All the items delivered were fine with no problem.Thank you.
1. Selling this Floria Danica covered sugar bowl made by Royal Copenhagen. This is a very nice example by this maker and has all the makers marks on the bottom of both the bowl & lid with the number 20 over 3502. The cover fits loose and I have not had any other pieces like it from this company, so I do not know if they all fit this way? The decoration and paint along with the numbers all match fine and it looks great so I am inclined to believe it is the proper cover. I think it is in very good condition but naturally has been used and enjoyed showing very light age evident wear, no cracks, chips, crazing or repairs. I have taken a lot of pictures to show you how nice these two pieces are so ...
1. ロイヤルコペンハーゲンのこのフローラダニカシリーズの、蓋付きシュガーボウルを売ります。これは、このメーカーのとてもよい作品で、ボウルと蓋、両方の底部分に、20/3502のマークがついています。蓋は、ぴったりとはおさまりませんが、このメーカーの同じようなものを他に持っておりませんので、これが通常の蓋の付き方なのかどうか、分かりません。装飾、色づけ、ナンバリングのマークはきれいに施されており、とても美しいので、私は、これは正規品なのではないかと思っています。状態もとてもよく、ただ、当然使用感はあり、かすかに年代を感じさせる感じはあるものの、ひび割れ、かけ、ひび、修復されたような形跡はありません。たくさん写真を撮りましたので、お見せします。写真をご覧いただければ、この2点がいかに素晴らしいか・・・
If it is acceptable to you, I 'd like to have dealing with you directly, not through eBay.I' d like to pay by Paypal. Now 3 items are on sale in eBay, do you have another stock? I would be happy to buy 4 items like the last deal.Do you accept the price, 400$ for 4 items including the shipping fee to Japan? If you don't have any ohter stock, 300$ for 3items including the shipping fee to Japan would be fine to me.Please consider if my offer is acceptable.Thank you.
What is TEDx ?In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxOsaka, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxOsaka event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.
TEDxとは何でしょうか?「ideas worth spreadingの精神の元、TEDがTEDxというプログラムを立ち上げました。TEDxは、集まった人たちがTEDのような経験を共有できるような、地域限定の独自に組織したイベントです。我々のイベントは、TEDxOsakaといい、この「x」は独立して組織されたTEDのイベントを意味しています。TEDxOsakaイベントでは、TEDTalksのビデオとライブスピーカーが合わさって、小さな集団での深いディスカッション、交流が盛り上がることと思われます。TED Conferenceでは、TEDxイベントに関する一般的なご説明をご覧いただけますが、我々のイベントを含め、それぞれのTEDxイベントはすべて、独自に組織されています。