I have a strategy to succeed in selling TPMSs in Japan, as I told you at your company the other day.Its opportunity will come in 2014.I am sorry but we will not prepare a deposit for 2000 sets.What we can save is as the first estimate a 30% deposit for 500 sets, and 2000 sets of a Japanese manual & package.We will pay all the rest of 70% when the products are ready to be shipped.
Jessica, we would like you to consider the situation carefully.It is true that the cost of the development of 315 MHz products is expensive.If your company come to the Japanese market, however, it is necessary to develop 315 MHz products.This time, our company will prepare the payment for the 500 sets of the products, the TELEC certification cost, and the investment of lots of work and funds in many exhibition and promotion for Japanese companies.We believe that the Japanese market has the enough capacity to absorb 2000 sets in one year.
Hello.Still I have not received the item and I feel anxious about that.Could you check the shipping status?
I am very sorry that I did not respond to you sooner.You would like to change from roses to orchids, but I am afraid that I cannot prepare orchids.I regret to say that.I appreciate your understanding.
長く取引をしていくために、事前に、下記の項目に同意して欲しい。1. 受注したら、原則48時間以内に商品を出荷して欲しい2. 商品が売れた場合、荷物に同封が必要な資料がある。 受注したらPDFファイルを送るので、印刷して同封して欲しい3. 顧客が返品してきた際、返金が発生する。その際は、私に払い戻しをして欲しい。いま確認したい項目は以上です。何か問題が起きたら、その都度相談させてほしい。あなたも私に質問はありませんか?あなたの同意が得られれば、私はすぐに取りかかるつもりです。
To continue our good business relationship,I would like you to agree the following points.1. Please ship your products within 48 hours after you accept an order in principle.2. There is an enclosure which you need to send with your products. I will send a PDF file when you receive an order, so please print and enclose it.3. You need to pay back in the case of product returns. In that case, please send back the money to me.There is no more point to confirm for now.I would like to talk to you if any problem arises.Do you have any question to me?I will take action as soon as you agree.