I opened the item I received from you. The item inside was chipped and cannot be used. I didn't see any broken pieces inside the box, so the item could have been damaged from the beginning. Also, the box of the item is different from the photo. It has scribbles on it. I'd like to request for a full refund after the item is returned to you. If not, I would like a partial refund without returning the item. I do not want to give you a bad review.I would like to continue having business deals with you. Thank you for your kind attention.
Hikozo Hirata was a sword ornament craftsman family in the early Edo period. The founder of Hirata school. He was a master-hand of the Higo metalwork that flourished in Higo (Kumamoto Prefecture) in the early Edo period.It is said that he moved from Kyoto after Tadaoki Hosokawa. He produced mainly sword guards, and his works include "Okina-yasuri Baika Sukashi Tsuba" and "Kiku Sukashi Tsuba" (both are preserved at the Tokyo National Museum). Vein gold, crude copper and brass were used as ground metal, and iron was rarely used. He was fond of ita-tsuba (flat sword guard) with openings and engraved inlays such as karakusa-mon (arabesque). Rarely, but tsuba with Shippo (cloisonne) inlays are also found. Hikozo's 2nd and later generations continued until the Meiji period.
Would you make me a better deal if I bought both?Pls let me know if you can find these pinkys new or second hand but good condition. Pls let me know how much is the total, with shipping to makati, philippines.i received the product toda. im very happy that there were no taxes in charge.im looking forward to buy more products from you soon.I am looking for a PS4 that is Made in Japan. I found that even Japanese ps4's are made in china. I am specifically looking for the one made in japan.This object is complete? This is the notebook in the form of audio cassette?
私は、fawaz alabri さんから、A-to-z Guarantee claim を受けました。order 108-9216722-2443430 がまだ届いていないとのことです。しかし私はこの商品を、2/12に発送済みです。Japan Postで追跡してみると、2/14に私書箱保管にお届け済みになっています。もう一度ご確認をお願いします。
I received an A-to-z Guarantee claim from Mr. Fawaz Alabri. According to him, the parcel for his order number 108-9216722-2443430 has not arrived there yet. However, I sent it out on the 12th of February. I traced the parcel on Japan Post website, and it says the parcel had been sent to the P.O.Box on the 14th of February. Please check this matter once again on your end.
Your shopping cart at Vape International has been reserved and is waiting for your return!In your cart, you left:1x Slug Mod by Steel PunkBut it's not too late! To complete your purchase, click this link:
Vape Internationalでご利用頂いているお客様のショッピングカートは現在保留中となっており、お客様の再訪問をお待ちしています!お客様のカートには以下の商品が残されています。Steel PunkのSlug Mod 1個ですがまだ間に合います!ご購入手続きを完了させるには、こちらのリンクをクリックしてください。
1. ステージにはオケ。その前で 歌手は少し演技をしながら歌う。皆が出ずっぱりではなく、適宜 出たり入ったりしながら という形。2. 三日間焼しいたけだけで過ごしたこともあります。3. ハクがついた。4. あんな風に... いくらうろたえていたって、 現実には何も変わらない、 不条理なことは突然起こるもの。
1. On the stage, there is an orchestra. In front of the orchestra, a singer sings with some performances. Everyone doesn't remain appearing on stage, but they appropriately and alternately appear and leave.2. I spent three days just baking myself.3. I've gained a dignified presence.4. Acting like that... Even though you lose yourself, nothing changes in reality. Absurd things tend to happen all of a sudden.
1988年6月20日生日本、イラン、トルコ、ロシア、スペイン、イギリスのバックグラウンドを持ち多彩な言語を操るマルチリンガルアーティスト。幼児期よりダンス、ピアノの弾き語りやオペラを学び、ソングライティング、アパレルブランドのカタログモデルをもこなす。2006年ミニアルバム「ALL MY GIRLS」でデビュー。
Born June 20, 1988 She is a multilingual artist with Japanese, Iranian, Turkish, Russian, Spanish and British ancestries, and speaks various languages. From the earliest childhood, she started learning how to dance and sing with the piano, and studied opera. Also, she writes songs and models for catalogs. She debuted in 2006 with a mini album "ALL MY GIRLS".
2010年に初の全国ワンマンツアー、日本で最大級のファッションショー「Tokyo Girls Collection」「Girls Award」にも2年連続で出演。また海外では台湾、上海、韓国、NY、シカゴ、ロンドン、モスクワでもライブを行う。2008年から、NHK総合テレビと世界の180以上の国と地域に放送されているNHK WORLDの音楽番組「J-MELO」のメイン司会を務める。
Had her 1st solo tour in 2010, and appeared in "Tokyo Girls Collection" and "Girls Award" for 2 years in a row. Overseas, she held live concerts in Taiwan, South Korea, New York, Chicago, London and Moscow. From 2008, she's been a main host of the music program "J-MELO" which airs on NHK General TV and NHK WORLD, a TV channel that is broadcasted in more than 180 countries and cities worldwide.
By Takayama, you mean Hida Takayama?I went there once on an onsen (hot spring) trip. It's such a great place with fresh air. By the way, I am sorry to hear that your wind chime was stolen. but I'm sure the wind chime you bought from me will sound as good as the one that was stolen.It's in a small box, and its windcatcher is rolled. Please be careful when extending the windcatcher. The cotton half-curtain also gives this vintage feel. This is just for your info, but please note that both products had been opened for inspection purpose.
IGI5565 評価 クレームこの度はご迷惑をおかけしてすみません。深くお詫び申し上げます。今後は再発の防止に全力で取り組みます。いつかあなたの力になれることを心から願っています。それまで全力で改善に取り組みます。あなたに幸運がありますように
IGI5565 Review ComplaintSorry for the inconvenience caused. Please accept my deepest apology.I will try my best not to repeat the same mistake.I hope to be of your help one day.Until then, I till try my best to improve my services.Wishing you all the best.
ameHi. Thank you very much for shipping this item via EMS! I appreciate it sincerely. However, there is a problem with the product I received. The Taiko controller doesn't have any connection issue, but it doesn't respond to my tap.Is it possible to organize an exchange?
It makes sense, then, to provide your workers with other alternatives to sitting at the desk. One popular option is the standing desk. Companies such as Twitter, AOL, and Facebook have been offering standing workstations to their employees, and the ReadWrite team’s research into them has shown positive results – higher energy levels, higher concentration on tasks, and fewer headaches. China-based Wandoujia has also created an office that encourages employees to move around and work wherever suits them best. Tyler Cotton, International PR Specialist at Wandoujia, says that many employees choose to invest in standing arrangements enabled by various adjustable desktop platforms.
ということは、やはり席について仕事をする代わりに何か他の方法を提案するということは理にかなっているのである。選択肢の一つは立ち作業である。Twitter、AOL、そしてFacebookでは従業員に立ち作業スペースを提供しており、ReadWriteチームがこの作業方法についてリサーチしたところ、より高いエネルギーレベル、作業に対するより高い集中力、そして頭痛の減少といったポジティブな結果が得られた。中国を拠点とするWandoujiaもまた、従業員に社内で自由に移動し自分の最も適した場所で作業することを推奨している。WandoujiaのInternational PR SpecialistであるTyler Cotton氏は、従業員の多くが調整式デスクトッププラットフォームによって可能となった立ち作業を好んでいる、と述べている。
Several other options are also made available. “In addition to normal work stations, we also have lots of other non-traditional work spaces and seating such as a lounge with couches and floor cushions, booths, two astronaut chairs, and a bar lining one wall where people can stand and work or have informal meetings,” he said.5. Make food and beverages readily available Everyone knows that a hungry man is an angry man. A hungry person cannot possibly keep his or her concentration on the work at hand. After all, food is the fuel that keeps the body running. Offering your employees food and beverages as and when they need them would certainly keep them focused and energized.
その他にもいくつかのオプションがある。「私共では、通常の作業場以外にも従来とは違った、ソファとフロアクッション、ブース、2つのスペースチェア、そして人々が立ち作業を行ったり非公式のミーティングを行うことができる作業カウンターが壁に取り付けられた立ち作業スペースがあるラウンジルームなどの作業スペースと作業座席をたくさん設けています」、と彼は述べている。5. 食べ物と飲み物を簡単に入手できるようにする腹をすかした者が怒りやすいということは誰だって知っていることだ。腹をすかした者は作業中の仕事に集中することはできない。なんといっても食べ物は体を動かす燃料なのだ。従業員が必要と感じた時に食べ物と飲み物を提供することで、彼らの集中力とやる気を確実に持続させることができる。
The ‘AppFlood’ room, which is their main conference room, was painted red to signify being serious and alert, as this is the place where deals may happen or important decisions are made that influence the future of PapayaMobile. Meanwhile, the color blue was chosen for the ‘Papaya Reading Room’ to represent tranquility and wisdom.2. Allow sufficient natural light in Common sense dictates that there should be sufficient lighting for employees to work in, or they’ll spend a substantial amount of time squinting at their screens, which isn’t the most comfortable situation.
彼らのメインのミーティングルームである‘AppFlood’ルームは、PapayaMobileに影響を与えるであろう取り引きが締結されたり、重大な決断が下される場のため、真剣さと機敏さを象徴する赤で塗装されている。一方、‘Papaya Reading’ルームは青で塗装されており、これは平静さと知恵を象徴するものとなっている。2. 自然光を十分取り入れる従業員が作業する場に十分な自然光を取り入れることは通説であり、自然光なしでは従業員は目を凝らしてコンピューター画面を見ることになり、これは必ずしも快適な状況とは言えない。
Of course, Asian startups are no slouches either. Singapore-based startup Hope Technik surely rivals even the best the Valley has to offer as the proud owner of their very own rock-climbing wall – completely built by their own hands. All employees are given free access to the rock wall, and it is also open to their family members and friends.The rationale behind this is simple: play boosts productivity in people, regardless of age. Dr. Stuart Brown, founder of the National Institute for Play, revealed that play can actually lower stress levels and boost both optimism as well as motivation to move up in a company. It also improves concentration and perseverance.
もちろんアジアのスタートアップは怠け者だという訳でもない。シンガポールを拠点とするスタートアップのHope Technikは、オーナー自らがその手でロッククライミングウォールを完成させ、Valleyにも同等に張り合える作業環境を提供している。全従業員はこのロックウォールを自由に利用することができ、従業員の家族や友人の利用も歓迎している。この背景にある根本的理由はシンプルである。年齢に関係なく、遊びは人々の中に存在する生産性を促進する。National Institute for Playの創始者Dr. Stuart Brownは、実際遊びがストレスを減少させ、楽観性そして社内での出世に対するモチベーションを後押しすると明言している。また遊びは集中力と忍耐力も高める。
IGI5565If possible, I would like to keep the Iron Man instead. I do not really want to go through the hassle of posting it back to Japan and risk it being lost in the post, damaged, etc. I would like to keep this and I won't require a refund. Forget about refunding me and I will keep this instead.IGIくれ9165 I'm still waiting for the delivery. It's been 3 weeks since the item was dispatched and the tracking number provided still can't be recognized by the courier. The estimated delivery date was: March 31, 2014 - April 05, 2014
IGI 5565可能であれば、代わりにアイロンマンを保管したいと思います。日本へ返送する手間や、郵送中に紛失してしまったり破損してしまうといったリスクは避けたいので。こちらの商品を保管しますので、返金もいりません。返金については忘れてください。代わりにこちらの商品を頂きます。IGIくれ9165まだ荷物が届くのを待っている状況です。商品が発送されてから3週間経過しており、追跡確認しても郵送会社ではいまだに認証できないようです。受け取り予定日は2014年3月31日から4月5日の間のはずでした。
IGI9165 評価They are courteous and they reply to my queries, however I'm still waiting for the delivery. It's been 3 weeks since the item was dispatched and the tracking number provided still can't be recognized by the courier. No tracking info here on Amazon, had to ask for it. 2/5 as it's not entirely seller's fault (they apparently dispatched it,) but they are responsible for choosing a reliable carrier. IGI7919i didnt get it till now
IGI 9165 評価セラーは親切で私の質問にも答えてくれましたが、いまだ商品の到着を待っている状態です。商品が発送されてから3週間が経過しており、頂いた追跡番号は郵送会社でいまだに認証できないようです。Amazonでは追跡情報はなく、別途確認する必要がありました。全面的にセラーの問題という訳ではないので、評価は2/5とさせて頂きます(セラーは確実に発送しています)。ですが、信頼できる郵送会社を選択する義務もセラーにはあります。IGI 7919いまだに受け取っていません。
IGI1918Thank you very much for your revert and resending my package. But Tracking number that you gave me "RR905094225JP" seems not correct because I can't check with it at Japan Post. Kindly check and let me know. IGI9149I was told my order would arrive by April 10. Where is it? Is it really arriving by sea from Japan? This is a birthday present for my grandson! I am not happy! Please have the courtesy to reply to me at [e-mail address removed]IGI5532The cards are in English, not Japanese right?
IGI 1918お返事と再送ありがとうございます。ですがあなたから知らせて頂いた追跡番号RR905094225JPは間違っているようです。日本郵便サイト上で確認できませんでした。ご確認の上ご連絡ください。IGI 9149私が注文した商品は4月10日までに届くとのことでした。いったいどこにあるのでしょうか?日本からの船便で本当に届くのでしょうか?これは私の孫息子へのバースデーギフトなんです!非常に残念です!「Eメールアドレス」宛せめてお返事をください。IGI 5532それらのカードは英語で、日本語ではないですよね?
IGI5565I apologise for e-mailing you again, but I have still not received a reply to my previous messages. As I said in my last e-mail to you; I received the package yesterday morning, but it was not what I ordered. I ordered "The Amazing Spider-man" Hot toys. Not Iron Man. What can be done about this? As I stated before, I am extremely disappointed with the service I have received so far and I will probably be going elsewhere to purchase what I originally wanted.
IGI 5565再々申し訳ありませんが、前回送ったメッセージの返答をまだ頂いてません。前回のEメールでもお伝えしましたが、昨日朝荷物を受け取りましたが、私が注文した品ではありませんでした。私が注文したのは、「スパイダーマン(The Amazing Spider-man)」のホットトイです。アイロンマンではありません。この件に関してどうご対応頂けますか?以前にも申し上げたとおり、これまでに受けたあなたのサービスを非常に残念に思っています。私が欲しいと思っていた商品の購入は、おそらく他をあたることになるでしょう。
Often these environmental incentives function as self-fulfilling prophecies. For example, does the concentration of VCs create network effects and technology spillovers, or do VCs move to the Valley to take advantage of spillovers? Perhaps the self-reinforcing nature of these processes is the true driver of iterative development in the Valley, providing a framework whereby idea origination and execution can complement one another by drawing on the successes and failures of previous generations.With contribution by Jeff Putnam of Hippo Reads.
これら環境的なインセンティブは時に自己実現的な予言としての効力を発揮する。例えば、ベンチャーキャピタルの集中がネットワーク効果とテクノロジーの波及を引き起こしたのか、もしくはベンチャーキャピタルは波及効果に便乗するためValleyへと移動したのか?おそらくこれら自己強化型の過程こそがValleyの反復型発展の真の推進力であり、前世代の成功と失敗を引き合いに出すことでアイディアの起因と実行が互いに補い合える骨格構造を提供している。寄稿:Hippo Reads, Jeff Putnam氏