yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

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yakuok 英語 → 日本語

It makes sense, then, to provide your workers with other alternatives to sitting at the desk. One popular option is the standing desk. Companies such as Twitter, AOL, and Facebook have been offering standing workstations to their employees, and the ReadWrite team’s research into them has shown positive results – higher energy levels, higher concentration on tasks, and fewer headaches.

China-based Wandoujia has also created an office that encourages employees to move around and work wherever suits them best. Tyler Cotton, International PR Specialist at Wandoujia, says that many employees choose to invest in standing arrangements enabled by various adjustable desktop platforms.



中国を拠点とするWandoujiaもまた、従業員に社内で自由に移動し自分の最も適した場所で作業することを推奨している。WandoujiaのInternational PR SpecialistであるTyler Cotton氏は、従業員の多くが調整式デスクトッププラットフォームによって可能となった立ち作業を好んでいる、と述べている。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Several other options are also made available. “In addition to normal work stations, we also have lots of other non-traditional work spaces and seating such as a lounge with couches and floor cushions, booths, two astronaut chairs, and a bar lining one wall where people can stand and work or have informal meetings,” he said.

5. Make food and beverages readily available

Everyone knows that a hungry man is an angry man. A hungry person cannot possibly keep his or her concentration on the work at hand. After all, food is the fuel that keeps the body running. Offering your employees food and beverages as and when they need them would certainly keep them focused and energized.



5. 食べ物と飲み物を簡単に入手できるようにする


yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Of course, Asian startups are no slouches either. Singapore-based startup Hope Technik surely rivals even the best the Valley has to offer as the proud owner of their very own rock-climbing wall – completely built by their own hands. All employees are given free access to the rock wall, and it is also open to their family members and friends.

The rationale behind this is simple: play boosts productivity in people, regardless of age. Dr. Stuart Brown, founder of the National Institute for Play, revealed that play can actually lower stress levels and boost both optimism as well as motivation to move up in a company. It also improves concentration and perseverance.


もちろんアジアのスタートアップは怠け者だという訳でもない。シンガポールを拠点とするスタートアップのHope Technikは、オーナー自らがその手でロッククライミングウォールを完成させ、Valleyにも同等に張り合える作業環境を提供している。全従業員はこのロックウォールを自由に利用することができ、従業員の家族や友人の利用も歓迎している。

この背景にある根本的理由はシンプルである。年齢に関係なく、遊びは人々の中に存在する生産性を促進する。National Institute for Playの創始者Dr. Stuart Brownは、実際遊びがストレスを減少させ、楽観性そして社内での出世に対するモチベーションを後押しすると明言している。また遊びは集中力と忍耐力も高める。