I am an assertive professional, self motivated, used to working under pressure, very reliable and punctual when it comes to deadlines, self demanding, and critical about details. I am an eager reader and have a wide cultural knowledge.
My objective is to offer my services as a translator/proof-reader/editor. My peer languages are English-Spanish.
言語ペア | 分野 | 経験年数 | 詳細(翻訳内容など) | 翻訳例 |
英語 → スペイン語 | マニュアル | 20~25年 | I have been working on my own in different areas: cars, travel, cosmetic, medicine, business, marketing, computers, technology, science, culture, etc. |
稼働時間 直近6ヶ月 (時間 / 月) |
納品率 (納品数 / 受注数) |
0 時間 / 月 | 100 % (3 / 3) |