I will pay the money in advance. There will be no risk for you.For this, please show me your identification certificate first. And I will collect information such as American sale and trend and send them to you via skype or Email.The capability of skill in Japanese and English is required. You should be able to contact with me via skype. You should be interedted in fashion. (Items other than fashion may also be handled.)* The job is most suitable for females who are good at Japanese.
あなたのPAY PAL アカウントでは支払いができません。PAY PALに請求書だしてください。 配送住所を変える時、電話番号が同じために変えられません。前の住所が違っていたため。この商品はPAY PALで支払いができません、なぜですか?EBAYの新しい請求書を送ってください。
The payment cannot be made via your Paypal account.Please send an invoice via Paypal.When I change the delivery address, because the telephone number is the same, it cannot be changed.It is becasue that the address before was wrong.Why the payment cannot be made for this item?Please send a new invoice via Ebay.
Thank you for purchasing the following items several days ago!When you made the order, I said that the sale of this item would begin on ○.According to the specification of Amazon, the delay of delivery is displayed.Please change the status to "Delivered" for the present.As soon as the item begins to be sold in Japan, I will sent it at once.I will send you the trace No.Thank you for your kindness.
ロゴマークの色は黒で間違いないですか? 他にオレンジの物もあるみたいなので確認させてください。
Is it correct that the logo mark is balck? It seems that there are orange mark. Please check it.
I am covered by furs. BUt it is cold.(Kairo in hand)
Shipping & handling フィーが想定の2倍以上と高くて驚いているのですが本当ですか?
I am surpried by that the shipping & handling fee is 2 times that has bee supposed. Is that true?
私は1月19日にPayPal経由であなたに$1.0支払ました。May EbayのPurchase historyの“Paid or Not”欄に表示されている砂時計のアイコンをクリックすると、“aaaa”と表示されます。また、eBay からの自動送信メールには、“Payment expected to clear on Jan19-12.Estimated delivery:4-10 business days”と記載があります。どうぞ、しばらくお待ちください。
I paid you $1.0 via Paypal on 19th January. If you click the icon of the hourglass displayed in the "Paid or Not" column of the Purchase history on May Ebay, “aaaa” will be displayed. And in the Email automaticlly sent from eBay, there is a description of “Payment expected to clear on Jan19-12. Estimated delivery:4-10 business days”. Please wait for a while.
Thank you for the continuous good cooperation in business.I want to purchase the items I bought from you continuously without via ebay.If there are any schedule to sell this kind of items in the future, could you please consider my suggestion?Sorry for the sudden request.Looking forward to your good news.
Thank you for your questions about the item. I am very sorry to be late to contact you. As for the purchase of the SBX product in Thailan, please contact the following sales shop.Best regards.
※全文英訳ではなく、jiateng さんのようにアドバイスをお願いします。至急、海外向けネットショップの店名ですが、どれが自然ですか?1.all Japan2, all of Japan3, Everything of Japan4, Everything from Japanカメラ、おもちゃ、ゲームなどを販売するショップで、「日本のものなら、なんでもあるよ」というイメージを出したいです。3,4は長すぎるので、それに代わるキャッチーな店名はないですか?
Everything of Japan
Is this items new or used items?In the description column of the items, it is described as NEW. So I bidded at once. But when I see the title, Used is also written. If it is a used item, I am sorry to say I want to cancel the bidding.Best regards.
I see.Have the order via credit card been cancelled?I plan to use the credit card for other purpose.
至急、輸出業の社名を決めなくてなりませんが、ネイティブの感覚では、下記2点のどちらが自然ですか?「日本の力強さ」を表現しているつもりですが、1、は文法的に不自然でしょうか?アドバイスお願いします。1、JAPAN POWER 2、POWER OF JAPAN
the company name as a exporter must be decided in a hurry.Which one of the following two points is natural from the feel of natives?Is "1." not natural grammatically when to express the "power of Japan"?Please give me an advice.1. JAPAN POWER 2. POWER OF JAPAN
You must have joined Rakuten member during Rakuten credit card application step above, just access e-NAVI site. You should access it with you Rakuten member ID and password.(3)If you have Rakuten or Mitsuisumitomo , Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Mizuho Bank account and use their Net Banking service, you can register their Bank account as your transfer savings account of Rakuten credit card online. How to open Rakuten Bank account is mentioned in Life in Japan.com page. If needed,please refer to the Rakuten Bank page.If you are memeber of these banks and using Net Banking service already ,please access this page and refer to how to set your bank account as 振替口座 of Rakuten credit.
Then Rakuten credit card would be sent to you. Your certificate of alien registration (gaikokujin toroku shomeisho) must be required when you receive the rakuten credit card.And the credit card is completely usable after you send back an registration form of your bank account information, which you get when you receive the credit card. Even if you would not send back the registration form , you could use the Rakuten credit card. In the case , a bill for usage would be sent to you later.You can pay it at convenience stores.9.After you receive the rakuten credit card(1)At first, sign your name on the back of the Rakten credit card.(2)Register Rakuten E-NAVI to get Rakuten super points.
Hello! Since I ordered the above items the other day, it will be almost 5th week soon. When will they arrive? If you know the day when they are to arrive in Japan, Please let me know. Please reply as soon as possible.If I purchase many items in the future, can you give a lower price? Because I purchase the items for as an agent, I may order many. Please consider it.
こんにちは株式会社グローバルオフェンス担当 川下 と申します。私達は日本の輸入販売業者です。あなたのAをぜひ日本で販売したい。出来れば日本の正規代理店になりたい。ぜひあなた達とビジネスがしたい。お返事お待ちしています。
How do you do!I am Kawashita of Global Offence Co., Ltd.We are a import trader in Japan.We hope to sell your A in Japan very much.If it is possible, we want to be your formal agency in Japan.We hope to do business with you.Looking forward to hearing from you.
Global Tradings PTY, KTD 御中親愛なるMark様へこの度は私の広告にお返事下さいまして、本当にありがとうございました。先ほどいただきましたメールについて、お尋ねいたします。1. 御社が在庫しておられる Hurom slow juicer の型番はどれでしょうか? HU-400? HU-300? 2.受注可能な最小ロットはいくつですか?3. 最小ロットでの単価はいくらでしょうか?
Global Tradings PTY, KTDDear Mr. MarkThank you very much for responsing to my advertisement.I wan to ask you some questions concerning the your Email.1. Which one is the type of Hurom slow juicer? HU-400? HU-300? 2. How much is the possible minimum lot to order?3. What is the unit price for the minimum lot?
4. 品質を確認するために、最初の一回目は 一つだけ輸入することができますか?5. もし万一、商品が不良であった場合 保証はありますか? それはどのくらいの期間でしょうか?6. 日本の私の住所まで、送料と保険料の合計額はいくらになりますか?今回、Global Tradings PTY, KTD様から商品を輸入して、日本での売れ行きが良ければ今後も継続して購入させていただきたいと思っております。お忙しいところ、すみませんがお見積もりを よろしくお願いします
4. Is it possible to import only one piece for the first time to quality check?5. Is there any garantee if there is any failures of the items? How long will be the guarantee period?6. How much is the totla amount of the delivery fee and insurance if they are sent to my address in Japan?If the items imported from Global Tradings PTY, KTDare sold well in Japan,I will purchase more in the future continuously.Please give me a quotation.
Thank you for ordering the following items of which the sale has not yet begun now.These items will be sold on 1st, February in Japan.When the sale of the items begin, we wil send them to you as soon as possible. Could you please wait for some time?