*A good teapot is the key to a good cup of tea*When it comes to tea, most people are picky about the tea leaves they use. But to really bring out the fragrance and flavour of the leaves, it is equally important to use the right teapot. Brew the finest pot of tea with this perfect combination of form and design, the latest model from Japan./*Pretty but practical*The purse clasps closed, but opens wide so it can store more than it seems to. It is adorned with a traditional Japanese Edo-era silk pattern that adds both texture and a touch of class.
Thanks for your [email/letter/etc.]!Getting accounts with the 3 brands is great, but it seems they aren't all that well known in Japan...Let me know if there's anything else though - I'll have to ask you for help ordering products from Japan too!Good Day,I'm looking for [A], and I was wondering if you would happen to have it available cheap.Please let me know as soon as possible if you do.Thank you.
オーディションが始まった時にもいちいち「ゲイです」とは言わなかった。だって歌を歌いに来ているんだから。-adam lambert
"So much so that when Idol started, I didn't even talk about it cause it doesn't matter, I'm here to sing!"- Adam Lambert(http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xZut6b0IDXk#t=408s より、6:50~)
まわりの友達たちに比べたら、プライバシーを保つために人の何倍も努力をしなきゃならないのは事実ね。-Lindsay Lohan
It's a fact that I have to work much harder to protect my privacy, compared to friends around me.
どのパーティーでもパフォーマンスでも、必ず“ベストだった”と言える何かはあるんだ。- LMFAO
For every party and every performance, there's always something we can look at and say, "That was the best!" about.
We have faxed over the application form for the dealer contract, but we have left blank the sections we were unsure about.Please do not hesitate to contact us again if we have left out any compulsory information, or if there are any other problems with the form.
Remove validated serial numbers?Back button pressed.(File is =ファイルが )|( Image is =画像が) currently being edited. Return to list?Download failed.Error reading from file!(In) offline mode.Cannot save while offline.PDF creation complete.PDF containing line data was successfully created/uploaded!Syncing complete.Latest line data retrieved from server.Offline changes to line data sent to server.Email (address) has not been configured.Please configure your email (address=メールアドレスを設定してください)|(settings=メールの設定を設定してください)Message sending failed.(=メールの送信が失敗した) | Transmission error (=データなどの転送がエラーになった)ちなみに線データはなんでしょうか?画像の輪郭である線なら、'line data'より'outline data'のほうがふさわしいです。
All timers finished.
It looks like PayPal lists all credit card users outside of Canada, the US and the UK as having "unconfirmed addresses"... but please ship the merchandise to the same address as my previous order.Also, I will need the manufacturer's original packaging on the items, so would it be possible to send the products over in their original boxes? Packing them both together into one outer container (like a corrugated cardboard box) will be perfectly fine though, as long as the original boxes are left intact.Thank you very much and I hope to receive confirmation from you soon!
以前問い合わせした時は新品だといゆうことでしたが アクティベーションコードが見当たりません商品自体にも汚れや傷が目立ちます。 真実の提示を要求します。 中古品であるのなら中古品と申し出てください。 そしてオートマティックにインストールするとは一体どういったことなのでしょうか 説明がいい加減すぎると思います この商品はスーパーコピーなのですか しっかりと対応してください
In our previous correspondence, I was told that the item was brand new.However, the item is scratched and somewhat dirty - I can't find the activation code either.Also, saying that the product will be "automatically installed" is altogether too vague...Is this is actually a second-hand or bootleg copy? I would like to know the truth please.
The give-away campaign for these popular dolls is now on!Don't be fooled by its appearance: this isn't some showpiece to put on display. The umbrella is light enough to use on sunny days, but definitely hardy enough to keep out the rain - it even comes with a beautifully designed plastic case that you can carry it in if it gets wet. Its simple design will appeal to young and old alike - with this umbrella on hand, even people who can't stand getting wet are going to start looking forward to those rainy days!What's this, a small kimono? Nope, it's a towel! These kimino- and dress-shaped towels are perfect for adding a touch of class to your bathroom or kitchen. And because they're made of 100% cotton, they absorb water perfectly too!
日本グッドイヤーは、グッドイヤーのフラッグシップタイヤで世界戦略商品のトップグレードに位置する『イーグル F1 ASYMMETRIC2』を2月1日から発売した。新製品は『イーグル F1 ASYMMETRIC』の後継商品にあたるもので、欧州グッドイヤーが開発したハイパフォーマンスタイヤ。パターンはASYMMETRICに採用された非対称パターンを進化させ、燃費性能、耐摩耗性能を維持しながらウェット路面でのブレーキング性能を向上した。
The newest addition to Goodyear's flagship world-class and top-grade tyre series, the 'Eagle F1 Asymmetric 2', was launched on 1 February in Japan.Like its predecessor, the 'Eagle F1 Asymmetric', the new tyre is a high-performance tire developed in Europe.Improvements made to the asymmetric patterning used on the tyre have resulted in an increase in wet road braking power, while fuel efficiency and anti-wear performance are maintained.
送料の件、了解しました。商品は日本へ送ってください。私は英語もフランス語も得意ではなく、これまでのメールのやりとりはインターネットの自動翻訳サイトを使っていました。 なので、間違った解釈をしているかもしれないという不安があります。そこで、何度もお聞きして申し訳ないのですが、振込金額、口座名義人、銀行名等の詳細情報を、もう一度お知らせください。もし詳細情報に不備があった場合、多額の手数料がかかるため、再度、チェックしていただきたいです。どうぞよろしくお願いします。
I have noted the shipping charges - please send the items to Japan.One more thing: I am not proficient in English or French (I have been using online translation websites for our correspondence so far), so I can't help worrying that I may have misunderstood the details for the bank transfer. I am really sorry for asking so many times, but would you mind going through the details (Transfer amount, Bank account number, Name of account holder, Name of bank, etc.) with me one more time? I will end up having to pay higher handling charges if there are any discrepancies in the details, so please forgive me for asking for confirmation so many times.Thank you very much, and I hope to hear from you soon.
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