The shipment fee of UPS or FEDEX costs as much 1400 USD. It is rather expensive don't you think?Do you have any freight company that you would recommend?Thank you very much for your advice.
XP-400 SPOT 运用了全新散热技术,恒流LED电源。采用高科技的Luminus CBM-360-W65SD12G大功率110w LED,色温:6500k,最佳的显色性,低功耗,高效能,符合当今世界环保要求,为地球绿色,低炭做贡献。110w LED大功率光源,亮度相当普通气体放电泡400w的亮度,却有普通气体放电泡几倍的使用寿命,无需考虑日后工作灯泡消耗的使用成本及维护。娱乐场所,酒吧,酒店宴会厅等场所理想产品,COEF的品质,总是让灯光设计师及客户创造梦幻的效果。
XP-400 SPOT uses brand new heat dissipation techniques and constant LED power supply. The LED it uses is high-tech Luminus CBM-360-W65SD12G high power 110w LED. Colour temperature:6500k. It has the best display, low power consumption and high efficiency that meets the worldwide environmental standard. It contributes to a greener earth and reduce carbon emission. The 110w LED power has the same brightness of a 400w standard light bulb but with a much longer lifetime. It will save you the cost of maintenance and replacement of the light bulbs. It is suitable for entertainment places, bars, meeting rooms and so on. COEF brings qualities - qualities that the designers and customers are sought after.
マギはどんなきっかけで興味を持ったのでしょうか?友人に勧められて読み始めました。王道少年漫画ということで、何よりも漫画の面白さに惹かれて。シンドバッドが出てくる頃にはかなり夢中になって読み進めていました。新しく登場するキャラクターがどれも魅力的で、ぐいぐい引き寄せられましたね。そんなわけで、当初は漫画が面白くて、萌える!とは思ってなかったのですが。シンドリア編でシャルルカンが出て来た時に、運命の人が出て来た!と思いました(笑) -シンドリア王国の八人将が登場するあたりですね!
How did you become interested in Magi?I began to read it through the recommendation of a friend. As one of the best teenager comics, I found the comic quite interesting. By the time Sindibaad came out I really start to become attracted to this comic and continued reading it.Moreover I found the new characters appear in the comics charming and fits the story well. However I did not became hooked to this comic at first glance. It wasn't until Sindibaad came out in the Shindoria chapter that I thought he is my prince charming (laugh).-It was about the time when the 8 generals of Shindoria appeared!
シャルルカン初登場の時から、『この金髪の子が気になる。』と思っていました。容姿が好みなこともあったのですが、物語が進んでいくうちに性格にも惹かれて。『大好きだ!』と思うようになっていました。剣士だけど、女好きでちょっと軽い。でもすごく強い。そんなキャラクターに弱いんです(笑)。 -シャルルカンは、麗華さんの好みの人だったんですね! はい!容姿も性格も大好き!と思って、気づくとシャルルカンの衣装を作り始めていました。●素材は、安くても扱いやすいもの使って丁寧に仕上げることが大切
I became interested of Syarurukan by his first appearance. Partly because I thought he was handsome, but as the story progresses I also became attracted to his character. Eventually I told myself "I just love this guy!" He is a swordsman, a little bit flirty but he is really strong.To be honest, I just can't resist this character type (laughs).- I see that Syarurukan is one of your favourite characters!Yes!I love both his character and appearance! Before I have noticed I have already started to make the costume for him. ● As for the cusome material, it is important to craft it carefully with something cheap and easy to handle