This merchandise includes main goods , two controller and lithium battery in each.When I send them as luggage of airplane , I can not do more than two lithium battery.So, our shipping agency carefully will send them as two things of " main goods and controller" and "controller" .You don't pay additional fee about it.I send them with EMS.Please understand that it is the only way to ship it though also I don't satisfied that I can not send them as one.Best Regards.
I want to purchase one of this goods. Please tell me the price and delivery fee to Japan.I am going to order more amount next time if I check to find it good quality.Tell me the prices by 10 from 20 to 50 and delivery fee to Japan.
いただいたサンプルをさっそく販売したところ、かなり売れ行きがいいです。さっそく追加オーダーをいれさせてください。 お願いなのですが、23インチと32インチのマットを両方お値引きしていただけないでしょうか?日本では同じような製品が3980円(約35ドル)で売られています。この値段より上では売ることは難しいです。価格が18ドルとして、アマゾンの手数料が10.5ドルかかります。ほとんど利益はありません。下記価格を希望しますが、この価格にするには最小ロットはどのくらい必要でしょうか?
I am selling your sample which you gave me and, it can be sold well.So I want to order additionally.Do you mind if I ask you to markdown both 23 inch and 32 inch mat ?In Japan the same type products are sold at 3,980 Yen (35 dollars). So it is difficult to sell them at more price.Supposing the price is 18 dollars, fee of amazon is 10.5 dollars. After all there are no benefit.If I demand below prices , how many lots are the minimum ones of them for the prices?
I have mailed you for contract request. Then I was told that we would receive reply at later because of sickness absence of your staff , but still I have not gotten it.I think goods by your company are so high quality that many Japanese are supposed to like them.Do you have any agency in Japan now?If not, I want to do business with your company. Could you tell me your terms and conditions?Best regards.
Some adjuster can not fix at designed point and be off easily. They don't play their roll, so make sure they fix at the designed point.
Nice to meet you.The coat looks so cool.I am Japanese and can't chose size of it.Tell me the width and length of garment .
1) Are there cratering, crack, tatoo like someone's initial ,gap of lid ,distortion of lid ,crudity of plating ,chip of plating like dots ,or stable rust inside the case?2)Can river cams close stably? Cannot they ease up?
I think many disks by this maker have a lot of surface noises (back noise sound like Saaa) because of defect in manufacturing.Is this one OK?
お世話になります。昨日は、indiabuyingのスカイプ検品ありがとうございました。お伝えすることを忘れておりましたが、前回納品分、india buying社の外箱となりますが、鳥の糞等が付着しており、非常に汚い状態で、納品されておりました。再度となりますが、外箱の仕様書を添付いたしますので、indiabuying社にお伝えいただけますようお願いいたします。よろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you for your help.I appreciate for your checking the goods of indiabuying by Skype/I forgot to tell you about previous delivered goods ; the case of india buying Corp.They are delivered with very dirty statesuch as sticked with bird's dropping.I repeat to attach specification for the case andtell indiabuying Corp. about it , please.Best regards.
キリスト教の教義を論じつつ、自分がキリスト教に回心するに至った過程についても述べている。自分の人生がどれだけ罪深いものだったか、また自分が罪からどうやって救われたかを“告白”する。 罪を犯す理由は私の自由意志にある罪の判断基準は神の意志である人間の本性は善である。
I am telling how I have arrived at the spiritual rebirth for Christianity while doing the doctrine of it.I confess how guilty my life was and how I am saved from my guilt.The reason of guilt is in my voluntary.The criterion of guilt is equal to the will of the gods.The original nature of human beings is virtue.
Many leaflet could conceal the key , or we often see the key is bound at frontside in mailbox 101.I'm sorry to bother you but confirm it please.
The key could be at frontside in the mailbox.Kindly confirm it , please.