togari 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) マレー語 英語 インドネシア語
togari 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

In case of T did paid to an individual who is a dealer of T

1. In case of award for sale and promotion purposes which not related to competition event or lucky drawn event, the WHT 3% shall be applied.
2. In case of award or prize from competition or lucky drawn event, the WHT 5% shall be applied.

In case of T did paid to company or partnerships.
3. In case of whatever assessable income that T did paid to company or partnerships, the WHT 1% shall be applied.

All dealer who is an individual and company/ partnerships who received award or prize from T has liability to record income for income tax purposes, but not subject to VAT on assessable



1. コンペティションまたは抽選イベントには関係しない、売上の報奨またはプロモーションの目的である場合は、3%の源泉徴収税が適用される。
2. コンペティションまたは抽選イベントからの報償または賞金の場合は、5%の源泉徴収税が適用される。

3. Tが企業または共同経営会社に支払いを行った課税対象となるどのような収入に対しても、1%の源泉徴収税が適用される。


togari 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

hi there, I just got the item today, but I m very disappointed, because it is not a brand new item as you described on your list, this is definitely a used/opened box item and re-tape or double tape to covered it up, as a used/opened box item can t be listed as Brand new item, it is against ebay policy also the value is a lot less than a new one, here is your 2 options give me 15-20% off of let me return back to you and you have to pay for the return shipping since you mislead me to buy this item and it doesn t match the listing, please let me know what are you going to do.

