Please have JavaScript on to use this application.It is on in most of the cases, however, please check Safari>Preferences>JavaScript if the registration page would not show.
サンプルについての補足ですが、 買取りで10 月30日に出荷して下さい。 難しい場合は、青文字の条件でお願いします。 サンプルサイズ37無ければ38を下さい 。
For an additional request regarding the sample item, please ship it on the 30th of October and bill the item to us. In case if this would be difficult, please proceed under the conditions written in blue letters. We would like to have the sample with size 37, or 38 if it is not available.
We are very thrilled to announce that our first corporate presentation DVD will be delivered soon. The first volume will be "First Sales Representation Division".
I am very bored of having absolutely nothing to do.Is there any job I can do?When I am bored to death for having no job or task,I kill my time with making a chain with connecting clips.