teddym (teddym) 翻訳実績

4.7 13 件のレビュー
8年以上前 男性 30代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
8 時間 / 週
teddym 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

And access to this kind of real-time data has made a significant change in how Mikhnenko lives his life, “Now, with this thing, I’ve changed my behavior a lot. I open the windows in my apartment much more often. I close the windows in my car. I actually stopped biking in the city because it was unhealthier than just sitting in the car … although you wind up with other health problems sitting for long periods of time, but still.”

“And I got annoyed,” Mikhnenko explained, “because this [Atmotube] got me thinking about how, right now, these cars outside are slowly killing us. Because they emit carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. And these elements are deadly, and no one cares.”




teddym 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Keep your existing investors engaged and excited. The other piece of advice that I hear myself constantly reminding our companies of is to keep the existing investors engaged and excited. Too often, those monthly emails or short phone calls or coffee are taken for granted. Sure, entrepreneurs are busy. But investors start to wonder how the company is faring if they don’t hear anything. In the case of a seed extension, it’s imperative to keep the momentum, especially when the Series A marketplace may provide a negative signal. Little nuggets like customer anecdotes, compelling stats, etc. that the partner on the deal can share with her/his partners help keep up the momentum.



teddym 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Always be fundraising. Keep your eyes and ears open. One company I invested in was considering going out for a seed extension, and while they were discussing the terms of the note, an investor called asking about the A. The team ultimately decided to take a smaller amount of money from this investor, letting them get back to work more quickly.

Be realistic about the metrics required for a Series A. B2B companies need to show real revenue and multiple name brand partnerships that have progressed beyond pilots. Investors are going to peel the onion. Expect them to do real diligence with your customers. If you don’t have enthusiastic advocates using the product, be prepared for disappointment.



Series Aについて必要な基準について現実的になりなさい。B2Bの会社は本当の収支と指揮者を超えて取引された複数のパートナーシップを持ったブランド名を提示する必要がある。投資家は一つ一つ問題を解決していくだろう。彼らがあなたの顧客に対し真摯に向き合っていると期待しなさい。もしあなたがその製品の利用を熱烈にする主導者がいなければ落胆させられると思った方がいいだろう。