Thank you for the contact.I understood your claim.For this time, I will issue you a full refund including the entire amount you have transferred to me.We apologize the inconvenience caused.We are sorry to bother you, but would you please return the item to the following address?As soon as we receive the item, we will settle a full refund.I would be happy to refund for the shipping charge you have paid for the return of the item, so kindly advise how much it cost.This is the best possible condition I could offer you. Your kind acceptance of my proposal would be appreciated.Thank you and best regards.
ご連絡ありがとうございます。先ほどいただいたメールのご要望がよくわかりませんでした。再確認しますが、お手持ちのSIGMA AF170-500/5-6.3 APOレンズと、買っていただいたSIGMA 2X TELECONVERTERは、商品の故障ではなく、商品の仕様で適合していない事はご理解いただいたかと思います。対策としてはこちらは返品と商品代金の返金をご提案させていただきましたが、それではご要望に合わないということでしょうか?
Thank you for the contact.I am afraid but I could not quite understand your request in the earlier mail.Please allow me to reconfirm; I believe I gained your understanding about your currently owned SIGMA AF170-500/5-6.3 APO, and newly purchased SIGMA 2X TELECONVERTER were not defected but incompatible due to the product specification.As a measure, I have proposed for a return and refund of the item. Do you mean that this does not meet your request?
Dear goodnight. I tell him that I disagree with your answer, it is the first purchase with which I have problems and took time buying this system and even to Japan, I hope in the second instance I can deliver a better solution or accepts the product with the qualification commensurate to my expectations, which are incompatible with the product I need in which is described what I have and which I need, and otherwise in the description does not indicate any incompatibilidad.-
Goodnight さま、あなたの回答には反対ですと彼に伝えます。私の購入経験で初めて問題が生じたケースであり、このシステムの購入および日本までの配送に長く待たされました。すでにお伝えしている内容に記述したとおり、私が必要としている製品とは相容れないものですが、2度目の例ではよりよい解決方法を見出すか、あるいは私の期待に沿った同一水準の製品を受け取ることを希望します。私の手元に届いているものと私が必要としているものは、さもなくば商品説明には互換性があるなどとは一言たりとも書かれていません。
All our product prices are in UK GBP, and include VAT. If your destination is outside the EU, you are liable for all import duties, customs, and local sales taxes levied by the country you are shipping to; therefore payment will be required for customs to release your order. We recommend that you investigate potential charges before placing your order.
Thank you for the contact.I appreciate your decision to keep the item.Also, we apologize the inconvenience caused.When we shipped the item, no such symptom was confirmed.Just to be sure, I will confirm with the speciality store where I bought the item from.I will let you know once again if any.Best regards.
A社のミーティングを再アレンジする必要はありません。しかしながら、以下のMtgは行いたいと思っております。現在、調整可能な時間帯は以下の通りです。9月18日 15時以降9月19日 午前中
No need to re-arrange the meeting with A.However, I would like to hold the following meeting.Please find the below available time slots:18/9: After 15:0019/9: AM
Hi I would just like to know that I decided to keep the sony vx1000 that you sold to me. but I was just wondering if their was something wrong with the lens or viewfinder because every time I use its a bit blurry to me. even when I try to focus out or in to the camera I can still see a bit of a blur. I was just wondering if you knew anything about it. thank you
こんにちは、単なるお知らせなのですが、あなたに販売して頂いたsony vx1000 をこちらでキープすることにしました。でも毎回使用する都度レンズ又はビューファインダーが少しぶれるので何か問題があるのではないかと思っています。カメラをズームイン、ズームアウトする際にも多少ぶれが生じます。何かご存知なことがあれば教えてください。宜しくお願いします。
We are very shocked to hear his news out of the blue. We are sorry about that.We will contact you sometime next week including the inventory matter. Thank you.
I was able to settle a payment for the item by specifying the US address.However, I wish this item to be shipped to the below Japanese address.Thank you for your kind arrangement.
大変お待たせいたしました。商品は昨日発送致しました。トラッキングナンバーは 11111111 です。到着までしばらくお待ちください。この度は発送が遅れて申し訳ありませんでした。また、よければ私のショップをご利用ください。ありがとうございました。
Thank you for waiting.Your item has been shipped yesterday.The tracking number is 11111111.Please wait for another moment till the delivery.We aplogize the delay of our shipment.If interested, please shop with us again.Thank you and regards.
こんにちは、Traci。お元気ですか?日本は段々と涼しくなってきました。さて、以下の商品を注文します。・Chip resetter for Brother LC113 of 100pcs.これら100個の商品を本日発送していただく事は可能ですか?それができなければ、何個であれば本日発送していただくことができるでしょうか。以前より商品の相場も下がっているようなので値下の検討をお願いします。それでは、お返事お待ちしております。
Hello Traci,How are you?It's getting cooler here in Japan.I would like to order the following item:・Chip resetter for Brother LC113 of 100pcs.Would it be possible for you to ship 100 pcs of them as of today?If it is difficult to do so, how many pieces could you ship out today then?The market price of the item seems to have fallen, so your kind consideration for a discount would be appreciated.I look forward to your reply.
[Movie] What? Coming out from where? A Japanese service is talked about as a popular topic abroad.Japanese people are said to be the world's kindest people,but the service at a ticket office of a train station seems like the best in the world.The service offered by this station staff that a foreigned encountered while struggling with buying a ticket has been in the news abroad. Received rave reviews such as:"Japanese people indeed are kind!!""Fresh, novel, and efficient!"A call button (for assistance) is something Japanese people would hardly use, but in fact it does help indeed when in need, doesn't it?Even a Japanese person who has never pressed the call button before would be surprised, too.
When all is said and done, I fell in love with the DISI turbo engine (*^^*)Its exterior is good!!Mazda is good as it goes ZOOM! ZOOM!My rating for good is good!Be sure to test drive at least once!!!You can tell this mini van is different from others.
Here is my first impression as a starter.
I am still running in, but the engine and transmission are extremely pleasant!Especially SKYACTIVE-DRIVE is exceptional amongst of all ATs I have driven in the past (haven't had a chance to drive a luxury ones yet though).It has a natural handling for a smooth turn which is better than a silly sedan.If you are interested, give it a try. You'd fall in love with it right away! ZOOM-ZOOM!
It was delivered to me on April 13, 2014.This is a review with my first impression as of April 28.The benchmark is the first generation stream.[Exterior]The metal plated door handle of the L package goes well with its black body.[Interior]I wish some devises were added to its storage compartment, to my surprise there is nothing on the interior side of the sliding door.[Fuel Efficiency]12.3km/L for commuting 8km on each trip and having gone to the long driving twice.Things are fully equipped, but I was disappointed because it did not come with an automatic break setting (the inflated one wouldn't look so good though).
I didn't know until now how fun it is to drive a car.
Swift CVT is desired for an improvement.
Both former HV and gasoline-powered vehicle require the holistic improvement of the power unit.
My thoughts after having switched over from GS450h to LS600h.