Regarding of the painted work, although I asked the buyer of the work to sell me it many times, he didn't allow me to do.He looked like collector of Japanese old stuff.I feel so pity that I couldn't meet your request.But I told the seller who auctioned the work "Please tell me when you find good old stuff similar to this.", and he agreed.I truly hope you will grab next opportunity again. In addition, please allow that the shipping fee will be high, because "Work #1" is larger than I expected, and it's in wooden box and that makes it heavy.
We have been waiting to hear from you. We emailed you within hours of getting your order. You may want to check your spam folder. We can get the Shangri-La 5 in "Bamboo", but it is unavailable in "Evergreen" for quite some time. Please let me know your wishes.The floor is not a problem. Please let me know if it is OK to substitute the "Bamboo" for the Evergreen. If so, we can get it to you fairly soon.
ご連絡をお待ちしておりました。私どもでは、あなたのご注文受付後、数時間以内にメールをお送りいたしました。スパムフォルダーをご確認いただければ幸いです。Shangri-La 5を「バンブー」でご用意できますが、「エバーグリーン」についてはしばらくご用意できません。ご要望をお聞かせいただきますようお願いいたします。床の方は、問題ございません。「バンブー」をエバーグリーンの代わりとすることについて、問題ないかどうかお知らせください。問題なければ、すぐにご用意いたします。
Briefing Notes are available online for each presentation type which includes detailed information to assist with the uploading of your presentations. To view the speaker briefing notes and to submit your presentation, please click here <http://www.icap2010.com/speaker_presentation.php> If you require technical speaker assistance regarding your presentation/s, please email IcapSpeakerSupport@arinex.com.au
あなたのプレゼンテーションのアップロードにあたっての詳しい情報を含む、それぞれのプレゼンテーションの種類についての要約を、オンラインでご用意しています。スピーカーによる要約を見て、あなたのプレゼンテーションを提出するには、こちらをクリックしてください。<http://www.icap2010.com/speaker_presentation.php> あなたのプレゼンテーションについて、スピーカーによる技術的なサポートが必要な場合は、IcapSpeakerSupport@arinex.com.auまでメールにてお問い合わせください。
Ancient and complex, the rare blue coral reef of and complex, the rare blue coral reef of Shiraho, Ishigaki Island - part of the Ryukyu island chain, Japan's southernmost - is one of the world's biggest and perhaps oldest blue coral reefs. Though only 3 km long, it contains at least two-thieds the number of species of Australia's 2000-km Great Barrier Reef. Coral is found in Japan all along the Ryukyu chain.
太古から存在し、複雑な様相をなす、日本の最南端にある琉球諸島の一部である石垣島のシラホの貴重なアオサンゴ礁は、世界で最も大きなものの1つであり、おそらく最も古くからあるアオサンゴ礁です。3キロメートルの長さしかないにも関わらず、そこには2000キロメートルあるオーストラリアのグレートバリアリーフの少なくとも2/3の数の生物が生存しています。サンゴ礁は、日本では琉球諸島の全域に見られます。※冒頭のthe rare blue coral reef of and complex, は含まずに訳しました。※ two-thiedsはtwo-thirdsのスペルミスでしょうか。
A child's first word is one of the great milestones in life. For most children this happens when they are around 12 months old, give or take a few weeks in either direction. On average, a child has 10 words in his or her vocabulary by age 15 months and 50 words by age 18 or 19 months. And, yes, it's true that the first words learned by children the world over are usually the names for "mother" and "father." They get a lot of help with this, though.
I will have written the letter when you have come back.