石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 男性 70代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

And so the Bieber soap opera continues... The Biebs - who was accused yesterday of a 'verbal altercation' ie. gobbing off - at a male neighbour outside his home in California, has found himself in more grimy water.

TMZ have said that the man who squared up to 19-year-old newly-muscled Justin told police Justin was driving "unbelievably recklessly" through the neighbourhood in his Ferrari.

Maybe Bieber's three-sizes-too-big sneakers had got jammed in his pedals as the man reckons he was going at 100 mph. The victim was 'really upset' because it was only 9am at the time of the wheel-spinning action - and his wife was walking the dog. Or maybe it's that a teenage kid with a dodgy quiff has a Ferrari and he hasn't.


こうして、ビーバーの連続ホームドラマは続きます... ビーブスは ― 昨日『口論』すなわちいらぬ口喧嘩をして非難されました ― カリフォルニアの彼の家の外で男性の隣人に対してですが、その彼が自分がさらに汚れた水の中にいるのに気づきます。



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Clearly, the man should win a badge for his neighbourhood watch skills, as he also noticed there were children on the street because of Spring break, which means reckless Justin put the whole neighborhood - and dogs; imagine if there had been PUPPIES - at risk, with other people vouching for Justin's vehicle abuse.

Apparently, the man wasn't bothered by Justin's loud partying - maybe he's a secret Boyfriend fan - but he admitted he was fuelled with Bieber rage when he confronted him at his house and told him he was basically a berk, which is when the 'battery' allegation rears its ugly head.

Seriously, Bieber raising his puny fist to a 5'7", 135lbs bloke? What next? Toddler boxing?


疑いなく、春休みのため子供たちが通りにいることに気がついたほどですから、その男の近隣監視技術はバッジものでしょうが、これは、無茶をしていたジャスティンは近所全体を ― そして、犬も。子犬なんかもいたとしたらと想像してみましょう ― 危険にさらしたこと意味しています。さらに他の人たちは、ジャスティンの車両乱用の証言までしています。



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

– he did say that she was very supportive of his attempts to turn his band from one we’ve never heard of into one we’ve ever heard of and could feasibly play all day on heat Radio. “I would definitely call her one of our biggest supporters,” he said. You can almost feel the sexual excitement crackling off his words, can’t you?

But she won’t be able to go to all of the band’s gigs this year, because of laws. Lindsay has a mere 35 days to find a suitable rehab facility in which to spend 90-days of court ordered non-boozing, after she was found guilty of pranging her Porsche into the back of a garbage truck and then lying to the police about that thing.


– そのバンドを耳にしたことがないものから耳にしたことがあるものに変え、ヒートRadioで一日中演奏できるようにする努力を、彼女が大きく支えてくれたと、彼ははっきり言っています。「もちろん、彼女を我々の最大の支持者の1人と呼びます」と言いました。まるで性的な興奮が彼のことばからパチパチ響いてくるような気がしませんか?


tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

3.5 Editing Front, Center & Back Green Locations
To make changes to the Swami 4000 green locations, you must be on the hole you would like to edit. To begin, press and hold [Page] key for 3 seconds while on the Play Mode screen. The top of the screen will read “Map” while editing the green locations.

2. Next, stand with XXX at the point of new green location. (Example: If you are editing the front of the green,stand with the XX at the point you wish to mark as the new front of the green).
3. Press [Enter] key while at the new location of the green. A pop up message asking “Map New Front?” will appear. Use
the [Up] and [Down] keys to confirm the new location. Swami will change the GPS location after you select [OK].


3.5 グリーンのフロント、センター、およびバックサイド位置の編集
Swami4000のグリーン位置を変更するには、あなたは編集したいと思うホールにいなければなりません。まず、Play Modeスクリーン表示で、3秒間[Page]キーを押したままにします。

2. 次に、新しいグリーン位置のポイントにXXXで立ってください。(例:
3. グリーンの新たな位置にいる間に、[Enter]キーを押してください。ポップアップ・メッセージが現れ、「新たなフロントをマップしますか?(Map New Front?)」と尋ねるます。[Up]と[Down]キーを使って、新しい位置を確認してください。あなたが[OK]を選んだ後に、SwamiがGPS位置を変更します。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Auto Hole Advance*: Swami 4000 will automatically switch to
the next hole without the use of the [Up] and [Down] keys.
*This feature will only work if the Swami is physically brought onto
the putting green for each hole. The Swami recognizes that you have
finished your current hole and will switch to the next hole automatically.
If the Swami is not brought onto the putting surface, user will need to
manually switch to next hole.

Score card will provide relevant information for each hole of the
golf course. Press [Page] key when at the Play Mode screen to
access the scorecard. Information displayed by the score card
menu is as following:
•(will change according to the hole number selected on Play Mode screen)


自動ホール・アドバンス*: Swami4000は、[Up]と[Down]キーを使わなくても、自動的に次のホールに切り替わります。
* この機能は、Swamiが物理的に各ホールのグリーン上に移動させられた場合に限り働きます。Swamiは、あなたが現在のホールを終えたことを認識し、自動的に次のホールに切り替わります。

Play Modeスクリーンのときに、[Page]キーを押してスコアカードにアクセスしてください。スコアカード・メニューで表示される情報は次の通りです:
•(Play Modeスクリーン上で選択されるホール番号によって変わります)

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

To turn the unit off, use the [Up] and [Down] keys to select
Power Off and press [Enter].

After you turn on your unit, select Play option from Start Menu and press [Enter]. The Swami 4000 will search for surrounding courses that the device supports. When the device has found the courses, it will list them. Use the [Up] and
[Down] keys to select your golf course, then press the [E] key.
(Note: First time use may take several minutes to locate the satellite, please reference Satellite Location Time in the Basic Specifications chart on page 4).

Press the [Up] and [Down] keys if you need to change the hole
number. Play Mode will now display the distance to the Front,
Center and Back side of putting green for current hole.


装置をオフにするには、[Up]と[Down]キーを使ってPower Offを選択し、[Enter]を押してください。

(注意: 初回使用時には、サテライトを見つけるのに数分かかるかもしれません。どうぞ、4ページの上の「基本スペック」チャートで「サテライト・ロケーション・タイム」を参照してください)

Play Modeには、もう現在のホールのパッティング・グリーンのフロント、センター、およびバックサイドまでの距離が表示されています。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

A stately addition to any rustic southwestern retreat. Rich auburn hues, rust, faded denim, and distressed yellow-brown triangles give this pattern an ageless beauty.

The Voices Diamond Rio Rust Area Rug features dozens of diamond shapes for chic, geometric style.
It's made from highly durable nylon yarn in the USA and has a vibrant, desert-inspired palette of rust red, sandy tan, indigo, and pale blue.
Use it to add some pattern punch to your Southwest-style space, or lay it down for a bold touch in a rustic, woodsy lodge.

The yarn system is fade resistant, antimicrobial and commercial grade tested for heavy traffic.
The yarn cleans easily with hot water eliminating the harmful effects of chemicals.



Voices Diamond Rio Rust Area Rugカーペットは、シックな幾何学様式の、数十個のダイヤモンド形を使っているのが特徴です。


tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

they tell me this is the only KOA that is available now
Taylor just sent me this information.Guitar will look like this.but all A GRADE KOA
We cannot build that guitar You cannot change the wood on a PS14ce And we cannot use the PS inlay on a Build to Order
He can build a Koa BTO with some of the features: Armrest, backstrap, pau top inlay, etc… but we do not offer the PS inlay in BTO. It is kept special for the PS series.
I will build something close and send a quote.
Custom GA with a F cutaway, ebony binding and armrest... A Grade Koa all over, and the OLD style Presentation inlay on fret board, headstock and bridge... That inlay is called Byzantine. This is as close to what he wants as I can build in our system.


テイラーがちょうど、私にこの情報を送ってきたところです。ギターはこんな感じですが、すべてA GRADEの KOAです。
当社ではそのギターは作れません。PS14ceでは木材を変えられません。また受注生産ではPS象嵌が使えません。彼は次のいくつかの特徴のあるコア材のBTOを一本作れます。アームレスト、バックストラップ、パー材トップ象嵌他… とかです。しかし、当社ではBTOにPS象嵌はできません。それは、PSシリーズだけに特別に限定されています。
Fカッタウェイ、黒檀の縁飾りに、アームレスト付きのカスタムメイドのGA...。 全面A Gradeのコア材で、かつ興亜とフレットボード、主軸台とブリッジにはOLDスタイルのプレゼンテーション象嵌...。その象嵌は、ビザンチン風と言われているものです。これが、私が当社のシステムで作れる範囲で、彼が望むものに近いものでしょう。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

iPhone 5S' components to ship in May ahead of 3Q launch

The sometimes reliable DigiTimes citied upstream supply chain sources as saying the May timeline could yield a next-generation Apple handset by the third quarter, largely in line with analyst expectations and the company's usual annual refresh cycle.

It was reported earlier in March that Apple would debut an "S series" update to its iPhone lineup alongside a low-cost handset in August. Other estimates peg the release a bit earlier in the June to July period, while one rumor claims Foxconn has already started production of the "5S" on the same assembly lines as the current iPhone 5.


iPhone 5Sのコンポーネンツ、第3四半期の発表を控え5月に出荷予定


他の予想は、発表は6月から7月の間ともう少し早めに設定していますが、一方あるうわさでは、フォックスコンが現在のiPhone 5と同じ組立てラインで「5S」の生産をすでに始めたと主張しています。