I'm very sorry to have troubled you so much. I just sent out the return postage today. Thank you.
About condition, it showed on the picture, you can tell there is the dent around 7 Fret.If you want to check anything before you buy it, let me know.
Me and my boyfriend we always wanted to try diving, finally we made it this time and we had a lot of fun. Kato was our Guide (instructor) , he was really nice and funny. We were having fun even if we haven't in the ocean. lolI thought it's going to be raining, but fortunately weather was nice and we were able to do diving. In the ocean, i saw this amazing blue world, many colorful fish, and sea turtle. It was just incredible. If i go to Yakushima again, i will do the same thing.
Thanks. I appreciate the great photos and info. I would like to know if the mandolin comes with a case (original, hard case or soft case)? I live in New Jersey, USA, so would you send it via Japan Post EMS, Airmail or Economy Airmail (SAL)? My concern is it may be in transit for 2-3 weeks. So, would you consider $3,500 US for the mandolin and then charging me for 3 day Japan Post EMS? I priced it out (for approximately 4000 grams or 9 pounds) so shipping for 3 day post from Hiroshima Prefecture to New Jersey appears to be about $240. Please let me know your thoughts.
素敵な写真とそれに関する情報提供ありがとうございます。ところで、マンダリンはケース付きでしょうか(ハードケースかソフトケース)?私はアメリカのニュージャージー州に住んでいます。そこで方法としてJapan Post EMSかエアメール、もしくはエコノミーのエアメール(SAL)の中からお願いしてもいいでしょうか?不安な点としては、2週間から3週間かかるかもしれないという点です。もしよければ、マンダリンの値段をアメリカドルで$3,500の価格にしてもらい、私の方で3日間で届くJapan Post EMSの代金を支払うというのはどうでしょうか?こちらで総合費を計算した結果、(マンダリンの総量が約4000g または9パウンドになると思うので)海外への総量は広島からアメリカのニュージャージー州までは、アメリカドルで$240かかる見込みです。どうかご検討のほどよろしくお願いします。 そちらの考えも聞かせてもらえると光栄です。
GXシリーズのB footは当店・メーカーともに在庫がない状況です。もしお待ち頂けるようであればお客様分として発注することは可能です。ただし、現状メーカーでも生産が追い付いていない状況で、入荷がいつ頃になるかハッキリとは申し上げられませんが、最低でも発注から半年程はかかるかと存じます。価格につきましては、$Aとなります。なお、お客様分として発注する場合は、高額商品で受注生産となるため、先にご決済を頂いてからの作製となります
You ordered GX series B foot is out of stock both in store and warehouse right now.If you do not mind waiting longer, we could place an order for you.Since we have high demanding on this product, we have no crew when this product will be on line next yet.It usually takes at least 6 months from the date you order.It will be $A.Also, if customer will choose to place an order, it will be the original price which means highest one. Payment needs first.
Thank you for your email. I'm very sorry to hear that you haven't received your order just yet. Your ankle boots should be with you by Monday the 2nd of February . I'm really sorry for the delay so to make it up to you I've arranged for your delivery charge to be refunded. Depending on your card issuer or bank, the money can take 5-10 working days to appear in your account.We'll be in touch in the next 48 hours to let you know all your refund details. So you will have your boots by next monday. Again I'm really sorry for the delay. If there is anything else I can help you with please let me know.
Looking for exactly Totoro house, we started looking for the land which has over 330m².It was worth looking for several places, we finally found the perfect land looks like came out from movie"My Neighbor Totoro" . This land is combined with 2 over 330m² for house part and farm part. For roof part, we decided to go with big gable roof so it looks nice with surrounding and has a tranquil feel to it.Those big windows let the winds go in from rice field and small river. Also, there is a veranda with cloister-style will be a great spot for each seasons. Building this house was all about based on these environment naturally and feeling comfortable.