Ich habe Amazon gefragt, wie man stonieren kann.Bitte beantragen Sie selbst eine Stonierung oder eine Rücksendung in der Erwerbshistorie.Ansonsten können Sie nicht stonieren.Ich bitte Sie um Ihr Verständnis.
Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihre Bestellung bei uns.Ich muss Ihnen mitteilen, dass ich Ihnen versehentlich nur eine Ware gesendet habe, obwohl Sie zwei Waren gestellt haben. Leider befindet sich keine Bestend der Ware mehr und ich kann sie Ihnen nicht mehr versenden.Deshalb zahle ich Ihnen die Hälfte Ihres gesamten Betrags zurück.Ich bitte Ihnen um Entschüldigung.Ich würde gern Ihnen "" für meine Entschuldigung schenken.Bitte teilen Sie uns per Email mit, falls Sie Fragen oder Wünschen haben.Ich stehe Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
#william日本に発送をした場合、到着までどのくらい時間がかかりますか?前回同様、IDバンドやパターカバーは付属しますか?$450で日本に発送していただくことは難しいですか?#willSLDR TS 3 Woodsを1個、Hybridを1個、購入を検討しています。Hybridのロフトは何度になりますか?もし、希望のロフトであればHybridも購入します。2個購入する場合は、$260、1個(SLDR TS 3 Wood)の場合は、$160でいかがでしょうか?
#williamHow long will it take for the delivery to Japan?Does the ID band and the patter cover included same as last time?Is it posible to send to Japan with postage $450?#willI am considering purchasing a SLDR TS 3 Woods and a Hybrid.What is the angle of Hybrid loft? I would like to purchase it if the loft is what I am looking for.Would it be ok for you paying $260 If I would purchase two of them, and paying $160 if I would purchase a SLDR TS 3 Wood?
There was nothing we could do even we tried to send our product to you.We advised Amazon that a system error won't happen again.You gave one star review to our store.It was not our mistake that we couldn't sell our product because of the system error of Amazon.Could you kindly delete your review?We would greatly appreciate it.Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
Good day, and can you ask the someone to open the machine? i know you are not enginee, so am i . And if need pay for someone check or repaired money, i will pay for you. Can you are not the just need to check the cable, whether they are loosing or not, just need to make the cable( The Red cycle Parts,) more tighter, so the machine can click into the screen, not just stay in one picure, here is our factory show me the pictures , and they ask me to tell you to check it. I know..it is really inconvience ,but now you also do not ship the problem machine to me. We should solve it together, dear, do you have any good suggestions?
Thank you for your oder of A and B.I have two things I would like to check regarding your order.1. Please note that AA you ordered is not the cartridge of BB.2. Is it ok for you to ship two items together? In that case you can get 2.5$ discount, we will refund you the discount after shipping.I will be waiting for your reply.
壊れた実物を見せた方がダメージレポートの記入がスムーズに進むのではないかと思ったのですが、返送の必要はないことを郵便局で伝えたほうがよいかもしれません。• カップの価格は約40ドルです。• 発送するときはギフトにチェックを入れて発送します。• "bill"とはインボイスのことですか? いずれにせよパッケージの中には入れないとのこと了解しました。あなたのご協力に感謝いたします。わたしは英語がよくわからないので、読むのも書くのも時間がかかってしまいます。どうぞご理解ください。
I thought that filling a damage report runs smoothly if you would show the damaged staff, but it would be better to let post office know that there is no necessary to send it back.Cup(s) cost(s) about 40$.Check a "Gift" checkbox by shipping.Does "bill" mean invoice? We understood that we will not put it into the package.Thank you for your cooperation.Please understand that it takes some time for me reading and writing in English, because I don't understand English very much.