4. Google will continue to not make acquisitions in Asia.Google is perhaps the most global Silicon Valley company I can think of in terms of its userbase. Yet, most of its commercial focus has continued to remain the US and Europe. With the majority of its revenue still coming from its core search advertising business, Google doesn’t gain much by aggressively pursuing users, new technologies, or even advertisers in Emerging Asia. This isn’t to say that they will not grow their business organically in Emerging Asia; just that M&A dollars are far more easily justified in their home market. I’d love to be proven wrong with this prediction.
I focus in this post mostly on investment activity, not broader predictions about attractive new opportunities for startups and VCs because:- such predictions are easier to evaluate within a defined period, and- other trend predictions will either take longer than a year to play out or likely occur within a year but be so banal as to be meaningless.So there you have it.
I had an impression that the control of the paddle shift slacked off twoard the end even with Sport mode and it often shifted the gear to what the driver didn't intend but well, it's more plaesing than nothing. CVT's control worked much smoothly than I expected. I have thought that the control of CVT worked choppily due to the experience of the driving my company's car and my wife's car but I didn't feel like that with this car at all. The control was very smooth and I thought CVT has been evolving.【Trunk】It's very spacious.
Some articles sometimes say that Fit shuttle expanded its trunk by halves even though Fit has adequately wide trunk and it doesn't make sense. However, Fit shuttle's expanded trunk is quite benefit for me. First, 26 inch granny's bike fits in and then the space behind the rear wheel house is broad as the body was extended and for better or worse, the wheelbase is the same as Fit. It is very convenient for us who are golfer. A golf bag can't be fit in if there's a projection of the wheel house. It is quite convenient that the space behind the rear wheel house is wide to load a golf bag.
This's a souvenir for you. Please feel free to help yourself.I have 8 years experience as a network engineer and have 4 years experience as a customer engineer.My English level is beginner .I'd like to work with you all that I'll talk to everyone without hesitation.Feel free to talk to me as well.That's it.
Dear Seller, Thank you for your recent contact.Please be assured that we are continuing to work on the registration of your account, and we do not require further documents or information from you at this present time. We will be in touch as soon as further information is available regarding your account.If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at any time using the link below. (https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/contact-us/contact-amazon-form.html)We thank you for your patience during the account verification process.Kind regards,The Amazon Payments Team
売主様へご連絡ありがとうございます。私共は引き続き貴殿のアカウント登録作業を行っており、今のところこれ以上資料や個人情報の提供をお願いすることはありませんのでご安心ください。アカウントの件で進展があり次第ご連絡させていただきます。もしもご不明な点などがございましたら、以下のリンクをご利用の上、いつでもご連絡ください。(https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/contact-us/contact-amazon-form.html)アカウント認証、もしばらくお待ちくださいますようお願い致します。敬具The Amazon Payments Team
I should've told you to write down a lower price for the camera on the package paper :) I was at the customs today and i've paid the taxes. It's ok, no worries.It's just that they don't ask for taxes if the price indicated is symbolic :) 'cause they don't much understand of cameras.
包装紙にカメラのもっと安い価格を記載するようあなたにお伝えするべきでした:) 本日税関にて関税を支払ってきました。無事終わりましたのでご心配なさらないでください。ただ、価格が記載されていれば関税に引っかからないというのが印象的だったので:) 税関の人達はカメラのことをよくわかっていないようです。
呼吸合わせる様にそっと髪を撫でる心地良い孤独夜空彩って行くよ 寝ぼけならもきみはまた腕をせがむ痺れてる腕もう一度君の元へ 思い出すんだ今日の些細な会話しぐさ悔しいんだけど全て愛しいよ 淡く混ざり染めてくよ滲みだす想い 夜空に浮かべた星を数えて【いつか】が影を落とし立ち竦むねぇ?夜にずっと包まれていたいよ瞳閉じたくないよ時よ止まれ 混ざり合う世界の天秤がまた傾きはじめて影を落とすよねぇ?弱くて情けないそんな自分を知るよ全部埋め尽くして
Stroke your hairAs if adjusting breathingSoothing solitudeIs colouring the night skyYou ask for my armBeing half asleepThe numbing arm Reaches to you once againRemember the today's Petty conversation and gestureIt's mortifyingBut they're all sweetGetting mix and paint palely Oozing feelingCount the starsFloated on the night sky【Some day】 casts a shadowAnd stands transfixedHeyI want to be envelopedIn the night foreverDon't want to close my eyesWish time could stopScale in the mingling worldStarts to incline Again and castsThe shadowHeyFind out myselfWeak and miserable Please fill me all
Top 10 Innovative New Apps Made in TaiwanWhat is the first thing that pops into your mind when people mention Taiwan? Hot chicks, mouth-watering night market food, fascinating culture, or beautiful scenery? Soon you may be adding innovative apps to that list. These are my top 10 mobile apps from Taiwan:.1. Whoscall (iOS and Android)This caller ID app helps you to identify unknown incoming numbers through an internet search and a community report within seconds. It gives short descriptions of the caller on your phone so you can evaluate whether to answer the phone or not. Very useful to drop calls from sales companies.
台湾の革新的新アプリトップ10誰かが台湾の話をする時、まず初めに頭に浮かぶことはなんだろうか?魅力的な女性達、食欲をそそる夜間市場の食べ物、興味深い文化、もしくは美しい風景だろうか?間もなくあなたはそのリストの中に革新的なアプリを加えることになるだろう。これらが、私の携帯用アプリトップ10である。1,Whoscall (iOS、Android)この発信者番号アプリはインターネット検索やコミュニティーリポートを通して発信者不明の着信を識別する手助けをする。電話に発信者に関する短い説明が送られるので着信を受けるかどうか判断することができる。販売会社からの着信を拒否するのに大変役立つであろう。
2. Burn The Corn (iOS)Burn the Corn is a fun and adorable iOS game. Basically your objective is to swipe the screen in order to torch the uncooked corn kernel into delicious popcorn. The more popping you do, the higher the score. The cute graphics and the screaming sound effect makes it even more likeable.3. Jade Ninja (iOS)Jade Ninja is a ninja-themed game for iOS. Your objective is to slash your enemies using the right kind of weapon while protecting the ninja girl from enemy attack. Personally I really love the graphic design, and the cool characters and weapons that are featured in the game.
2. Burn The Corn (iOS)Burn The Cornは面白くてかわいいゲームだ。基本的な目標は調理前のトウモロコシの粒に火をつけて美味しいポップコーンにする為に画面をスワイプすることだ。とうもろこしが弾ければ弾けるほどスコアも上がる。かわいらしい画像や叫び声の音響効果がアプリをよりかわいらしくしている。3. Jade Ninja (iOS)Jade NinjaはiOS向けの忍者がテーマのゲームだ。ゲームの目的は忍者の女の子を敵の攻撃から守りつつ正しい種類の武器を使って敵を切りつけていくことだ。個人的にグラフィックデザイン、そしてゲーム内のかっこいいキャラクターや武器が大好きだ。
4. Waygo (iOS)Waygo uses your phone’s camera to translate Chinese characters into English. It works even without an internet connection. It is extremely useful for expats living in this region or for tourists visiting Mandarin-speaking countries. Check out our story on the app from when it was called Waigo.5. Popapp (iOS)Here’s a great one for app devs. Popapp helps you to simulate a prototype app design drawn on paper. It basically transfers your sketched designs on paper into digital form. The best part is that you can share it with other designers working on similar apps or with reviewers so that you can refine the UI before you’ve even coded the app.
4. WaygoWaygoは携帯電話のカメラを使って漢字を英語に翻訳してくれる。インターネットへの接続がなくても使用することができる。このアプリはこの地域への外国人移住者もしくは標準中国語を話す国々への旅行者にとても便利だ。このアプリはWaigoと呼ばれていたがその時からのアプリに関する記事調べてみよう。5. Popapp (iOS)これはアプリの発展において最高のものだ。このアプリは紙に描かれたアプリの試作品をシュミレートするのに役立つ。アプリは基本的には紙面のスケッチデザインをデジタル形式に変換する。最大の魅力は同じ様なアプリの製作を行っている設計者達や批評家達とデザインを共有でき、アプリをプログラムする前にユーザーインタフェースを改良することができる。
6. iCook (iOS and Android)iCook has more than 24,000 recipes to choose and learn from. It has a variety of dish categories for you to explore and each dish page provides you with the ingredients needed and also the step by step cooking process. It is very popular in Taiwan with over 500,000 likes on its Facebook fan page. Check out our story on the app.7. Cytus (iOS and Android)You have been warned: This is a highly addictive mobile music game with over 60 original songs composed by famous musicians from all over the world. You will love it if you’re already a fan of games like Guitar Hero.
6. iCook (iOS、Android対応)iCookは24,000以上のレシピの中から選んで学ぶことのできるアプリだ。さまざまなジャンルの料理を検索でき、それぞれの料理ごとに必要な材料や調理過程を段階的に載せている。台湾ではFacebookのファンページで500,000以上のいいねがついていてとても人気だ。7. Cytus (iOS、Android対応)警告を出しています。: これは世界中の有名なミュージシャン達によって作曲された60曲以上ものオリジナル曲を使ったとても中毒性のある携帯用ゲームだ。もし既にGuitar Heroの様なゲームのファンであればあなたはこのアプリを気にいるだろう。
8. Fog of World (iOS)This iOS app gamifies your travel experience. The concept is a bit like DotA. Each location on the map will only be clear once you travelled to that area. Fog of World actually acts as your travel journal and helps you explore new areas.9. WhatsTheNumber (iOS and Android)Hard to locate addresses and numbers from a search engine? Type in the search term on WhatsTheNumber and the app will summarize all available info and present only the number and address. You can even press dial to call, save the contact details, and share this information with your friends.
8. Fog of World (iOS対応)このiOS向けアプリはあなたの旅行経験をゲーム化する。ゲームのコンセプトは少しDotAに似ている。地図上の各ロケーションはあなたがその場所へ旅行した時点でクリアになる。Fog of Worldは実際に旅行記録としての機能を果たし、そして新しいエリアの探索を手助けしてくれる。9. WhatsTheNumber (iOS、Android対応)サーチエンジンで住所や電話番号を探すのは大変ではないだろうか?WhatsTheNumberに検索したい言葉を入力するとアプリが入手できる全ての情報を集約し、電話番号と住所のみを提示する。電話をかけることもでき、詳細な連絡先を保存して友人と情報を共有することもできる。
10. Golater (iOS)This app helps you to bookmark the places you read about via the web. After you have bookmarked them, you can locate the all the places on a map and it can even give you directions to navigate to the desired destination. It is very relevant for overseas trip planning and the best part is that you can share the planned route with your friends.Of course, there are many other popular and innovative apps from Taiwan like Cubie and iPeen, but I think the 10 above deserve more coverage.
10. Golater (iOS対応)このアプリはインターネットを通してあなたが表示する場所にブックマークするのに役立つ。ブックマークをした後は、地図上の全ての場所を検索することができ、希望する目的地への道順を案内してもらうこともできる。アプリは海外旅行の計画を立てるのに適しており、最も優れた点は計画した経路を友人と共有できることである。もちろん、台湾には他にもたくさんのCubieやiPeenの様な人気で革新的なアプリがあるが、上述の10のアプリがメディアに取り上げられるにふさわしい。
hello I'm interested in that beer dispenser. However, I was worried that there would be customs has to be paid by me. Can you verify if there would be a customs charged or not?
MICE国際競争力強化へ観光庁は8月2日、MICE国際競争力強化委員会最終とりまとめを発表した。昨年11月からMICE国際競争力強化委員会において、我が国のMICE誘致競争力を強化する方策について検討した内容を「我が国のMICE国際競争力の強化に向けて~アジアNo.1の国際会議開催国として不動の地位を築く~」と題し報告書にまとめたもの。※詳細については、8月23日発行の展示会とMICE vol.9で、MICE推進担当参事官の内田浩行氏のインタビューをご覧ください。
MICE intensifies the international competitivenessJapan Tourism Agency annouced the finalize plans by MICE Enhancement the International Competitiveness Committe on August 2th.The strategy to consolidate the competitiveness for the attraction of MICE in Japan has been exmained by MICE Enhancement the International Competitiveness Committe since last Nobember and they are compiled in a report entitiled 'Moving towards enhancement of international competitiveness in Japan ~ Obtaining a permanent place as the best host nation in Asia for an international conference~' .*For more information, please see the interview of Hiroyuki Uchida who is a counselor on MICE impulsion at our exbition and in MICE vol. 9 which will be published at August 23th.
八ヶ岳の星野リゾートでマイス塾日本ホテル教育センターはが開催しているMICE塾では10月8日・9日の2日間、「MICE塾 in 星野リゾート~オフサイトミーティングは、リゾートホテルで。」と題して、八ヶ岳で体験型出張講座を開催する。星野リゾートのマイス担当者が企業のオフサイトミーティングなどの取組みなどを語る。リゾートホテルや旅館の平日集客の向上、中小宴会場を企業ミーティングの場などに提供する方法など、日本MICEの課題について語り合う場となりそうだ。
MICE management school at Hoshino Resort in YatsugatakeMICE management school which is hold by The Japan Education Centre for the Hotel Industry will have an experience-based course entitiled 'MICE management school in Hoshino Resort ~ Having off-site meeting at a resort hotel' in Yatsugatake for two days at October 8th and 9th.The person responsible for MICE in Hoshino Resort is going to give a speech about their approaches to an off-site meeting. Moreover, the tasks imposed on MICE Japan such as attracting more guests in a resort hotel and a Japanese style hotel on weekdays and how small and medium size banquet halls can be offered as the place for a business meeting.
I'm sorry but we can not understand his requestPlease note that due to an error loading the set but in fact turns out to be new and used complete with all the pieces of the box and instructionsWe look forward to a confirmation to proceed with the shipmentGreetings GIOCHIENONSOLO
残念ながら私共は彼の要求を受け入れることは出来かねます。読み込みエラーの為、全箱の部品及び説明書の一式は実際には新品と中古のものを合わせてそろえておりますことをご注意くださるようお願い致します。出荷続行の承認をお待ちしております。敬具 GIOCHIENONSOLO
※グレード・年別・車種環境によって装着できない場合もございます。当LED電球は、日本品質で製造され 高品質で明るく・長寿命・省電力細かい溶接で設計されております。LED ルームランプ トヨタ アバロン対応 4点セット合計 4個で1セット発光色:白色対応車種:トヨタ アバロン型式:UZF101対応年式:2010.3~純正球よりも非常に明るく、1個あたり1Wですのでかなりの省電力です。
Depends on your vehicle's on-vehicle material, production year and condition, there are some cases which LED light bulb can not be installed.Our LED light bulbs are manufactured with Japanese qualities which are high quality and bright and long service life and electrical power saving besides they are designed with delicate weld.LED room-lamp supported by Toyota Avalon four-piece setTotal 4 pieces to a setEmission Colour: whiteSupported vehicle line: Toyota AvalonModel Code: UZF101Supported model year: 2010.3~This light bulbs are brighter than a pure bulb and as they generate 1watt of electricity per a bulb, they are fairly power saving.
Applicable to each vehicle typesIt lights up a car interior with incomparable brightness than a normal light bulb.High-intensityIt is half as bright again as the normal light bulb and illuminates a dark floor clearly.Long service lifeIt rarely blow out.Electrical power savingIt lights up a car interior with incomparable brightness than a normal light bulb.Its power saving is fifth to compare with the other. If it was used for long time, the battery would not be damaged.Easily exchangeable.You only need to replace the normal bulb with LED. Any special skills are required to install it in a car.