Noted with your comment. But, I only can wait one week at most. I will not accept delay longer than one week. But, I like you a lot and would like to purchase a lot of items from you. If I don't receive the items within one week, would you mind refund me at that time? Once I receive the item, I will make payment immediately. I wish I could be more generous, but we do this for business. I hope you understand my situation. In the future, I would like to purchase from you over $10,000 a month. I want us to be great business partners. I am very glad that we met. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
I am sorry for my response delay! I didn't notice the message from you.Thank you! I am very proud of my wife as well. I will let you know when we are having a baby in the near future!!So, your sons are 13 years old and 11 years old! I think they would be in middle school and elementary school if they were in Japan. Your family pictures made me happy because everyone in the picture looks very happy :)Please allow me some more time for the cage. I apologize for the delay because I want to weld for my new light cage at the same time.
美山里山舎 京都の奥の方、茅葺で有名な美山に、ちょっと変わった場所があると聞いてやってきた。この日は「味噌作り体験」の日だった。地元のおばちゃんたちによるご指導で作られた味噌が美味いらしい。Photo&Text by tamachanggこの美山里山舎をつくった大工さんはだいぶだいぶ変わり者で、偏屈に近いかもしれない。最近は小水力発電をいろいろ試そうとしているようで、この家の前の水路にはプロペラがついた発電機械がくるくる回っていた。
Miyamasatomama-houseThe story about an interesting place in Miyama, which is well-known for thatch located in deep into Kyoto, brought me here. Today was “Miso making experience” day. Miso made by local ladies is supposed be wonderful. Photo & Text by tamachanggThe carpenter who built this miyamasatoyama-house is very an interesting person, or I should say eccentric. He has been recently trying various small water power generators
For now, the power is barely enough to light a miniature bulb. But, his goal is to supply all power by himself for his living without depending on power companies someday. “I will keep living comfortably at this house that I built myself in Miyama generating my own power even if all over Japan is polluted by radiation.”Mr. Koseki, the carpenter, talked. He thinks this is his shelter. I thought Mr. Koseki who speaks strong Kansai (Western) direct is from Osaka or somewhere around Osaka, but in fact, he is from Setagaya, Tokyo.
kira karacho京都の中心部である四条烏丸にcocon烏丸という大きなショッピングビルがある。ここの一階を入った左手にあるkira karachoのショップに初めて入ったとき、それまで「古風なもの」だと思い込んでいた日本伝統の文様が、強烈に新しいもののように見えた。Photo&Text by tamachangg当時の店内には唐紙のポストカードが敷き詰められるように並べられていた。その様子はまるで、パレットから絵の具を選ぶような感覚で、
kira karachoThere is a big shopping mall called cocon Karasumaru, in Shigyo Karasumaru, center of Kyoto. When I first entered the shop, kira karacho, located on the first floor on left side, I saw Japanese traditional "Monyo", which I thought "antique" till that day, as a completely new thing. Photo & Text by tamachanggAt that time my visit, there was a bed of postcards made by Kara paper in the all over the store. It was as if I was picking paints from palettes.
I purchased a bunch of postcards, priced JPY500 per postcard, to imitate that palette at home.Kara paper is one of Japanese traditional crafts, and mainly used for Fusuma paper. Although Fusuma for places such as Katsura Rikyu and Nijo Palace must be restored with Karacho's kara paper, public demand for Fusuma paper has been falling. Aiko Senda and Akihiko Toto, a married couple, are the ones who are trying to develop Kara paper as art by using it as modern living space interior.
かみやま徳島県の神山町。ここでは既に2000年頃から、アーティスト・イン・レジデンスとして、年に三人づつ、応募で選ばれたアーティスト達が二ヶ月間この地に滞在し、現代アートをつくっている。Photo&Text by tamachangg現代アートと地域再生という切り口では、新潟の大地の芸術祭や、香川の瀬戸内国際芸術祭のような派手にやっているものと比べてしまうと、ここは誰に連れていかれるでもなく行ったとすると、どうしたもんかという感じなのではなかろうか。
KamiyamaKamiyaka, Tokushima-prefecture. Three selected artists, who applied for this project, stay this town for two months as “artist in residence” to create modern arts every year since 2000. Photo & Text by tamachanggComparing other big modern art and local regeneration collaborations such as Daichi Art Festival in Niigata and Setonaikai Art Festival in Kagawa, you may feel confused to see this place if you come here alone without any guide.
There is no prominent museum. No well-known artist is creating works. “We do homespun things smart.”Mr. Ominami, president of Kamiyama Green Valley, states firmly that “Art is just a tool for local regeneration”. Many people discuss about the modern art in various ways, but as a matter of fact, that is not a point.
有名であろうと、無名であろうと、アートに関わることがきっかけで、地域のおばあちゃんが学芸員のように語るようになったり、都会から若者が集まってくるようになることに真の意味があるはずだ。彼は 1979年、つまり僕が生まれた年に、スタンフォード大学に留学していた。そして神山に帰った。そうやって一度神山を強烈に外から見た体験が「泥臭いことをスマートにやりよるんよ」という言葉に詰まっているように思う。
The true meaning lies when local ladies start talking it by involving the art, or young people start visiting the town from big cities regardless of the artists are unknown or well-known. He went abroad to Stanford University in 1979, the year I was born. Then, he went back to Kamiyama. His experience to see Kamiyama from outside powerfully is packed into his statement, “We do homespun things smart”.
枝枝魯魯ぎろぎろ、と読む。京都の木屋町にある、9品食べれて3,800円の創作割烹料理店。でもただ安いというだけではないのです。Photo&Text by tamachangg写真右上は、このお店のオーナー兼店長兼料理長の枝国栄一さん。通称:大将。京都のみならず東京、名古屋にも系列店を出すプロデューサー。たまたま通りかかって見つけたときから気になって気になって気になって、今日やっと辿り着いた!なかなか予約がとれなくて、それも予約がとれても夜の10時まで待たされて。
Giro GiroOriginal culinary art restaurant in Kiyamachi in Kyoto that you can have 9-course at JPY3800. This place is not only for a bargain. Photo & Text by tamachanggEiichi Edakuni, an owner and a chief chef of the restaurant is in the right upper picture. His nickname is Taisho (General). He also a producer for affiliated restaurants, not only in Kyoto, but also in Tokyo and Nagoya. I have been wanting to go there since I found it by accident and I finally got here today! It was so hard to make reservation, but I've got my reservation at last, but still had to wait till 10pm.
I have already completed the return process at amazon.com. Please kindly refer the detail information at amazon.I will return the item according to amazon policy.
Hello. Thank you for your assistance all the time. I understood. I will ship it to your address. I will let you know the tracking number once shipment is arranged. I am relieved with your sincere handling. I would like to place order for the item now. Can I get 10 units of that item?Please send me an invoice. Sooner I get the item, more I can purchase. I trust you.And, I really like you.I hope to continue having great business partnership with you.
I don't have talent.But, I have great men.I have wonderful friends.I am thinking about establishing new business.Tomorrow, I will kick off my new business while eating thick juicy stake. Let's do something fun with funny friends. Can't stop laughing. Gales of laughterI am determined to start new business like that.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Please mail item(s) to: Attn: Returns CenterP.O. Box 1368Arcadia, CA. 91077-1368 Please write a detailed note explaining the reason for your return and include the invoice or the order confirmation email in the package. Let us know whether you prefer an exchange or refund on the item price. As soon as your return package arrives at our facility, we will process your request promptly.
ご迷惑をおかけしまして申し訳ございません。下記まで商品を送付下さい。Attn: Returns CenterP.O. Box 1368Arcadia, CA. 91077-1368具体的な返品の理由を書いたメモと請求書、または荷物に入っていた注文確定メールを同封下さい。交換、または商品価格の返金、どちらをご希望かご連絡下さい。返品商品が当社に届き次第、お客様のご依頼に迅速に対応させていただきます。
この度購入したwater carですが、全く動かないので、返品したいです。10個の内、8個返品します。いいですか?また、どこに送ればよいか、教えて下さい。そして、送料を返金するのにきいていたe-mailアドレスは、次のところです。返品分と一緒にご返金下さい。宜しくお願いします。
The water cars I purchased do not work at all. So, I would like to return 8 out of 10. Please kindly confirm if it is ok with you. Please also let me know the return address. The email address for refunding the shipping fee is mentioned next. Please refund together with the returned items price. Thank you for your understanding.
I just need to know specifically which Amazon package in your account needs to be returned.Please let me know the date it arrived and the tracking number is listed in your account. If you can give that to me as well I will know which package needs to be returned.
1. I understood. I will not pursue listing on amazon in other country. I still have not opened up my online shopping site. It may take some time, but I will let you know once I open it up.For now, I will try various ways to sell the item on the Yahoo!.2. Due to the system trouble in Paypal Japan, my payment has been blocked. It will take about one week to be released. I will inform you once my payment is released. Thank you for your understanding.
How many are No. 30490 items per box (the box is specifically made for No.30490 transportation)? (From our past import experiences, there were 24 sets of No. 21108 in one special box made for 21118, totaling 144 units.)I also would like to know the dimension (H x W x L) of the box for NO. 30490. This information is crucial in order for me to make decision of shipping method by reviewing the cost for air shipment. I greatly appreciate your cooperation.
I apologize for my response delay. The item is currently put on for sale, but I have not sold it yet. There are accesses to my page, but no one has purchased yet. The item is definitely a great product. I can see that this item is been sold at amazon at pretty good rate. However, the customer's recognition is still low at Yahoo!Would you consider for me to sell at amazon? I promise that I will not sabotage people who are selling the same item at amazon.I will set the same price as well. I greatly appreciate your consideration.
Hello. Thank you for sending me the invoice. Currently, Paypal Japan requires identification verification for new user and the process is taking a while. I promise to make payment, so your patient will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.