The forwarding agent has received the package; however, the content is missing due to the unsealed package. Did you pack it properly? Since this is apparently your error, could you please refund the money?
I am very satisfied with your job. Let me ask one question. For example, let’s say that I bought 200 records in one store and packed into 3 boxes. And, assuming that the amount is JPY 200,000 and weight about 40kg, how much does it cost to forward to Japan? XXX Company quoted me that it will cost additional $70 administration fee on top of transportation fee and forwarding fee. How much would you charge? Record = 200Number of Box = 3Weight = 40 kgPlease kindly quote me with above example.
Thank you for your quick arrangement for the shipment.I will place the feedback as soon as I receive the item.
No. Please go ahead arrange the shipment.Please kindly inform me a tracking number when it's available.
アプリ開発者様/サイト運営者様向けAdMakerのサービス内容や、 登録フローについてご説明します。ご不明な点はお問合わせ下さい。利用方法AdMaker導入から広告収入の振込みまでの流れを掲載。AdMakerが提携する海外アドネットワークAdMakerは世界第3位の配信量を誇るSmaatoや、BuzzCity、mojiva,ZestAdzなどのグローバルアドネットワークと提携し、相互の広告配信をしています。
For Application developer / Website operatorWe explain service contents and registration process of AdMaker. Please feel free to contact us for any question.How to useWe posted the flowchart from introduction of AdMaker to receiving advertising income. Overseas Ad Network that AdMaker affiliated withAdMaker affiliates with global Ad Networks, such as Smaato, BuzzCity, mojiva, ZestAdz, and mutually deliver the advertisements each other.
Domestic Network that affiliated with AdMakerAdMaker affiliated with MicroAd Inc., OPAST by Searchteria.Co., Ltd., impact by i-MEDIA DRIVE Inc., and AppDriver by Adways Inc.How to useWe posted the flowchart from introduction of AdMaker to receiving advertising income.
New Registration of Account MediaIn order to use the AdMaker, you will require to register the account information and information of application/website you have. Please apply inputting required information on registration form and agree to the terms of use by clicking below button. Management page and Advertisement URLAfter completion of registration, we will notify you URL for AdMakerSDK download and management page information via email when application is processed. In addition, we will review the registered media and contact you within 2 business days.
SDK implementation & releaseOnce you received notification of passing our review, please go ahead implementing the SDK to the application. Once you confirm the advertisement is actually delivered, please proceed releasing it on application market. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact our support department.Registering account informationIn order for us to pay advertisement income, please register your account information from management page. Please kindly note that our payment is limited to bank account.
確定レポートと御支払い報告書の発行管理画面では、日次の速報レポートをご確認いただけます。確定レポートは翌月5営業日以内に管理画面よりダウンロードしていただけます。 合わせて御支払報告書もダウンロードできますので、弊社に請求書を発行する手間をかけることなく、広告収入をお支払致します。
Issue of settlement report and payment confirmation report You can check the flash daily report on management page. Settlement report can be downloaded within 5 business days of next month by downloading from management page. At the same time, you can download payment confirmation repot, which make us enable to pay you advertisement income without having you issue the invoice.
Payment for advertisement incomeWe close your account at end of month and pay month after next. However, if the advertisement income was less than JPY 3,000, the income will be carried over to next month. Ex.) If you earn August Advertisement income: JPY 2,000 / September Advertisement income: JPY 3,000, JPY 5,000 will be paid to your account at the end of November.
This is a click charge type advertisement delivery service. By only installing AdMakerSDK into the application, the text advertisement and banner advertisement will be delivered and earn profit whenever it’s clicked. Our service is used by popular Free Top ranking application in AppStore. Please see “functions and features of AdMaker” for details.
AdMaker Rewardとは、ノボットとアドウェイズが共同提供するスマートフォン向けCPI(Cost Per Install)課金型の成果報酬型広告(アフィリエイト)サービスです。導入することでバナー形式以外の形式での広告収入を得ることが可能となります
AdMaker Reward is an incentive fee base CPI (Cost Per Install) charge type advertisement (affiliate) service for Smartphone provided by co-sponsored of Nobot and Adways. By introducing this service, you will be able to earn advertisement profit on any type of advertisement other than the banner type.
AdMaker RichAdとは、アプリ上で起動する、エンターテインメント性の高い広告です。ゲーム性のあるインタラクティブなコミュニケーションを訴求するクリエイティブから、動画・画像・音で体感して楽しむクリエイティブまで様々な広告が配信されます。※Medialets社と共同で提供しているサービスです。
AdMaker RichAd is the highly entertaining advertisement that runs on the application. From interactive communication appeal with a game element to virtual entertainment with movie, image, and music, various advertisements can be delivered. This is being charged based on impression. This allows providing deeper brand penetration opportunity by positive contact of the advertisement, presenting fresh virtual experience. *This service is co-sponsored with Medialets Inc.
今回購入させていただいた商品の問題についてご理解ありがとうございます。XX$返金頂くということで了承いたします。いただいたメールアドレス宛に修理用部品代金のPAYPAL billのキャチャーを送付しますので私のPAYPALアカウントにXX$返金してください。よろしくおねがいします。
Thank you for your understanding regarding the issue with the product I purchased this time. I will accept $XX refund. I will send a Paypal bill catcher for the repair parts amount to the address I received. Please kindly refund me $XX to my Paypal account. I greatly appreciate your understanding.
Your debit card and PIN are only issued once your application has been processed. Your PIN number is posted separately from your debit card for security purposes. Please allow up to seven working days for processing and delivery of your card and PIN before contacting customer services.To check whether your application has been processed, log in to your account and click ‘Prepaid MasterCard’ in the left-hand menu. If your application is processing, you will see a message that reads ‘Thank you for applying for EcoCard Prepaid Debit Card. Please wait while we process your application’How do I cancel my card?If your card is lost or stolen
お客様のデビットカードと暗証番号は、お申込書の手続き完了後初めて発行されます。安全のため、お客様の暗証番号は、デビットカードは別に記載されおります。手続き完了とカード及び暗証番号の発送は最高7営業日頂きますので、カスタマーサービスへのお問い合わせは、7営業日後にお願い致します。お申込書の手続き状況に関して確認されたい際は、お客様のアカウントにログインし、左メニューにある「プリペイドマスターカード」をクリックして下さい。お申込書が手続きされていれば、「エコカード プリペイドデビットカードへのお申し込みありがとうございました。お申込書の手続きが完了するまでしばらくお待ち下さい。」というメッセージが表示されます。カードの解約はどうすればいいの?もしカードを紛失したり、盗難にあった場合。
In order for the customer to understand the condition of record, we post as many record pictures as we can. The record is shiny overall, and in excellent condition. Jacket shows only a slight mark of the ring. As you can see from the pictures, some paper has been peeled off, but there is nothing serious. This is valuable piece even in Japan. Please do not miss this opportunity. This is my first time to post the merchandise. I will be posting beautiful records and instruments from Japan, and one-of-the-kind products that only Japan could offer. I am looking forward to serving you the best. Thank you.
東日本大震災義援金のお願い2011年3月11日(金)午後2時46分ごろに発生した東日本大地震の被災者への義援金の募集を実施いたします。 日本各地に甚大な被害がもたらされており、現在、懸命の人命救助、復旧作業が行われています。 Conyacではユーザーの方々がお持ちのコニャックポイント(購入、或は翻訳報酬)を手数料なしでそのまま寄付出来る仕組みを作りました。 募金に要する手数料等は全てConyacを運営するエニドア社の負担とし、1ポイント=1円が募金されます。
Monetary Donation for East Japan EarthquakeWe would like to ask your assistance to collect the monetary donation for East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011 at 14:46. The significant damages are reported in various areas in Japan. And, we are struggling to make lifesaving and recovery effort today. Conyac created the system to donate your Conyac points (purchased or reward) to donate without handling fee. Anydoor Inc. will be responsible for all the handling fee that associated with this donation and 1 point will be calculated as JPY1 donation.
[Donation to be sent]Japan Red CrossAnydoor Inc. will deliver the all donated amount (point) to Japan Red Cross in responsible manner. We extend our sincere sympathy to all who live in the disaster areas.
大阪には道頓堀という地名がある様に、江戸時代の大阪は幅が50mもある堀川が東西に張り巡らされていた。人々は密集した民家の火事を恐れ、家財道具を堀川の舟に積んで非難する事が習慣だった。その習慣が津波の餌食になるという痛ましい教訓を残した。 ところがその249年前に実は同じ地震による津波で、多くの死者を出していたのである。これが宝永地震(1605年)である。安政南海地震後の大阪・大正橋の石碑には、舟に逃げて津波に襲われる事への教訓が、生かされなかった悔しさが刻まれている。
As the name “Dotonbori” (Doton Moat) in Osaka describes, there was a 50-meter wide moat stretched from East to West in Osaka during Edo era. When fire occurs, people used to put their furniture and household stuff on the boat to evacuate from the fear of the spread fire in close-packed houses in the area. And, a tragic lesson was left as a reminder that the custom resulted in a lot of victims of Tsunami.However, according to the history, Tsunami that was caused by massive earthquake killed a numbers of victims 249 years before this tragic. That is Hoei Earthquake (1605). On Taisei bridge in Osaka, the stone monument for Ansei-Nankai Eeqrthquake stand, which was inscribed the chagrin that unable to put the lesson into the good use, the lesson attached by Tsunami while escaping by boats.
You are, of course, entitled to a full refund for these costs. As I can see, the item arrived here on 16.03.2011. Please allow a longer period for any returns from abroad.Furthermore, as the result of seasonal fluctuation, our Returns Centre is processing more returns than usual. We apologise for any possible delay.Please be assured, however, that we will issue the appropriate refund as soon as the item can be processed.On the date the refund is completed, we'll send you an e-mail message confirming the date, amount and payment details.Completed refunds information can also be seen when you visit "Mein Konto" at the bottom of the order summary page of your respective order.
当然、この費用の全額返金させて頂きます。商品がこちらに2011年3月16日に到着したと確認できます。海外からの返品には多少お時間を頂きますことをご了承ください。また、季節的変動要因のため、当社の返品センターは通常以上の返品の手続きを行っております。手続きに遅延が生じる可能性がありますことをお詫びいたします。しかし、商品の返品手続きが完了後、可及的速やかに適切な返金を行いますのでどうぞご安心ください。返金完了日に、返金日、金額の詳細を確認メールを送付させていただきます。返金官僚の情報は、「Mein Konto」ウェブサイト上、発注概要ページの該当発注品の画面下でも確認する事が出来ます。