Regarding the shipping and its work duration, it is planned from April to January same as last year. Of course, the timing may vary depending upon your issuing a PO, therefore, could you let me know when to issue the PO?Also, an estimate if dispatching workers onsite is not received yet from A company, so please wait for a moment. However, I should say it is hard to dispatch engineers from Japan realistically.
Here is a notice!What a brilliant thing ever for such.Oh my goodness, I will be invited as Patreon of 〇〇.I will be an instructor of the lecture on that day.As I am not good at English, ◆◆ will interpret simultaneously.I really thank 〇〇 that I been given such a wonderful opportunity.Best regards.
Today I received an item. Usually, the accessories of this brand along with an envelope including a card for guarantee and cards which are shown on the photo comes with the item, but it wasn't included in the package at this time. Could you check whether it was missing or not? If you missed including it, would it be possible to send it? With regards.
Please delete all the photos and videos of XX that are posted on social media. It is hard to believe that you mentioned my name and opened photos without any permission to the public anyway. That’s personal information. For the protection of privacy, please promise me not to do things like this anymore. When taking photos, I should have told them not to post them on social media, but I thought it was just for showing them to a family member.
了解です。2000円でGTに提示します。彼らが25000 株を買った場合、UQには5000万円の収入、4750万円の差益。
Yes, I understood.I will show the 2000 yen to GT then. If they will buy a share of 25000, UQ earns 50 million yen and 47.5 million yen for the marginal profit.
As for the mistaken expense which you pointed out, I am afraid to ask you now but, could you tell me the cost of which model it came from?Could let me know of the case where you shared before? I have checked the enquiry and their answer thoroughly, but I could find any. I need to revise the calculation if there is an expense for acquiring to A. We understood the expense of C includes B. But that was for only a month, so we need to add them all together for an entire year. However, the information was not shared.
As the explanation was not understandable, it was short on specifics, and it resulted in not giving comprehension to customers.To achieve the goal, they said that there is a gap between each goal and the demand of the market. It was hard to see the attitude of working for the goals positively. Also, it was unclear to act in order to improve the PDCA cycle by themselves. It seems not to fit the style of running like our business.Moreover, it is far from understood as an adaptable fighting potential because of not experiencing the sales towards small to medium enterprises. However, we felt that they want to make efficient of the task through their experiences so far.
お返事ありがとうございました。あなたのお父様が日本人だとお聞きして、とても親近感が湧きました。嬉しいです。私はPaypalでお支払いしたいので、$780 USD + shipping costs +95 USD をお支払いします。送料はわかりますか?分からなければ、取り急ぎ、$875-をあなたにお支払いします。あなたのpaypalアドレスを教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。
Thank you for your reply.I feel an affinity with you so much because your father is Japanese. I am delighted to know that. As I would like to pay by PayPal, I will pay $780 USD + shipping costs +95 USD then. Wondering how much the shipping charge is? I will pay $875 for now.Could you let me know your address for PayPal?With regards.
硬い土壌でも楽に砕けます。また、雑草を根こそぎ掘り起こせます。丈夫さと、軽さと、便利さを1つに併せ持った便利なアイテムです。digging, weedingなどの用途にお使いいただけます。鍛造品です。ハンマーによって鍛えられた鋼は粘り強く、耐久性にすぐれ頑丈で、長く扱えます。ハンドルは、日本製の椎の木を使用しています。ガーデニング、家庭菜園に-こちらの片手ホーはしゃがんだ姿勢での、畑仕事や庭先での除草作業、花壇の植え替えなどの狭い場所での作業に適した商品です。
It can easily break hard soil.Also, it can dig weeds by the root.A convenient item with toughness, lightweight, and easy-to-use. You can use the hoe for your digging, weeding and more. Forged product: Steel forged by hammer is robust and durable and it gives you a long time to use. The handle is made of beech tree made in Japan. Perfect for gardening, kitchen garden, a single hand hoe is a suitable product for your fieldwork, weeding, and transplantation work in a narrow space with a squatting posture.
それではご説明よろしくお願い致します。 当社側でこの場で何か質問のある方はいらっしゃいますか。私からは特にございません。 頂いたスケジュールで進めるのはあまり現実的ではないと思いますので、改めてご相談させて頂けますと幸いです。 本日はお忙しい所ご説明頂き有難うございました。 ご説明頂いた内容については社内にて再度確認の上、東京支店の鈴木さんを通じてご連絡させて頂きます。 引き続きよろしくお願い致します。
Then, please begin to explain.Is there anyone who have questions on our side? I don’t have any especially.It is not realistic that we go on the schedule which was given, so please let us consult about the matter.By the way, thank you for your explanation while you must have been busy today.What you have explained to us will be confirmed at our office again and I will contact you through Mr/Ms Suzuki at the Tokyo branch.We appreciate your continued cooperation.
Hi, thanks for your reply.I have no idea what to do about the matter, so I am sorry to put you in any trouble at this time.I also have a responsibility not to care of the package for a month.And, it seems to be hard to find where the package was missing.For this reason, I will give up the matter now.
Hi, the item is stored at the transfer company in the US now. Therefore, it does not arrive in Japan yet.The transfer company says that the package includes 2 pieces of printed articles and does not include a handkerchief.You said that you sent a handkerchief.I am at a loss that the item is missing.For this reason, I would like you to make a contact with the transfer company.
Entrance Bookとは、御社の採用コンテンツを整理して取りまとめて1つのブックにしたものです。2016年頃から採用広報がトレンドとなり、各社様々な採用コンテンツ(採用広報コンテンツ)が世に出されたかと思います。ただ、企業様によってはとんでもないような数の採用広報が生まれ、作成したときによってはその内容が古い、新しいなどの問題点が生まれてしまい、採用コンテンツ「過多」になってしまう、と言う事象が発生していました。
Entrance Book is a book summarising the contents of recruitment of your company. Since 2016, the public relations for recruitment became a trend and various contents for recruitment seemed to go out into the world, but because of an overwhelming number of public relations for recruitment depending upon companies, the contents have issues such as becoming old or new, therefore, it brings about the excess situation for the content of recruitment.
これはUX(User eXperience)としては良くなく、整理する必要がありました。そこで「Entrance Book」と言う、これまでの採用コンテンツを整理し、抜粋し、掲載をする、つまり、「Entrance Bookだけ見ていただければ、ある程度自社の事は把握できる」と言う使い方として生まれたものがEntrance Bookでした。その内容だけでも十分に候補者様のニーズを満たしており、Entrance Bookだけで情報収集を完結する事は可能です。
This is not well for UX (User eXperience), therefore, sorting and summarising were necessary.Then, we created the “Entrance Book”. This is what the contents for recruitment are to summarise, extract, and publish. The book delivers “the idea to grasp overall information regarding the company which you are looking for”.This allows needs from candidate to complete gathering necessary information by Entrance Book.
前項で話をした内容とやや矛盾してしまうのですが、御社の採用コンテンツを「抜粋」して作成したEntrance Bookの内容量であっても、候補者様にとっては情報「過多」になってしまうことがあります。名前も知らない企業から仮にスカウトメールを受信した場合、つまりあなたはその企業のことを「認知」していない状態になります。認知をしていない状態にもかかわらず、Entrance BookのURLを送られてきても、情報「過多」になると思いませんか?
This might be a contradiction a bit from what we talked about in the preceding paragraph, but, even the volume of the Entrance Book which was created using your content of recruitment, For candidates, it might become an excess of information. What if you receive a scouting email from an unknown company, that means you don’t recognise what that company is. Don’t you think it is an excess situation of information if a company sends the URL of the Entrance Book while you don’t recognise it?
3/1に銀行(xxx.com)からAAA Inc.様(sales@aaa.com)あてへ、代金の送金確認メールが送信されています。そのメールのリンクをクリックして確認作業を行わないと送金が完了しないようになっております。メールを確認してください。リンクの確認期限が過ぎていた場合は、再度送金手続きを行いますのでご連絡ください。
To AAA Inc(sales@aaa.com) from bank (xxx.com) on the 1st of March.The confirmation email of remittance of the payment was sent.The remittance is not completed unless you click the link on the email.Please make sure the email. In case of the expiry of the link, please let me know as I will process the remittance again.
鍛造品です。忍者くまで呼ばれている商品で、土壌を砕いたり、雑草を根ごと引き抜いたり、枯れ葉を集めたりするのに非常に便利です。日本製のハードウッドを使用。持ちやすく、軽量なハンドルで長時間の作業でも疲れません。プラスチックやファイバーグラス製と違い、丈夫で長持ちします。 丈夫な構造で壊れにくいです。長く使用できます。鋼鉄製の爪は鍛造で制作されているので、非常に頑丈です。錆びにくく、メンテナンスもしやすいです。金物で有名な兵庫県で制作。本物の鍛冶職人の手によって制作されています。
A forged product/Ninja Rake. Handy to use for crushing soil, weeding together with roots, or raking up fallen leaves.Made of Japanese hardwood. Easy to carry, No tiredness even for long time use by a light handle. It is more durable and long-lasting than made of plastic or fibreglass. Durable and with a mechanism of hard to break. Long time usable. As the steel claw is made of forging, it is durable remarkably. It is rustproofed and easy to care for. Produce in Hyogo-prefecture, which is famous for ironware. Hand-made by genuine blacksmiths.
Aについては、特に規定はありません。Flow rateが減れば圧力が下がり、増えれば圧力が上がるだけです。ただ全く空気を流さない状態だと製品の内部に液が入り込みますので、ある程度は空気を流す必要はあるかと思います。耐差圧については、図面に記載の通りBになります。貴社が検討されているflow rateを考えると、全く問題が無い耐圧かと思います。A単体としての耐圧やFlow rateについてはご連絡出来ますが、機器としての設計はあくまで貴社のスコープになることはご理解ください。
As for A, there are no specific regulations. If the flow rate decreases, pressure also decreases. If the flow rate increases, the pressure increases. However, when the air doesn't flow completely, the liquid comes in internally, so that the flow of air is somewhat needed.As for the resistance of differential pressure, it is as shown on B. To consider your flow rate, it will be good differential pressure as you expected.We will reply on the withstanding pressure and flow rate as for A alone, please note that the design as an equipment is a scope of your company.
Thanks for your contact.As the payment was completed, you cannot return to the 【Payment】page.Would it be possible to change the method of shipping through 【Shipment】page?
・Personal insurance2021年分の個人保険は2020年12月に記帳してしまったため、2021年にこの勘定科目は使用されていません。2020年に2年分の個人保険が記帳されています。・Accounting fee2021年2月に前の顧問税理士との契約は解除されました。2021年の税務申告は別の税理士に依頼し、2022年1月に報酬を支払いました。・Other costs役員変更を登記するための費用が含まれています。
・Personal insuranceAs for the personal insurance towards 2021, it was recorded to December 2020, so the account title is not used for 2021. It is was recorded to the personal insurance for 2 years for 2020.・Accounting feeThe contract over the previous tax advisor was cancelled in February 2021. The tax return for 2021 was requested for another tax counsellor and we paid the remuneration in January 2022.・Other costsThe expense for the registration of changes of officers is included.