steveforest (steveforest) 翻訳実績

5.0 9 件のレビュー
6年弱前 男性
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
技術 旅行・観光 食べ物・レシピ・メニュー
steveforest 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Prebound books are paperback books that require reinforcement for use in a library. Contemporary paperback books are bound with a cardboard or paper cover, and their pages are bound with glue instead of staples or stitches. Paperback books are cheaper to manufacture than hardcovers, but they are not as durable. Hardcover books require less reinforcement for use in libraries. Usually, a new dust cover can be added to the hardcover book to preserve it for frequent use by library patrons.

Library binding is the process by which prebound books are reinforced for use by patrons of a library or book-lending system. The pages of paperback prebound volumes are sewn in place where only glue held them together before.



steveforest 英語 → 日本語

The spines of paperback books are also strengthened to prevent breakage and splitting. The primary purpose of library binding is to prolong the life of the paperback book as an intact volume. It also makes the book easy to open for reading and photocopying purposes.

Library binding is a process outsourced by libraries to binding companies. The most common method used to library-bind books is called oversewing. In oversewing, the cover of the paperback's spine is removed, leaving a bundle of loose pages. The pages are then separated into smaller bundles that can be sewn together easily, after which all of the bundled pages are sewn together using an overlock stitch.



steveforest 英語 → 日本語

We are currently filing your backdated UK EC Sales list. Just so you know EC Sales list is filed quarterly (ie Jan-Mar/ Apr-Jun) in UK which we are doing from the 1st quarter of 2019 (Your first filling was Feb 2019). However, we wouldn’t be able to do the 1st quarter of 2019 as we do not have your sales transaction for Jan. There are a few options that you could consider, just so you know all options have elements that might trigger an audit.

1.Complete the EC Sales lists from Jan 19 - Now and include Jan's data without looking at anything else
2.Complete all of their EC Sales Lists from the start date of the VAT registration with no VAT return correction


私どもは現在、貴方の過去のUK EC Sales listをファイルしております。ご存じかと思いますが、このリストは英国内の年4回ファイル(例えば1-3月、4-6月の様に)されており、2019年の第一上四半期の我々が行っていることを示しています(貴方の最初のファイルは2019年2月でした)。しかし、我々は1月の貴方の実績が分からないため2019年の第一上四半期は行いません。今いつくかのオプションを用意しています。すべてのオプションは監査の対象の要素があります。
1.ほかの部分はともかく、1月のデータを含んだうえで、19年1月から現在までのEC Sales listsの作成を完成させること。
2.VAT登録においてVAT返金修正がない場合の開始日からの 全てのEC Sales Listsの作成を完成させること。

steveforest 英語 → 日本語

I've reviewed the details of the request and found that the best resolution is to ask the buyer to return the item to you for a full refund. Because the item was not as described, we're asking you to pay for the return postage.

I've placed the request on hold for 4 days to give you time to arrange the return postage with the buyer. Please note that if you don't resolve the issue by September 25, 2019 , we'll issue the buyer a full refund on your behalf without requiring the item to be returned.

There are several ways to provide return postage for your buyer. To learn more about your options, please visit the Return shipping options page.

I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to clarify the situation.


バイヤーへの郵送料返金の方法はいくつかあると思いますが、オプションのヒントとしてReturn shipping optionsを見てみてください。

steveforest 英語 → 日本語

The choices we have are reducing the thickness by 40%, increasing the thickness by 40%.

The padding we have has a thickness tolerance of +\ - 10% so the factory have said they will try to arrange it so the thinner parts can be for your order and the thicker padding can be used for Europe and the USA as they seem to prefer that.

I really hope we can keep your customers happy

The factory have assured me that they will be trying their best to use the thinner areas of the padding in order to meet your requirements.

I should be receiving the shipping prices tomorrow, the British pound is very weak at the moment which could be a great time for a money transfer so I will arrange to send you an invoice as soon as possible.




steveforest 英語 → 日本語

Are You going to buy a new model ?
Do You want we hold the model till You will buy a new one ?

We can grant to share with You the expenses but we cannot bear all.
I mean:
Euro 42,00 custom fees we have already paid for getting the model
Euro 61,00 FedEx eco to send it back

We can share this expenses 50% , I mean You will refund me Euro 50,00

If You prefer to delivery this model with another one we’ll share only the custom fees so You will refund ONLY Euro 20,00

Please let me know

Yes the model is now equipped with valves.

Please Can You confirm how You prefer to get it ?
What about the custom fees of my last message


61ユーロ:FedEx ecoでの返送用