steveforest (steveforest) 翻訳実績

5.0 9 件のレビュー
6年弱前 男性
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
技術 旅行・観光 食べ物・レシピ・メニュー
steveforest 英語 → 日本語

I’ll violate the sacred trust between bouncers on this one. It’s pretty common knowledge which states are being faked. All the vendors sell pretty much the same products, so that’s a huge tell. Here is a partial list of what one of the many vendors out there sells:

So whenever I see a younger patron with a RI, CT, NJ, ME, IL, NY, PA, FL, OH, MO, DE, CA or SC (and others) ID, I am already skeptical. Knowing this, it doesn't take much for a guard to familiarize themself with what security features the real ID has. Quality is the biggest tell. Sometimes it’s the poor quality of the UV features like here:

Other times it’s the quality of the microprinting like here (Top real, bottom fake):


これについて警備者同士の神聖な真実を脅かすようなものである。どの州で偽となるのは、一般的に知られたことである。どのベンダーも同じ商品を売っている。それゆえ大きな声となっている。ここにそれらを販売しているベンダーの一部のリストを上げる。其れゆえ、RI, CT, NJ, ME, IL, NY, PA, FL, OH, MO, DE, CA 、 SCなどのIDを使った若者を見ると、 懐疑的になる。これを知ると、本物のIDがあった場合どんな保安手段についても警備者が慣れるのにそれほど時間は必要ない。要は質である。時折特にUVについては酷いものがここにある。

steveforest 英語 → 日本語

And sometimes the counterfeiters just don’t have access to the correct feature like the hologram on the old Connecticut license here (left is real, right is fake):

Yes, bouncers also ask questions that kids shockingly can’t answer… like what their address or birthdate is. Sometimes we ask questions about the city your ID says you are from. Believe it or not, some of us are well traveled so if you don’t know the basics of where your ID is from, you make it easy for us. In the end, I have seen quality fakes but armed with a loupe, a UV light and a desire to catch you, I’ve yet to encounter an ID that wasn’t flawed in one way or another.



steveforest 英語 → 日本語

It has to be the so much hyped- “Google Glass”, that failed miserably, for I think, it was indeed a revolutionary invention, but was way ahead of its time.


There was no consensus among the creators- about the core use cases of Google Glass.
One group argued that it could be worn all day as a fashionable device while another thought it should be worn for specific utilitarian functions.

Less of social acceptance to its design- Although the product is visionary, the designers did not take into account that the average user might not want to wear a piece of technology out in the world, that it might make people uncomfortable.Add that to the fact that the thing made wearers look absolutely ridiculous,



steveforest 英語 → 日本語

Every iPhone user knows Safari, a browser that you never used but can't be removed from you phone. And honestly, this logo design was a disaster in my eyes before I learned a secret about it.
Safari means an overland journey by hunters and the logo is a compass, therefore it's not hard to interpret the meanings that Safari is a compass that help your safari on the internet.

Then, what is the secret? Obviously, it can't be the above, the following picture show you the truth.Focus on the needle, and you'll find the angle of deflection of the compass’ needle in the two logo is slightly different. Why does Apple change the Safari logo for iOS 11?


iPhone ユーザーであれば、サファリが何かを知っています。それは専用ブラウザであり電話機から削除できないものです。正直言うと、私の眼の中において、その秘密を知ってしまった中では最悪のデザインだと思います。
それにもまして、その秘密とは何か。はっきりと言えることは、そういう事ではなく次に示すが絵が全てを語っているでしょう。針にフォーカスを当てることにより2つのロゴに当たるコンパスの針がそれぞれが少し違って見えることでしょう。なぜ、アップルは iOS 11においてサファリのロゴを変えないのでしょうか?