Frame of Marui Air GunThe frame is disassembled from the Marui air gun, but it may have scratches from disassembling.Ikuhide KobayashiA ukiyoe artist who was creating ukiyoe from 1887 to 1897.There are ukiyoe of “Tokyo meisho” (famous place in Tokyo) and “Tetsudo nishikie” (colored woodblock print of train) etc, are known to be his works.Few labels are broken apart of the book.There are stains from aging and bit sticky.The support bar for the Godzilla vs Mothra is missing.The Japanese sword art magazine issued by the Society for Preservation of Japanese Art SwordsThe top page of every edition introduces the famous Japanese sword in actual size.Almost all the contents of magazine are written in Japanese, but few pages in introducing the famous Japanese sword has some description in English.
The atmosphere of baby doll which I would like to have you create is expressed by the baby doll shown in this picture. I would like to make it painted solid. However, please make both eyelids painted by pink. Please make her eyes round with a bit bulging and crossed but not looking strange. Please let her dressed in a cute pink cloth and flocking the head, eye lashes, and eye brows with same dark brown color. However, it is better to use the paint for eye brows, please do it as you like. I just trust Kory. Please put ribbons at both sides of head. Please give priority for creating this doll and let me know estimated completion date.
MOONrhythm zone通算40枚目となる倖田來未のシングルは4曲入りのマキシシングル「MOON」ABC・テレビ朝日系全国ネットドラマ「パズル」主題歌に決定したバラード「Moon Crying」ブラック・ アイド・ピーズ“ファーギー”とのコラボレーション曲「That Ain't Cool“PUSHIM(プシン)”作詞/作曲のラバーズ・レゲエ、他一曲と、国内外のビックアーティストを迎えての4曲入りマキシシングルです。
MOONrhythm zoneThe Kumi Koda's 40th single as the total is the maxi single recorded four songs. This single is recorded four songs of big artists from domestic and foreign country including the ballad "MOON" decided to be used as the theme song of "Puzzle" televised by ABC and TV Asahi network, the song "That's Ain't Cool" collaborated with Fergie of Black Eyed Peas, "PUSHIM" lyrics and Music by Lovers Reggae, and more song.
またDVDには「Moon Crying」と「That Ain't Cool」(ファーギーも出演!)2曲のミュージックビデオを収録!
In addition, the DVDs contain the two music videos of "Moon Crying" and "That Ain't Cool". (Fergie also appears)
KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2007~Black Cherry~SPECIAL FINAL in TOKYO DOMErhythm zone2007年12月1日、Black Cherryツアーのファイナルとして行われた、一日限りの東京ドーム公演の模様を納めた2枚組ライヴDVD。アリーナツアーから東京ドーム公演までの足跡を辿ったドキュメンタリー映像なども収録。
KUMI KODA LIVE TOUR 2007~Black Cherry~SPECIAL FINAL in TOKYO DOMErhythm zoneThe set of two DVDs recorded with her appearance in exclusive one day only performance held at Tokyo Dome on Dec. 1, 2007 as the final day of Black Cherry tour.The DVDs are also recorded with the documentary videos following the footsteps from the Arena tour to the Tokyo Dome.
LIVE TOUR 2006-2007 ~second session~rhythm zone全国36会場45公演に渡って行われ、10万人を動員した"KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2006-2007 ~second session~"の模様を納めた超豪華2枚組LIVE DVD。圧倒的なダンス&LIVEパフォーマンスを余す所なく完全パッケージ化!
LIVE TOUR 2006-2007 ~second session~rhythm zoneThese are the set of two superb DVDs recorded with scenery of "KODA KUMI LIVE TOUR 2006-2007 ~second session~" held at 36 venues with 46 performances and attracted 100,000 fans. DVDs is loaded with a full package of the overwhelming dance and the live performance thoroughly.
DISK-2 is special permanent videos recorded with documentary video clips of the inspiration and laugh following footsteps of the 45 performances and the live performance video of "Unmei" or destiny held at Yokohama Pacifico venue on Jan. 8, 2007.
BUT / 愛証rhythm zone倖田來未2007年第一弾SINGLEは、両A面・ダブルタイアップの超豪華盤!「BUT」はダンス映画『ステップ・アップ』日本版主題歌に決定!また「愛証」は日本テレビ系 2夜連続ドラマスペシャル『愛の流刑地』主題歌と、2007年幕開けにふさわしい豪華SINGLEとなります!DVDには2曲のMUSIC VIDEOも収録し、倖田來未の新たなる一面が垣間みれるサウンドも必聴の価値あり!
BUT / Aishou (Token of Love)rhythm zoneThe first single of Kumi Koda's single in 2007 is the double A-side special tie-up edition!"BUT" is decided to be used as the theme song in Japanese version dance film "Step Up"! Besides, "Aishou" is decided to be used as the theme song of NTV network special drama "Ai no Rukeichi" televised for two consecutive nights. The release of this double A-side single DVD becomes a great opening of 2007! DVD also contains the music videos for those two songs and it is worth listening in which sounds express a glimpse of Kumi Koda's new face!
Someday / Boys Girlsrhythm zone12週連続リリースシングル第12弾!いつかまた出会いたい・・・旅立ちのための「someday」と、ダンスフロアを華やかに彩る「Boys & Girls」を収録した両A面シングル!
Someday / Boys Girlsrhythm zoneThe last wave of 12 consecutive weeks releasing!I'd like to see you again someday・・・・Double A-side single for the song "someday" featuring the departure to the future and the song "Boys & Girls" featuring to light up the dance floor!
feel…rhythm zone倖田來未 2nd DVD発売!COME WITH ME、 Gentle Words、 Crazy 4 Uのビデオクリップとスペシャルインタビュー&秘蔵映像満載のフォトギャラリー&メイキングなど、ここでしか見ることのできない特典映像満載!
feel…rhythm zoneKimi Koda's 2nd DVD released!COME WITH ME、 Gentle Words、 Crazy 4 Uのビデオクリップとスペシャルインタビュー&DVD is recorded with a full of exclusive video clips and images which cannot be seen except this DVD including the video clop of crazy 4 U and interview, a full of treasured photo galley and making!
Gentle Wordsrhythm zone倖田來未待望の9thシングル完成!!「Gentle Words」佐藤製菓ストナ2003年TVCFイメージソング
Gentle Wordsrhythm zoneA long awaited Kumi Koda's 9th single completed!"Gentle Words" is the TV commercial song for the Sutona manufactured by Sato Seika.
COME WITH MErhythm zone倖田來未、待望の新作をついに発表!チョーヤ梅ゼリー CMソング「COME WITH ME」収録。大ヒット曲「real Emotion」と「1000の言葉」の別ヴァージョンも収録!
COME WITH MErhythm zoneKumi Koda finally releases long awaited new song.Choya Ume Jerry adopted "COME WITH ME" as the commercial song!大ヒット曲「real Emotion」と「1000の言葉」の別ヴァージョンも収録!The different version of great hit numbers of "Real Emotion" and "Sen no kotoba" or one thousand words are also recorded!
Trust Your Loverhythm zone2000年12月「TAKE BACK」でデビューし、邦楽No.1パワープレイ・アーティストを獲得するという快挙を成し遂げた倖田來未の2ndシングル!
Trust Your Loverhythm zoneThe second single of Ms. Kumi Koda who debuted with "TAKE BACK" in December, 2000, and she achieved the feat of being awarded as the No. 1 Power Play Artist in Japanese music.
Thank you for your inquiry.In response to your inquiry, I would like to answer as follows;・The items have been backordered to the wholesaler already. They are expected to deliver the items on Jul. 31, we are planning to ship them on Aug. 2.・If you would place an order now, we will enclose the Amazon gift check at $10.00 together.・For the shipment of items, we are planning to use EMS of Japan post with the tracking number. When the shipping destination is within America, the package will be delivered in around three to five days after the shipment.・We are planning to state the declaration price on the invoice at JPY50,000 or in terms of US$508.00.
私は、にほんの新潟県に住んでいます。お手元に届く際、輸入関税が発生することがあります。関税については、輸入者様のご負担になるのでご注意下さい。Jgrabは同梱の発送に対応していませんが、私は喜んで同梱発送を行います。私は世界中の人の買い物の手伝いをすることができてうれしいです。 多くの方に日本の良さを知ってもらいあなたの国の素晴らしさを日本に伝えるために貿易会社を作るために日々勉強しています。
I live in NIigata Prefecture, Japan.When the item is delivered to you, you may be charged to pay the customs' fee.Please be noted that the buyer is responsible for the payment of customs' fee/The Jgrab is not intended to be shipped together with the other items, but I am happy to do so.I am glad to help people in the world purchasing items. I am studying every day to establish a trading company for letting you know what is good in Japan and introducing what is good in your country to Japan.
私はあなたが欲しい商品を迅速に見つけて発送することができます!あなたがヤフーや楽天市場以外で購入する場合でも私にお気軽にご相談ください。欲しい商品見つからない時でもお探しすることができます。 私は、j-Grab以外でも海外での販売・発送経験をもっています。高い発送代を抑えるため、極力軽量に梱包しお送りすることにしています。発送方法にもよりますが、だいたい7日~16日程度に商品はお手元に着くでしょう。(地域や発送方法によって1カ月以上かかる場合もあります)
I can quickly find and ship to you an item which you would like to have!Even you would like to purchase items other than Yahoo Japan or Rakten Ichiba, please feel free to consult me.Even if you cannot find what you want, I can look for them.I have the experience selling shipping items in other countries other than j-Grab.I will try to make a packing simple as much as possible to suppress the expensive shipping charge.発送方法にもよりますが、だいたい7日~16日程度に商品はお手元に着くでしょう。(地域や発送方法によって1カ月以上かかる場合もあります)It is depending on the shipping method, but it will take around 7 to 16 day for items to be delivered.(It may take more than one month depending on shipping region and the shipping method.)
The anime character on the body of this guitar is not a painting but it is a seal affixed.The previous owner cut out a special seal and affixed it to the body carefully.Since it is the special and durable seal, it will not peeled off while normal paying.Of course, the guitar with this seal is only one in the world.If this is sold out, we cannot find the others.This is recommended for the SONICO fans. Please consider to purchase as this is a very popular guitar even in Japan!!!
■DVD2枚組【通常盤】品番:AVBK-79211~2 価格:¥5,800(本体価格)+税[DISC-1]本編/収録内容未定AVBK-79208~10の【DISC‐1】と共通[DISC-2]本編/収録内容未定AVBK-79208~10の【DISC‐2】と共通■Blu-ray品番:AVXK-79213 価格:¥6,500(本体価格)+税[DISC-1]本編/収録内容未定AVBK-79208~10の【DISC‐1】【DISC-2】と共通
■Two DVDs in a set【Standard edition】Item #:AVBK-79211~2, Price:¥5,800(price of DVDs) + Tax[DISC-1]Features/Contents of recording not decided yetCommon to 【DISC‐1】 of item #AVBK-79208 to 10[DISC-2]Features/Contents of recording not decided yetAVBK-79208~10のCommon to 【DISC‐2】 of item # AVBK-79208 to 10■Blue-rayItem #:AVXK-79213, Price:¥6,500(Price of Blue-ray disks) +Tax[DISC-1]Features/Contents of recording not decided yetCommon to 【DISC‐1】 and 【DISC-2】 of item # AVBK-79208 to 10
"Bigeast限定特典付"ご予約はコチラから☆Bigeast Official Shop[PC] http://shop.mu-mo.net/st/fc/BGFC.html[MB] http://m-shop.mu-mo.net/st/fc/BGFC.html※Bigeast Official Shopでのご予約は6月23日(月)16:00を予定しております。※mu-moショップでのご購入では特典は付きませんのでご注意ください。
The reservations with "a special gift limited at Bigeast" is from here.☆Bigeast Official Shop[PC] http://shop.mu-mo.net/st/fc/BGFC.html[MB] http://m-shop.mu-mo.net/st/fc/BGFC.html※ The reservations at Bigeast Official Shop is planned to be starting at 4:00 pm on Jun. 23 (MOn.)※mu-moショップでのご購入では特典は付きませんのでご注意ください。※ Please be aware that the purchase at mu-mo shop is not provided with the special gift.
当日会場のCD販売ブースにて6/4発売アルバム「Killing Me Softly」をご購入の方に先着で「メンバーソロチェキ」をその場でプレゼント致します。※「メンバーソロチェキ」の絵柄はランダムとなっております。写っているメンバーを指定することはできません。※「メンバーソロチェキ」の中にはランダムで直筆サイン入りのチェキも含まれております。 CD販売開始時間:14:00~(予定)■当日のグッズ/チケット販売当日会場にて以下のグッズ/チケットの販売を行います!
For those who purchase "Killing Me Softly" released on Jun. 4 in the venue, a picture of "single member" taken by the instax mini will be give as a present but first-come-first-serve basis.※ Who is the model of the picture of "single member" is random, and we shall not accept any request of choosing a member.※ The pictures of "single member" taken by the insta mini include pictures with authentic autographs of members.CD sale time: from 2:00 pm (planned)■ Goods/Tickets sale for the dayThe following goods/tickets will be on sale at the venue on the event day.