Is the reshipping cost going to be on the seller when the items did not arrive the buyer for some reason, or when the items returned to the seller because the buyer had been absent at the arrival of the items?
We are producing kettles every day. However, the demand is very high and we do not have residual kettles for orders - we require that companies place orders and by doing so, reserve kettles.If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.Kind Regards,tinaCan you please also remind me of your company name? I can't seem to find it in your emails below.
Die Ware war schon am 23. Juli in Deutschland angekommen. Haben Sie noch keine Meldung von der deutschen Zollkontrolle oder dem Lieferanten Lieferanten in Ihrer Nähe?Es kann sein, dass Sie nicht zu Hause waren, als diese Ware Ihr Hause erreichte.Wir denken, dass Sie Ihre Ware dadurch bekommen können, diese Zollkontrolle oder den Lieferanten oben zu kontaktieren.Alsdann informieren Sie bitte die Personen über unsere Tracknummer.Es kann sein, dass der Zoll bezahlt werden soll, in diesem Fall senden Sie bitte uns das Bild der Quittung. Wir geben die Rückerstattung durch Amazon machen.Entschuldigen Sie bitte die Störung.Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellungen bei uns.
VIelen Dank für Ihre Antwortung,Es tut uns sehr leid, dass die Lieferung so lange dauert.Nun wir wissen, dass Ihr Kind die Ware benutzen wird, bemühen wir uns entschieden, die Ware zu liefern. Wir verschiken die Ware als Eilsendung.Um die Lieferung versichern, bestätigen Sie bitte die Adresse, zu der diese Ware zu verschicken ist. Name :Adresse:Sobald wir bereiten die Lieferung vor, dann melden wir Ihnen die Nummer, mit der Sie die Situation der Lieferung sehen können.Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Mitarbeit.Wir haben den Zollvorgang abgeschlossen.Momentan liefert der Lieferant die Ware.Bestätigen Sie bitte die Situation der Lieferung auf der folgenden Website.
4. We sign this Personal Guarantee Contract, on the precondition that we receive notice when the following events occur ;(1) Your Company becomes aware that there is a possibility of the enforcement of The Guarantee of the Guarantor because the Obligator is unsuitable or unfaithful in terms of related duties of the Obligator,(2) The duty or placement of the Obligator is changed in the way that there comes an additional responsibility to the Guarantor, or that the supervision of the Guarantor on the Obligator becomes difficult.
はじめまして。御社で商品Aの購入をしたことのあるYAMADAです。日本で商品Aをウェブショップで販売しようと考えています。御社の商品を卸価格にて販売して頂くことは可能ですか?最低ロット数も教えて下さい。また、商品Aの本体商品を安く販売している会社をご存知でしてら、教えて頂けないでしょうか?お返事頂けましたら幸いです。 宜しくお願い致します。
Nice to meet you, My name is Yamada. I once purchasd an item A through your company.I am planning on selling A in Japan through my web shop page.So it is very helpful to me, if you kindly provided A for me at the wholesale price. May I ask you a favor? If I may, please tell me its minimum lot number.Also, if you know some companies that sell the body part of A at a cheep price, could you inform me of the companies?I would be very pleased to receive your reply, and am hoping for our future cooperation.
I have several questions. First I would like to ask whether bluetooth's tests intended for Japanese people is proceeding., or you have already successed in the tests? I have understood that the minimum order number is 100 items for 25000 dollars. I know many ways to sell them in the Japanese market. When would be the time of shipment of items, if I ordered 100 items now? Also I would like to ask you how much it will take to ship them to the port of Osaka with CIF.I am very pleased to be able to work with you.
Here's your summary of recommendations for listings that are missing important details. While many of these details aren't required, your listings might benefit from our recommendations and you could be more successful on eBay.Listings missing item specifics:Use the bulk editing tool on eBay.com to update: 74 listings (74 new)Consider entering the recommended item specifics so that when buyers select these item specifics as search filters, your listing will appear in their search results. Thank you in advance for improving your listings. We want to make sure you and your buyers have the best experience on eBay!
作成して頂いたリスティングですが、幾つかの重要な詳細事項の記載を欠いている為、ここに推奨する改良点をまとめさせていただきました。これらの詳細事項のいくつかは要求されるものではありませんが、リスティングが我々の推奨する事項から得るところもあるかもしれませんし、お客様にはeBayで更にご活躍頂けるかもしれません。リスティングが欠いている具体的な商品説明記述:eBay.com上の一括編集ツールを使用しての74リスティング (74 の新規の)のアップデートを行ってください推奨される具体的な商品説明記述を入力することをお考えになってください。購買者がこれら具体的な商品説明記述をサーチフィルターとして用いたとき、お客様のリスティングが検索結果に表示されるようになります。予めリスティングの改良ご協力にお礼を申し上げさせていただきます。我々は、お客様とお客様からご購入される方々がeBayを介して最良の時をお過ごし頂けることを心より願っております。
People of the Western world, particularly Americans, tend to think of time as something fixed in nature, something aroundus from which we cannot escape, an ever-present part of the environment, just like the air we breathe. That it might be experienced in any other way seems unnatural and strange, a feeling which is rarely modified even when we begin to discover how really differently it is handled by some other people. Within the West itself certain cultures rank time much lower in overall impotence than we do. In Mexico one commonly hears the expression, "Our time or your time?"
西欧社会の人々、特に米国人は、時間というものを何か自然の中に固く組み込まれたもの、我々の周囲にあってそれから逃れることの出来ないもの、我々が吸い込み吐き出すあの空気と正に同じような自然環境の常に現前しているある部分、この様に捉える傾向がある。 時間がどんな風にせよ他のやり方で体感され得るかも知れないという事は、非自然的で奇妙に思える。それはある実感であって、我々が幾人かの異なる人々によって時間がどれ程真に異なるやり方で扱われているかを発見し始める時にも、殆ど修正されるといったことの無いものである。西欧社会それ自体の内部にも、ある種の分化は時間を、その全てをひっくるめた上での重要に於いて、我々がするよりもずっと下位に位置づけている。「私達の時間か、それともあなた達の時間?」。メキシコでこの表現は普通に聞かれるものである。
明治時代から大正時代のマッチラベル約220枚。一部、戦前と戦後(昭和時代)のラベルも有ラベルは全てノートに貼られている。中国の古い墨状態は画像を参照して下さい元箱なし。パーツの袋は全て未開封で新品未使用マガジンを挟むバインダーは1つだけ。特典のフィギュア、DVD付日本の職人が使用していた古い剃刀刃には「嫌でも切れる」と彫られているサイズ:中大と記載有近代犯罪科学全集 売淫・掏摸・賭博日本古来の美しいデザインを収録した貴重な本良い状態と悪い状態の物が混在リメイクの材料です
220 sheets of match labels during the period from the Meiji era to the Taisho era, part of them being the labels coming from the period of the pre-war time and the post-war time( theShowa era). All labels are sticked on note book.Ancient Chinese inkPlease refer to the pictures of this item to make sure of its condition.No original package box. All the packs containing the parts remain unopened, new and unused.The binder to keep magazines together is single. With the special figure and DVD.An ancient razor used by Japanese craftsmen in the past timeThere is an inscription on its blade that says, "The most unwilling hand will find the sharpness of this razor."Sizes : there is a description of it as midium-large.The complete collection of the modern science of criminology prostitution ・pickpocket ・gamblingA precious book containing beautiful designs from the ancient JapanThe conditions of these items are from good ones to bad ones.They are intended to be materials from which to remake things.
Thanks for your massage.We already sent the goods one month before.When they do not seem to arrive you, there is the possibility of their being in trouble with custom duties, or their being lost on the way. If they remain unarrived, we are going to take the process of the refund. Thanks for your massage.The shipment of the items was unable because of the hight of the items being over 1.5M.We are displaying our items together with those sold in our shops in Japan. It was our mistake not to check correctly whether we displayed our items in order.We sincerely apologize to you.
Sorry for bothering you with this sudden e-mail.I am troubling with these errors below which occur when I try to access the URL on the managing page.And I cannot log-in, neither. What should I do to solve these problems? In addition, I find the upper space clolored black on the top page is somewhat broader. Is this another error?Also, I would like to ask for the PSD data of the top page, if you do not mind. With that date, I would like to correct the letters in the pictures, and put them into Japanese.
The online marketplace is quickly changing how companies do business. iFixit strives very hard to maintain a quality product and customer experience. A big part of this experience is related to the purchase experience and customer support provided.Just a reminder that iFixit only offers wholesale discounts to companies for sale in brick and mortar stores, print catalogs, and their own privately owned web domains.
オンライン市場は企業のビジネスのやり方を急激に変化させている。iFixit は製品もお客様のご利用感も、高品質を維持する為に全力を尽くしております。この高品質のご利用感の大くは、弊社の提供する購入体験と顧客支援に関係しています。なおお忘れ無きよう、iFixit は、実店舗での、印刷カタログでの、及び自身が個人的に所持するウェブドメインでの販売を目的とする企業様にのみ卸売値引きを提供させて頂いておりますことをお伝えさせて頂きます。
Unauthorized sales on Amazon, eBay, and similar 3rd party sites are creating negative customer service experiences that are reflecting poorly on the overall product line. In addition to this, there are now counterfeit versions of some of our popular products entering the market, making it necessary for us to trace the source of iFixit products sold online.The knee-jerk reaction to this would be to simply discontinue our wholesale program and only work with our bigger retail chain customers, however we are a small business and love supporting small business, so we are going to try cleaning up our reseller channel instead of simply closing it.
Amazon、eBay、また類似のサードパーティーサイトに於ける不正な販売はお客様側に不満足なサービスご利用体験を生み出しており、このご利用体験は生産ライン全体に悪い影響を与えているものです。これに付け加えて、市場に出ている弊社の人気商品のいくつかの模造品が現在現れており、弊社による、オンラインで販売されてるiFixit 製品の出所追跡調査を余儀なくしています。これに対する反射的反応は、弊社の卸売制度を単純に取り止め、そしてより大口の小売り提携顧客様とのみお仕事をさせて頂くといったものになり、自身が小企業であり又小企業を支援することを熱望する弊社としましても、弊社再販業者様のチャンネルを、単に閉鎖する代わりに、削除する処置をとる方向に進んで行くことになるかもしれません。
娘:何しに来たクソババァ。女:ま ご挨拶。誰が好き好きんで来るもんですかこんな屋敷。あなたの兄さんに連れてこられたのよ。兄さん:そうは言ってもなぁ...!女:子供の話なんて 酒でも飲まなきゃやってらんないわぁ。娘:相変わらずパプリカ脳なババァだな。女:さっきから五月蝿えガキだなぁあ てめえはババにはならないってかあ?罵倒もバリエーション が少ねぇと退屈だぁ なぁ!_そうです!それは亡くなった祖母に貰った詩で...誰にも話したことはないんですよ!仰ったとおりに引っ越したんです。
Daughter: What the hell do you old witch come here fore.Woman: What a warm welcome. No body really wants to visit a house like this. I am brought here by your brotherBrother-san: One might say so, one might, but...! Woman: I would not be willing to bother to talk about children without drinking.Daughter: That's what your usual paprika brain tells you of, you old witch.Woman: What a noisy kid there is. It's disturing for a while. You noisy kid, you think you are a special exception who manages to avoid becoming an old witch? Even slandering gets one bored when the slanderer knows only few variations of words to use, doesn't it!-Yes!That is a poem I was given by my grandmother... I have not told this story to anyone!I moved to a new place as you ordered me to.
■More than one person comes together and have a event in a space surrounded by the extortion of architectural connections within a human body and sculptural forms, and makes a new field in the flat scenery.■The holes are mostly 4-to-5cm sizes. There are 25-to-50cm holes and 3m holes, too. Main materials are expected to be wood, and grey-white painting is going to be done as the finishing touch. The surfaces are twofold within which a structure is inserted to keep the durability of the surfaces. The surfaces have two types of breadth arrangement of 1.25m and 2.5m.
For your reference, we advise that inward overseas telegraphic transfers in foreign currency to be credited to a PHP account with HSBC Philippines are assessed a Documentary Stamp Tax of Php0.30 for every Php200 or a fraction thereof. On the other hand, inward overseas telegraphic transfers in foreign currency to be credted to a USD/foreign currency account with HSBC Philippines have a fee of USD2 (for PowerVantage Account holders). Also, remittances in USD denomination may be charged with an intermediary fee by our correspondent bank, HSBC USA. Kindly note that the Serial Payment system - wherein funds to be remitted in USD will have to be sent to HSBC USA - is in place for all HSBC Banks.
今回は、大ヒット公開中のディズニー映画『アナと雪の女王』の主題歌で注目の歌手、May J.(25歳)が母親の故郷イランに里帰りする。母親のホマさんと日本人の父親の間に生まれたMay J.さんは、実はイランに帰るのは今回が初めて。「日本の次に血が濃いのに、私はイランのことをほとんど知らない」ずっとそう思ってきたMay J.にとって、今回は自分のルーツを確かめに行く旅でもある。
This time, May j. , 25 years old, goes back to Iran, which is her mother's home country. Being a child between her mother, Homa, and her Japanese father, she is going back to Iran for the first time. " I should be more familiar with Iran, as my blood connection has the closest relation to this country only next to Japan. But I know almost nothing of Iran, " this thought has long been concerning her. Thus this is also a journey to find her own roots.
初めて会った同世代の従姉妹と意気投合したMay J.は服にアクセサリーとショッピングにも全力投球。お母さんが青春時代を過ごした場所も、ずっと行きかった場所。思い出の地めぐりはイランの知られざる魅力発見の連続だ。そして、イランで歌手としての自分に受け継がれた原点に改めて触れたMay J.。初めて明かされた真実とは…?旅の途中では、イランが誇る世界遺産で“あの歌”も披露する。
Meeting for the first time and getting along very well with her cousin of the same generation, May j is now busy so much with trying clothes and accessories and shopping. She has also had these places to visit, the places where her mother spent her youthful days. Seeing these places of memories, she discovers unknown charms of Iran one after another.And, she recognizes her own roots in Iran which she, as one singer, has inherited. What is the truth revealed for the first time... ? On the way of this journey, she is going to perform "that song" at the world heritage of Iran.
Go to the toprhythm zone復帰後初のシングルは、攻めのサウンドが満載の痛快作!倖田來未の真骨頂とも言えるダンスチューン「Go to the top」は今年、期待度No,1、TVアニメ『トータル・イクリプス』オープニングテーマに決定!!!
Go to the toprhythm zoneThe first CD single after her comeback is an incisive piece full of progressive sounds!"Go to the top", a great dance-tune of Kumi Koda's speciality, has been selected to be the opening theme for the most expected TV anime of this year "Total Eclips"!!