I have selling experiences at Yahoo auctions (http://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/). Currently I am selling only through Amazon, but I used to sell many products in Yahoo auction. Although I don't have a wealth of experience at Amazon yet, I have good experience and passion which I gained through my honest business with every single customer.
I can find lower price at other shops than that price.I'd like to cancel my order, please.
Thank you for your message.This product is made in Thailand.It isn't made in Japan.Thank you for your message.Sure, I will let you know the trucking number as we send it.Thank you.Thank you for your message.This product is not supposed to have a trucking number due to our cost accounting.We appreciate your understanding.We hope you'll get it soon.
I'm happy to hear that you've got the item and you liked it.If you're looking for anything else from Japan, I am ready to help you.Thank you.
Today I called the hotel you're going to stay.I told them to hand you the stuff sent to the hotel.
割引ありがとうございます。remote locationの住所に送って下さい。インボイスをお待ちしております。
Thank you for the discount.Please send it to the remote location address.I'll wait the invoice. Thanks.
商品が届きましたが、これは私が購入した物ではありません。また、同封していたインボイス(明細書)には、ORDER# 100119155、宛名:LOGAN WILLSと記載されていたので、発送先をそちらの方と間違えているのだと思います。私はどうすればよろしいでしょうか?可能であれば、商品をすぐに再送して欲しいです。確認をお願い致します。
I've received an item, but it was not what I had ordered.Since the invoice says ORDER# 100119155、TO:LOGAN WILLS,I'm afraid that it was delivered to wrong place.What should I do? I'd like you to send me again what I ordered as soon as possible. I hope you will check it.
お久しぶりです!お元気にしていますか?連絡を待ちきれず私から連絡してしまいました。 申し訳ありません。その後準備はどのぐらい進んでいますか? 準備はいつ頃整いますでしょうか?とても楽しみに待っています!私は長い間関係を構築することができますことを楽しみにしています!私はあなたからのお便りを楽しみにしています。ありがとうございます。敬具。
It's long time since the last contact!I hope you're fine.Sorry that I couldn't wait your reply and send this message before that.How is the preparation going? I'd like to know when it will be finished.I'm really looking forward it!I hope we can continue to keep in touch I'm waiting to hear from you.Thank you.Best wishes.
I would like to buy ○○. Could you find it please?