エクセレント:アイテムに中古品としてダメージも少なくよい状態ベリーグッド:アイテムにすれ傷、色の劣化、凹み等軽いダメージがあります。普通の中古品の状態プアー:アイテムに折れ傷等大きなダメージがある状態送料は過去に郵便事故やアイテムが非常に遅れた地域・国には追跡番号を付けるため料金が若干高めにになることをご理解ください。インターナショナルエコノミー $4.00 アジア $6.00カナダ・メキシコ・イタリア・ロシア $6.50 南米・アフリカ $7.50
Excellent: Item is in good used condition with a little damage.Very good: Item is in normal used condition with slight damages like scratches, discoloration and dents.Poor: Item is in used condition with big damages like creases. Items will be shipped by a traceable shipping method to the areas and countries where there have been accidents during transport and big delays in deliveries.In that case, please note that the shipping cost will be a little more expensive. International economy $4.00 Asia $6.00Canada, Mexico, Italy, Russia $6.50 South America, Africa $7.50
私はこの取引について確認をしたいことがあります。ペイパルID ○○ の550ドルが私のクレジットカードに返金されてきました。そちらで間違って返金手続きをしていませんか?このままですとあなたは損をしてしまいます。もし間違いであれば、もう1度請求書を送っていただければ支払いをします。ご確認いただけますでしょうか?お返事お待ちしています。
There is one thing I would like to confirm regarding this transaction. I received a refund of $550 to my credit card with Paypal ID 〇〇.I wonder if you had arranged a refund mistakingly. If this is the case, you will lose money. If this is a mistake, please send me an invoice again so that I can pay for it. Could you please confirm it?Thank you for your reply.
Hello.I'm sorry to have emailed you so many times. Thank you for the detailed explanation for the delivery. Now, I can place an order without confusion. I'm a big fan of your clothes. I just love them so much that I want them all.The wrapping is also beautiful, which makes me very excited.
Recently, I have started selling your clothes in Japan. I'm sorry that I have made a lot of difficult requests to you.I would like to continue to introduce your clothes more and more to Japanese customers. Happy birthday to you.I look forward to seeing more and more beautiful dresses. Thank you.
Please be informed that the buyer admission badge of HKTDC HK Electronics Fair (Spring Edition) (13-16 Apr 2017) will be sent to your registered mailing address 2 weeks in advance of the fair. If you are unable to receive the badge by mail, kindly bring along your business card and quote your registration number 00000000000000 at the self-service kiosk, which is located next to the Buyer Registration Counter on the fairground during the fair period, to obtain the buyer admission badge. The badge would allow the badge holder multiple entries to the fairground during the fair period.
HKTDC HK Electronicsフェア(春期)(2017年4月13‐16日)へのバイヤー入場バッジは、フェア開催の2週間前に、ご登録の郵送先住所へ郵送されます。郵送での受け取りができない場合は、名刺をお持ちの上、フェア期間中会場内のバイヤー登録センター横にありますセルフサービスキオスクまでお越しいただき、ご登録番号00000000000000 をお伝えいただければ、入場バッジを受け取ることができます。そのバッジを提示することにより、フェア期間中、自由に会場へ出入りが可能となります。
I am sorry to have caused you the inconvenience. I will immediately make a refund of the product price. You don't need to return the item as I don't want to cause you another trouble. Please keep the item. I would like to refund % of the product price as repair fee.Would it be OK for you?When shipping, the item was not damaged and I suppose it was damaged during transport. To make a refund, I have to ask you to write a damage report. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Roald Dahl / Dr Seuss BooksAs a child progresses with age and experience with reading and once they gain enough confidence, I would encourage them to read books that are assisted with pictures that are not so difficult.Books by the English author Roald Dahl or by the American author Dr Seuss are captivating and allow children to progress their reading skills with ease and confidence. Again there are so many amazing titles that it is impossible to choose only one. Here are a list of the top ones from each author:
All children at a young age enjoy singing and dancing, especially at a young age. It’s a really easy way to get children to remember target language (instead of drilling the language, which can get very boring). Just look at the recent PPAP phenomenon! “I have a pen. I have (an) apple.” Has been repeated a frustrating amount of times in my classroom due to its catchy appeal and quirky hand gestures but nevertheless it has been very useful in teaching English in a fun and memorable way.
幼い年齢の子供達は皆、歌ったり踊ったりすることが好きです。これは、子供達に目指す言語を覚えさせる非常に簡単な方法です(とても退屈になりがちな、言語の繰り返し練習の代わりに)。最近のPPAP現象を見てください!「I have a pen. I have (an) apple.」は、その覚えやすさと風変りなジェスチャーのおかげで、クラスでイライラするくらいの回数繰り返されています。それでも、楽しく記憶に残るよう英語を教えるには、とても役に立っています。
There are a vast amount of songs out there from nursery rhymes, Disney songs and other songs that are aimed at children. It’s impossible to name just one, but if you feel that your child could benefit from more audible materials then I would highly recommend any adult to search on YouTube or look in your local bookstore for CD’s or DVD’s.
In my experience, kids get into certain songs extremely quickly, but they can become disinterested in them just as quickly. Japanese children in particular until a certain age (around 8 or 9 I would assume) have no problem with singing or making gestures while doing so whereas children above this age are extremely disinterested in such activities perhaps due to shyness or even because they have simply grown out of such things.
Please note that I highly recommend songs from an English speaking country. PPAP has been a great trend but mistakes are just as easy to learn too. For example dropping articles such as ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ are quite common mistakes that originate from Japanese/English songs as well as unnatural pronunciation features.Cannot recommend any specific songs as there are too many that are similar in quality. The exploring is part of the fun!
英語圏の歌をお勧めします。PPAPはとても人気でしたが、間違いも簡単に学んでしまいます。例えば、冠詞の「a 」「an」「the」等を抜かしてしまうのは、独特な発音と同様、日本で作られた英語の歌によくみられる間違いです。質の似通った歌はたくさんありすぎて、特定の歌をお勧めすることはできません。色々と探求してみるのも、楽しいですよ!
いつも素敵なドレスをありがとうございます。そして5周年おめでとうございます。質問ばかりしてしまいほんとうに申し訳ございません。ウェブページには、「すべての配送はDHL EXPRESSで出荷します」と書いてあります。わたしが注文した商品「オーダーID: #373」は「BG Post」で配送されています。前にも問い合わせしましたが、以前「BG Post」で配送された「ID: #328」が2個注文したのに1つしか私の元に届いていません。その届いた1つも届くのに2週間かかりました。
Thank you always for beautiful dresses. Congratulations on the 5th anniversary. I'm sorry for so many questions. On your website, it says ''All deliveries will be made by DHL Express.''.However, the item (Order ID: #373) I had ordered was delivered by BG Post. I inquired about this before, but I had received only 1pc out of 2pcs which I ordered with order ID #328 and it was also delivered by BG Post. The 1pc took 2 weeks to arrive.
パッキングリストと支給品リストに一致しない点があります。添付を確認して説明して下さい。A: パッキングリストに記載なし。またXからYに変更したはず。B: 1個ではなく2個が正しいはず。C: 注文は300メートル。D: これは不要ではないか?以前の図面と最新の改定図で異なる点があります。変更の経緯と意図を説明してください。1. A部品の図面が改定図では消えている。 B部品の図面にもA部品の記載がないので意図がよくわからない。 パッキングリストにも記載がない。
There are some inconsistencies between the packing list and the supplied parts list. Please see the attached sheet and explain. A: No indication in the packing list. Also, it should have been changed from X to Y. B: 2pcs should be correct, not 1pc.C: The order is 300 m.D: I don't think this is necessary.There are some differences between the previous drawing and the revised up-to-date drawing.Please explain why it has been changed and the purpose of the change. 1. The drawing of parts A is missing in the revised drawing.Parts A is not indicated in the parts B drawing and it is not clear what it means. There are no indication in the packing list.
Hello.Thank you always for your support. I have one question regarding the condition guideline for games and instruments category. If I list items as ''used'' without an outer box or an instruction manual, would it be OK to indicate the condition as ''good'' or ''very good''? Or should I list used items without an outer box or an instruction manual as ''acceptable''?Thank you in advance for your reply.
Cancellation request.Hello.Regarding the figure model that you purchased the other day, our packing staff said the figure inside the box moves too much when shaking it, although the box is brand-new and is sealed properly (unopened). We have concluded that the figure was replaced with a fake one. We would not like to get a penalty for selling a fake one abroad. We have already arranged to get the same item, but have to wait until the item will become available again. We are very sorry, but please purchase the same item from the seller AAA. Thank you for your understanding.
Dearsorry for my later reply!At the moment we don't have VIP discount program!i don't find your historical orders with this adress mail!have you ordered in our website?Best regardsBob M.Service clientèle
親愛なるお返事が遅くなりもうしわけありません!現在、VIP割引キャンペーンは行っておりません。貴方のメールアドレスでは、貴方の注文履歴が確認できません。当社サイトで注文されたことがありますか?Bob M顧客サービス
I made an inquiry by telephone the other day and got the name of Mr. 〇〇 and this email address. That's why I'm contacting you now. I'm thinking about purchasing A and would like you to offer a discount. In the conversation over the telephone, I was told that I should ask about a discount. I would appreciate it if you would let me know any condition such as MOQ or minimum purchase amount.
I sold all the 4 pcs that I received today. As I sold them for a high price, it took a while to sell. Thank you for the invoice for 50 units. I will transfer money tomorrow. By the way, I had paid for 10 units before and received only 4 units. Would it be possible to increase the order quantity by 6 units? Please ship 56 units in total. As this transaction is based on EXW, please let me know where I should pick up the goods. I will ask the forwarder to arrange the pickup. I will try to sell them at the earliest possible and place an order for 100 units with you next time!
It will be easier for me to send the four sets not in the plastic display sheets , would this be ok , if not I will send in the display sheets .
Thank you for sending me the product photos of ''ブランド名''.Every product looks very attractive. Now, I like your shop even more. Would it be possible for you to send ''ブランド名'' to Japan? If I would like to purchase them, should I contact you at ”メールアドレス”?Also, please let me know the insider color of ''アイテム名''.I'm sorry to trouble you with so many questions. Thank you in advance for your reply.