私のfreight forwarderへ、FedExに連絡するように指示しました。今回注文は特別に25%割引で対応いただけるとのことで、感謝いたします。このメールに添付した注文書はご確認いただけましたか?送料を含めたINVOICEを下さい。現段階での、卸売価格や条件について了承しました。只今、Biz Letter of Intentという形でdeal memo 作成してます。現時点で合意できた内容をまとめたものを、明日メールで送りますね。この内容も記載しておきますね。
Dear my freight forwarderI indicated to call FedEx.I appreciate that you discount 25% of my order this time.Have you checked an order sheet I attached to this e-mail.Please let me have invoice shipping cost included.I understood that wholesale price and terms on current stage.I have been making deal memo as form of ”Biz Letter of Intent now.I will sent you an e-mail with note already agreed so far tomorrow.Also, I'll write above contents.
男女7人組のスーパーパフォーマンスグループ。2005年9月14日にシングル「BLOOD on FIRE」でデビュー。2005年末、「第47回輝く!日本レコード大賞」最優秀新人賞受賞。また、デビュー1周年にあたる2006年9月13日には初の日本武道館ライブを、前代未聞の無料招待で行い、約1万人の動員を記録。2014年自身初の全国アリーナツアー「AAA ARENA TOUR 2014 -Gold Symphony-」を開催。過去最大動員数20万人を記録。
Super performance group consits of 7 boys and girls.They made their debut with first single ”BLOOD on fire” on September 14th of 2005.They got reward as best new artist on the 47th Japan Record award at the end of 2005.Also, they lived a year anniversary at Nihon Budokan on September 13th of 2006 and recorded that they invite around 10,000 fans for free.They made arena tour called ”AAA ARENA TOUR 2014-Gold Symphony-”across Japan for the first time in 2014.They recorded the highest number of 200,000.
「AAA 10th Anniversary Live 代々木第一体育館」※7ヶ月連続シングルリリース 購入者限定http://sp.mu-mo.net/shop/r/1501aaa10th_page/「AAA ARENA TOUR 2015 10th Anniversary -Attack All Around-」http://avex.jp/aaa/live/tour.php?id=1000284
”AAA 10th Anniuersary Live Yoyogi Daiichi Taikukan''Limited Buyer who purchase singles seven month in a row.
Would it be all right to contact you Wednesday or Thursday morning this week?I understood that I need to pay you half of payment of this order, but when is the due date?As early as you can and we don't have any problem, but if it takes 2 or 3 months, we are afraid we won't accept paying you half of this order.Could you please tell me exact due date?I would like to ask you the details on the phone.And one thing I have been concering that I saw a photo uploaded black clip instead of color silver on instagram.Have you changed pattern?