Tencent-Baidu-Wanda Unveil E-commerce Site Ffan To Compete With AlibabaOne year after its establishment, Tencent-Baidu-Wanda’s e-commerce joint venture has finally rolled out e-commerce service Ffan to tap into China’s O2O e-commerce industry.
Tencent-Baidu-Wandaがeコマースサイト、Ffanを初公開。Alibabaに対抗。Tencent-Baidu-Wanda eコマース合弁会社は、設立一年後、ついに中国でのO2OEコマース産業に参画すべく、eコマースサイトFfanを初公開した。
In essence, Ffan is an open platform that aims to redirect online users to all kinds of offline services, such as parking, reservations at restaurants, and purchasing film tickets and products at discounts. The service now integrates a digital membership system, a rewards & points system, online payment service and online marketing programs.
It is obvious that Ffan is targeting at both B2B and B2C models. Through cooperation with business partners, the platform can better connect all member customers for effective promotion programs, unified rewards and payment systems. On the other hand, it will help Wanda increase user stickiness by converting one-time customer to more loyal customers, or membership.
In conversation with author Tim Ferriss this week, Mullenweg elaborated on some of his productivity hacks, including his now-famous stint with the “Uberman” polyphasic sleep schedule. Polyphasic sleep simply means more than one sleep period per day; many of our friends in Spain are on a polyphasic sleep cycle with their luxurious afternoon siestas.Historians have recently come to believe that people are naturally bi-phasic in their sleep patterns. Before the days of electric lights, humans went to bed shortly after sundown and awoke during the middle of the night to cook, talk, read, and make babies.
今週、Tim Ferriss の著者との会談の際、Mullenweg は今はよく知られている”超人的” 多相睡眠スケジュールの割り振りを含めた生産性向上術を遂行した。多相睡眠とは、単に一日に二回以上以上の睡眠をとることである、スペインにいる友人の多くが、午後のシエスタを含む多相睡眠を行っているのだ。最近、歴史学者たちは人類は本質的に睡眠に関して二面性を持っていると考えている。電気による明かりが生まれる以前は、日没後すぐに人々は眠りにつき、真夜中になって料理をしたり、話したり、本を読んだり、子供を作るために起きていたのだから。
Mullenweg took humanity’s polyphasic tendencies to its most extreme. Instead of just two cycles, Mullenweg did 6 sleeping periods a day (of about 40 minutes each), with about 2.5 hours in between each nap.“This was probably one of the most productive periods of my life. I wrote WordPress in that time,” he told Ferris.But it’s not easy to do. If Mullenweg missed just one of his 6 naps a day, he’d be “wrecked,” he said. Despite the difficulties, he might have continued the Uberman if it were more socially acceptable. Mullenweg says that he abandoned his extreme sleep schedule after getting a girlfriend.
I contacted Canada Post and they only have the same information that I have about the watch. The last scan of the package shows in Vancouver. Since Jan 23, 2015 it has not moved from Vancouver.As you can see on the picture attached below, the package was to arrive yesterday at the very latest since it was shipped "express". There should be no reason why I have not received it by now.I have been told by Canada Post that the sender (Watch.jpn) has to open an investigation with the original postage service (Japan Post) in order to be able to track the package and find the location.Could you please open this investigation as soon as possible.Please let mw know once the investigation has been started.
カナダ郵便公社に連絡を取ったところ、私が見たのと同じ情報しか得られませんでした。荷物は1月23日にバンクーバーで検査を通り、そこからは移動していないそうです。以下に添付した写真の通り、荷物は”速達”の船便で送られ、昨日がその配達予定日でした。今もうけとっていない理由はないと思います。カナダ郵便公社によると、発送者(Watch.jpn)は、発送元の郵便サービス(Japan Post)独自のシステムを使って荷物の位置を追跡、特定するべきだと言っています。できるだけ早く調べていただいてもよろしいでしょうか?調査を始めた際、ぜひこちらにご一報ください。