We can offer you the "xx" at a price of $115 each on quantities of 10-49 or $88 each on quantities of 50+. Shipping is not included and will vary based on the quantity ordered. Because Japan uses both systems, you will have to specify if you want the 50 or 60 version. Our distribution requirements are as follows:1) Distributors must order ten or more units at a time to receive discounted pricing. 2) Distributors pay full shipping charges, 3) Distributors pay full charge for all available meter options.4) We do not drop ship. 5) Full payment is requested prior to shipping.For shipping outside the US, price does not include any taxes or tariff.
当社は"xx"の価格を、数量10~49個の場合一つにつき115ドル、数量50個以上の場合は一つにつき、88ドルで貴社に販売いたします。船積み費は含まれておらず、注文量によって価格は変化します。日本は二つのシステムを使用しているので、バージョン50と60のどちらかを選択し、指定して下さい。私どもの配送においての必要条件は下記です。1)販売会社は割引きを受けるためには一度に10個以上の注文をしなくてはいけない。2) 販売会社は運送費を全額負担する3)販売会社は全ての利用可能な計器の付属品についても全額負担する4)当社は直送を行いません。5)船積み前に全ての支払いが完了していること。アメリカ国内への運送に関して、上記の価格は諸税、関税は含まれていません。
Mr, Kanemoto is a person who came back from the worst.Before his 30, he started living on the street: he got a setback and loneliness that "broke" his heart.perseverance prevails, keep chasing your goal at least 3 years. Otherwise, if the changes are coming into your life, you won't be able to achieve it. Also be honest, keep respecting others for their advice. You are sure to have people that help you.OKWave is one of the Japanese biggest sites that has 2million users.