Thank you for contacting us. We wanted to provide you with a reply indicatingwe have received your email, and let you know we have forwarded your inquiry tothe appropriate representative. You will be contacted shortly. If you have anyadditional questions or concerns regarding this, please feel free to call in toour customer service center or simply reply to this email.
7 A.6.1.3 A.6.1.3. Does the organization maintain appropriate contacts with relevant authorities (Ex. police, government, social infrastructure company) when a trouble or incident occurs? Appropriate contacts with relevant authorities should be maintained.--The organization does not maintain contacts with relevant authorities. Some departments have identified responsible personnel and authorities to be contacted for reporting of information security incidents. Departments across the organization have consistently identified responsible personnel and authorities to be contacted for reporting of information security incidents though procedures for contacting authorities has not been defined.
A.6.1.3A.6.1.3 その機関が関係当局(警察、政府、社会基盤を支える会社)と適切に連絡を取り合っていたとしたら、いつ問題や事件が起こりうるのか。適切に関連当局と連絡を取っていくことは肝要である。--その機関は関連当局に連絡を取り合うことをしていない。いくつかの部門では安全に関わる出来事の内容についてはその責任を持つ個人及び当局に報告しなければならないことが定められている。機関全体にまたがったそれぞれの部門間において、安全に関わる事件の内容を、責任のある個人及び当局に報告するように定められているにもかかわらず、当局に連絡する手順については明確になっていない。
Procedures are available that specify when and by whom authorities should be contacted and how identified information security incidents should be reported in a timely manner. Maintenance of contacts with authorities for reporting of information security incidents is linked to business continuity and contingency planning processes and reviewed kept up to date. Contacts with authorities are used to anticipate and prepare for upcoming changes in laws or regulations and policies of authorities which have to be implemented by the organization.
Thank you for your email. I will ask the officer if the document can be accepted. But can you send me first 4 Health Certificate by attached it in email. The document in the link in your email is not quite clear. And when I send it to the service company, they can not open it.