Does it cost 38 euro only for a shipping charge, not shipping charge and commodity price in total?It's too expensive.In addition, I don't have much time because I'll move soon.I'm going to rethink about purchasing this product after returning to Japan.Therefore, I'm sorry but I'd like to cancel this time.Thank you.
Hi, do you really want to pay Euro 38 for shipping? My registration is in Progress, I'l'l get in touch, sorry.
こんにちは。輸送のために、38ユーロを本当に払いたいですか? こちらの登録は、現在進行中です。また連絡します。それでは。
OPENING THE SAFE WITH THE EMERGENCY KEYUpon first receipt of the safe, or either the electronic circuit malfunction or codes unknown. You could also use the emergency key to open the safe.・Remove the cover of the emergency lock.・Insert the emergency key, turn it count clockwise, then turn the knob (master key) clockwise to open the door.Schematic drawing of CaseSchematic drawing of control panel