I greatly appreciate your courteousness.I did have just one more question, however. Could you possibly consider changing the feedback you have left me to positive? I would like to receive 100% satisfaction for all of my customers.Since it is your son's birthday, please allow me to give your son a gift without charge.I would like people from all over the world to enjoy this event.If you would be so gracious, could you please consider adjusting the feedback below?
This is brand-new, factory-sealed merchandise.As there is only item left in stock, please contact us immediately to receive a refund if you experience any difficulties (such as the item being sold-out or the item being damaged).As the merchandise is shipped via economy-class, in some cases it may take as many as 24 hours for the shipment to arrive. We carefully wrap all merchandise in air-cushioned packaging. We mark items as brand-new to ensure there is no damage to the box and most definitely the merchandise.If you have any questions, please contact us immediately upon arrival of the merchandise.
お問い合わせ頂きありがとうございました。現在、 担当者が出張中のため本件については、3月6日以降にご回答致します。ご不便おかけして申し訳ございませんが、ご理解の程、よろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you for your inquiry.As the person handling this matter is currently away on business, the earliest your inquiry will receive a response is March 6th.We appreciate your understanding and apologize for the inconvenience.Best regards,