Unfortunately, it looks like the strap on the back will be cut off, I need to be canceled.
I will be arranging my plans and staying another a night in "Mokpo". Could you book a hotel in “Mokpo” for 2 nights (11/5 and 11/6)? Please let me know the name of the hotel when you could make the reservation. I do not need transportation from "Mokpo" station to the hotel on November 5. I will take a cab. Please arrange transportation (round trip) from the hotel to "Mokpo Port" on November 6.
As we told you last time not to include the digital video camera, but next will it be fine.We look forward to hearing from you and hope to ordering to us again in the next shipment. It would be regards if you could stay in touch.
①添付のリターンラベルを使ってFedexから発送をお願いします。送られてきた梱包でそのまま返送お願いします、もし梱包を捨てられていれば「FedEx Envelope」を使って返送をお願いします。②アジアンフィットモデルですのでUSサイズに換算すると1サイズか2サイズ大きめのサイズをお勧めします。
(1) Please ship by Fedex using the attached return label.If you have thrown away the package, please use "FedEx Envelope" to send it back to us.The size of the item is Asian fit model, so we recommend one or two sizes larger when converted to US size.
Our invoice number will be the same, there are two POs, shipping is included.So, it is no problem with the same number in this time.
サプライヤーから請求されている再塗装の費用は$15,000ですが、折半として$7,500ずつ負担していただきたいです。2)保管費用について 〇〇さんから何度もshipping scheduleについての連絡をしていますが、今に至るまで日程が決まっていません。 そのため、サプライヤーより追加のstorage costを請求されました。 内訳は下記の通りです。 7/28より本コストが発生していますので、これも貴社へ請求をしなければならない状況です。
The cost of repainting is $15,000, which is being charged by the supplier, but we would like to split the cost $7,500 each as a 50-50 split.2) Storage costs Mr. 〇〇 has contacted us several times regarding the shipping schedule, but no date has been set to date. Therefore, we have been charged additional STORAGE COSTS by the supplier. The breakdown is as follows, This cost has been incurred since 7/28, and we are obligated to charge your business for this too.
〇〇さんから以前にご連絡した通り、残念ながらコストインパクトのご連絡をしなければなりません。1)再塗装の費用ご注文当初、Paintその他の詳細なSPECが無かったため、前回JOBと同仕様で進めると連絡しておりましたが、それに対して貴社は全くコメントをせず、今に至るまで図書の返却がなされていない状況があります。にも関わらず、ここにきてLatestのPaint Specを出してきて再塗装になった費用については、請求をさせていただきたいです。
Unfortunately you must do the notification of the cost impact as you contacted you from 〇〇 before.1) Cost of repaintingWhen we placed the order, We had no detailed SPEC for paint or other details, so we informed you that we would proceed with the same specifications as the previous JOB.However, your company did not make any comments on this, and to this day, the books have not been returned to us.Nevertheless, We would like to make a claim for the cost of the re-painting after the Latest Paint Spec was submitted here.
私は○○を誤って注文してしまいました。そのためこの商品のみ売り手に返品したいです。他の4つの商品と○○のPACKAGE ID を分割していただけますでしょうか。
I missed order ○○. That's why I would like to return this item only to the seller. Would you please split the PACKAGE ID of ○○ with another 4 items?