-The payment must be done by a credit card.[To prevent resale and for the security purpose, we are very strict of the following rules]-Please make sure you purchase with your own a-ticket membership ID.-The name on the a-ticket membership ID used to purchase the ticket will appear on the ticket.-Tickets will be given only to the person himself on the a-ticket membership ID shown. You have to show your ID that has a picture your face so to be identified.
Please make sure you family and friends are with you when you come in.
Please receive an exchange ticket in the Seven-Eleven store close to your house before you come to the hall.On the day of the performance, we will receive your exchange ticket and give the ticket for the entrance.It is highly expected that it will be very crowded on the day of the performance, so please come early if you don't want to wait for a long time.We will not be responsible for any troubles related to exchanging tickets such as a missed performance due to late arrivals.
■チケット(座席指定券)との引換時間:開場時間~開演1時間後まで■チケット引換場所:大阪城ホール 「a-ticket当日引換窓口」※整理番号順でのお引換えとなります。開場時間の30分前までにご来場下さい。※整理番号順でのお引換えとなりますが、お席は抽選でランダムにお渡しします。※転売防止の為、引換え後はそのままご入場頂きます。※開演直前は大変混雑致しますので、お早めにご来場下さい。
-We will be exchanging the tickets (for reserved seats) for one hour after we open the hall.-The place for the exchange is "A-ticket Exchange Counter" in the Osaka Hall *The exchanging order will be based on the number on your ticket, so please come at least 30 minutes before we open the hall.*The exchanging order will be based on the number on your ticket, but seat numbers will be selected randomly.*It is highly expected that the hall will be very crowded, so please come early if you don't want to wait for a long time.
見切れ席 ¥9,000(税込)見切れ体感席 ¥8,500(税込)立見 ¥8,500(税込)※3歳以上有料。S席に限り、3歳未満入場可。ただし、席が必要な場合は有料となります。※お1人様1公演のみ2枚まで。※お申込みはa-ticket会員登録(無料)が必要となります。登録されていない方は事前に登録をおこなうとお申込みがスムーズです。(事前登録 http://a-ticket.jp)
Hard-to-Watch Seats ¥9,000 (including tax)Hard-to-Watch Feeling Seats ¥8,500 (including tax)Seats for Standing ¥8,500 (including tax)*Everyone above 3 years old needs a ticket. Children under 3 years old can only sit on S seats. If you want other seats, you need to buy tickets for those under 3 years old.*Each person can only buy two tickets.*You need an a-ticket membership (Free) to apply.If you have not registered to an a-ticket membership, it is highly recommended that you will register before you apply for tickets for the smooth application.
Will perform on SOUL POWER TOKYO SUMMIT 2014!
日時:7月12日(土) 開場17:30 開演18:30会場:東京国際フォーラム ホールA出演:鈴木雅之/ゴスペラーズ/Skoop On Somebody/露崎春女/THE☆FUNKS/ZOOCO全席指定:¥7,200(消費税込)※3歳以上チケット必要
Date and Time: On July 12th (Sat). Entrance begins at 17:30. Performance starts at 18:30.Place: Tokyo International Forum Hall APerformers: Masayuki Suzuki/The Gospellers/Skoop On Somebody/Harumi Tsuyuzaki/THE☆FUNKS/ZOOCOAll Reserved Seats: ¥7,200 (including tax) *Everyone above three years old needs a ticket.
主催:DISK GARAGE企画制作:Mayfield/SOULを愛する人達協力:Epic Records/Sony Music Labels/SME Recordsお問い合わせ:ディスクガレージ050-5533-0888(平日12:00〜19:00)
Host: DIST GARAGEPlanner/Producer: Mayfied/People who love SOULCooperator: Epic Records/Sony Music Labels/SME RecordsContact: DISC GARAGE 050-5533-0888 (Mon-Fri 12:00-19:00)
チケット発売日:5月24日(土)e+(イープラス) http://eplus.jpローソンチケット Lコード:74287 TEL0570-084-003チケットぴあ Pコード:227-560 TEL0570-02-9999
The date of ticket sale: May 24th (Sat)e+ http://eplus.jpLawson Ticket L Code: 74287 TEL0570-084-003Ticket Pia P Code: 227-560 TEL0570-02-9999
"くららさんでしょ?最近よくテレビに出るようになった。霊能者ってやつだろ?""ああ。そう そう。 みちるさんは怖いのが苦手なの?""うん、悪いなんだよ。どうして女は女を見る目がああも厳しいんだろう?いい女なのに...""あ、みちるさんが嫌なのは人の方なの..."*文句があんならてめぇ一人で玉葱でも噛ってな。*あの復讐は子供ながらに震えたね。*読んでなら、読んでる場合じゃねえと思って。
"You mean Kurara? The one who appears on TV very often these days. She is a psychic medium, isn't she?""Yeah, that's it. Kurara. Michiru doesn't like scary things?""Yeah, I don't know why though. Why do women judge other women's looking so strictly? She looks nice.""Oh, Michiru doesn't like Kurara herself but not ghosts?"*If you want to say something, just eat an onion by yourself.*As a little kid, I was thrilled by that revenge.*I'm not reading. I just thought I shouldn't be reading right now.
あなたのご希望に沿うようにしたいと思っていますが、私は今まで a gouvernement postal serviceを経由して送ったことがありません。今、その方法を調べていますので、わかりましたらご連絡します。よろしくお願いします。
I want to do as you wish, but I have never sent through a government postal service. I'm looking for a way to do it right now. I will let you know as soon as I find out.Thank you.
Amazon.comで売った商品をアメリカの顧客に届けた。 Expected Ship Date 3日過ぎてしまったが、これはアマゾンの規約違反かどうか教えてほしい。その根拠も示してほしい。そしてその規約に違反したら私は商品代金の全額払い戻した上で商品もあきらめなければならならいのか?
I sent the good to an American customer who purchased, but I sent it 3 days after the Expected Ship Date. I want to know if it is considered as a violation of the Amazon's user policy. If so, I want the evidence.Also, if I violated the policy, do I have to pay all the money back and give up the good?
Thank you for the message.If you don't mind, may I have the ASIN code of the good or URL in which you found the good?Hello,This good is already sold out. We are very sorry and we will give $3 back to you instead.Please ask us any questions if you are not satisfied with it.Again, we are very sorry.We have already shipped the good in the morning, so we will charge you for the shipping fee.
ame0259Maji LOVE2000% bank can design 04 Ichinose Tokiya Uta no Prince-sama (japan import) get Delivered all ready I all ready have my Maji LOVE2000% bank can design 04 Ichinose Tokiya Uta no Prince-sama
ame0259さん、うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVE2000% 缶バンク デザイン04(一ノ瀬トキヤ)はすでに届いています。私はすでに「うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVE2000% 缶バンク デザイン04(一ノ瀬トキヤ)」を持っています。
My name is Hanako Yamada from the company A. I had been working as a surgeon until March. I have just started my career in this industry, so I can barely handle my daily works. In addition, I don't speak English very well, so I'm not even sure that I deserve to attend this meeting. However, I'm aware that this job is very important. I will try my best to learn and have meaningful experiences from this meeting to be able to make splendid comments in the following meetings. Thank you.
We are writing to inform you that these offers have been removed from our Amazon.co.uk site:ASIN: ●●We took this action because we were notified by the rights owner that the items infringe their rights. According to our records, this is the second complaint we have received against your items in this category. Subsequent complaints may result in the removal of your selling privileges.Per our policies, items that infringe another party’s rights are prohibited. For more information on this policy, search on “Prohibited Content” in seller Help.To resolve this dispute, we suggest that you contact the rights owner directly:
このメールは私たちのアマゾンのサイトからこれらの商品が除外されたことをあなたにお知らせするメールです。ASIN: ●●権利者から、これらの商品が彼らの権利を侵害するものであるとの報告をうけた為、この様な処置を取らせていただきました。こちらにあります記録によりますと、あなたのこのカテゴリーの商品に対するクレームはこれで2回目となっております。これ以上クレームが続くようでしたら、あなたから売る権利を剥奪しなければなりません。私たちのポリシーでは、他者の権利を侵害する商品は禁止されております。このポリシーにつきまして詳細が必要でしたら、ヘルプ(Help)内にて禁止事項(Prohibited Content)で調べてください。この問題を解決する為、あなたから直接権利者に連絡することお勧めします。
I still have to buy: battery, 105mm f2.4, UV filter, lens hood, body cap. How come EMS Standard Int'l Shipping was $60 USD? I see on eBay EMS for a P67-6x7 is $24-70. ?! Much appreciated.everything is good now, i can log in from my account. so i am waiting for your answer about possibility to write a lower price at the package envelope and ready to pay!regards
私は電池、105mmF2.4レンズ、UVフィルター、レンズフード、ボディキャップを買わなければなりません。何でStandard Int'l Shipping(国際スピード便の一種)の送料が60ドルなんですか?イーベイで見たらペンタックスの 6x7 (P67) レンズの国際スピード便の送料は24ドルから70ドルと書いてありますよ!?どうもありがとうございました。今のところ全て上手くいっています。アカウントにもログインできました。後は封筒に書く値段を下げてもいいのかどうか、あなたからの答えが来たら準備OKです!宜しくお願い致します。
I'm so glad that you send me an e-mail after I left. Since then, I've wished to visit you again. I plan to go to the U.S. on July, so I'll let you know the details later on. I think I'm staying at the ABC Hotel in Las Vegas, so if you know any cheap plans or some discount campaigns, please let me know.I look forward to having good times with you.
IG7901Thank you for the contact.We checked the situation.It appears that the International Exchange office is keeping it.We are will checking the reason, but it is most likely because some a cutting tool is considered as a dangerous object.We are still negotiating with them.We will pay all the money back if the shipment turns to be impossible.We will try out best.Have a good day.
・フィルムパックの装填は正確に・タブの引き出しは真っすぐに・処理温度を確かめて■ネガ部とポジ部を引き剥がすまでの時間は次表に従ってください。 25℃の時、最良の仕上がりが得られます。確実を期すためにも15℃未満の場合は保温庫の使用をおすすめします。※処理温度に関しては一覧表ファイルを入れておきます。・落としたフィルムは使わない・現像ローラーはいつもきれいに・撮影光源の色温度に気をつけて・色反射は補正して・フィルムの保存温度は10℃以下に
-Install the film pack correctly.-Pull out the tab straightly.-Check the temperature*Regarding the time you wait until you separate a negative and a positive, please follow the following chart. 25℃ is the best temperature. Just in case, I recommend that you will keep it in a fridge if it's below 15℃.-Do not use a film that you dropped.-Keep the developing roller clean.-Watch the color temperature of the light source.-Save the file at the temperature under 10℃.