Why? Well, frankly, it’s a little hard to believe that all that’s happening is a “weeding out” of under-performing employees when whole branches are being closed, and employees are saying they’ve been fired for no reason. Fired employees only tell one side of the story, but with Groupon repeatedly refusing to comment on this — we did ask them specifically about it — most people are bound to conclude that these are, in fact, layoffs.
Even if this is a strategy, it’s not well-designed for China. The result of these cuts has been that many in China’s industry now consider Groupon “tainted”, an unstable place to work. In the West that would be bad enough, but in China, the land of the iron rice bowl, it’s a whole lot worse. I expect that if Gaopeng.com ever wants to expand staff again, they’re going to have serious problems finding qualified employees.
After all, why work for Gaopeng.com and risk layoffs when you can work for one of China’s other, more successful group buy sites? CEO Mason’s email makes it sound like Gaopeng is a rising star in the region, but from the independent research we’ve seen, that’s not the case. In fact, we’re not sure where he got that #8 figure, because in the stats we’ve seen, Gaopeng.com doesn’t even break the top ten.For example, there’s this iResearch data from a few months ago (remember that groupon.cn is not Groupon China; that domain was registered by a rival company before Groupon could snatch it up):
結局のところ、中国の現地を購入した、より成功したグループが他にもあるのに、なぜGaopeng.comで働き、解雇のリスクを負わなくてはいけないのか?CEOのMasonのEメールではその地域ではGaopengが人気急上昇しているように聞こえるが、我々が見た独立系の調査によると、それは事実とは異なる。事実、彼がどこから8位のデータを得たかは分からないが、我々が見た統計ではGaopeng.comはトップ10にさえも入っていないのである。例えば、数ヶ月前のiResearchのデータでは次の通りである。(groupon.cnはGroupon Chinaではなく、そのドメインはGrouponが獲得する前にライバル企業によって登録されたものである。)
Or check out these June 2011 statistics from group-buy deal aggregator DaTaoTuan. Gaopeng.com appears only once; in the column indicating the number of deals offered, which is not a reflection of market share or sales numbers.But if you want the most recent data, it comes from this Hitwise report for the first week of August, 2011 (7/31-8/6). Once again, note that Gaopeng.com does not appear in the top ten.Now, it’s possible that Mr. Mason has seen more recent numbers than those from a couple weeks ago. But it’s pretty hard to imagine that Groupon could have jumped several steps up in market share while simultaneously firing hundreds of employees and closing 13 branches.
So yeah, I’m worried about Groupon in China. At the very least, it seems its PR strategy needs a little work, but it’s hard to believe there’s not more trouble under the hood that we’re not being told about. Frankly, I’m also a little concerned about Mason’s lengthy memo, which reads much like a letter to potential investors to quiet fears pre-IPO. If the SEC discovers it was Groupon who leaked this memo intentionally, that would be very bad, given that the company is supposed to be in the quiet period before its IPO.Anyway, we’ll keep you up to date with the latest on Groupon in China. I hope I’m wrong about these problems, but I don’t think I’m the only one who’s feeling pretty skeptical right now.
we can certainly assist with your request, however because this request would require us to split your package there would be a $7 fee for this. Usually the split fee is $15, but because you will be discarding the sample and not creating a new box, we can reduce the amount to $7.
Cooking DJ cooking djCooking DJ is a service that attempts to make cooking fun again. The team calculated that many of us could spend as many as 22 days per year cooking. That’s almost a month, so we should do our best to make that time fun. How do you make cooking fun? The Cooking DJ team proposes that we do that with music.
The application will take a recipe for a certain dish and break it up into smaller mini-processes (e.g. boil the water, or sautee the onions). Cooking DJ provides songs that are the same length of time, so that when the song is finished, you know that you can move to the next step. The team mentioned the possibility of product advertising (food products specifically) as a part of the business model.The team was the winner of the ‘One to watch’ prize as voted by other participants, as well as the overall prize as voted by a panel of judges.
MyLive The MyLive team proposed an interesting concept for the concert industry, with its service measuring demand from fans about which bands they’d like to see. Targeting indie music fans, and people outside of major cities, MyLive would give music lovers a chance to vote for their favorite bands. When an artist emerges as ‘popular,’ then a live event is arranged and tickets are sold using a Groupon style system.
2kenme Everyone has a favorite date restaurant. But finding a venue for a second date is more difficult. 2kenme (read Nikenme) helps you find one by sharing evaluations for restaurants, diners or bars with other people, it aspires to give you lots of great options to entertain your companionNikenme was the winner of the ‘biggest surprise award’ for SWT.
FrontierVille Sequel Pioneer Trail Gets Zynga a Little Closer to Making Hardcore Games, Limits Friends №2 High Scores: Playing for points might be a bit retro these days, at least among players of most blockbuster console games, but it's still a hallmark of a type of game that Zynga skeptics respect. Pioneer Trail, unusual for Zynga, can be played for points. Players will be scored on how they play through each of the game's major areas and will get an overall score for a playthrough of the game.
FrontierVilleの続編であるPioneer Trailは、Zyngaを少し本格的なゲームに近づけ、友達を制限する 2ハイスコア:少なくともほとんどの大ヒットしたゲーム機用のゲームのプレイヤーの間では、ポイントのために遊ぶというのは近頃は少し古臭いかもしれないが、それでもなおZyngaの懐疑派が関心を示すゲームのタイプの特質である。Pioneer TrailはZyngaにしては独特で、ポイントで遊ぶことができる。プレイヤーはそれぞれのゲームの主要なエリアを通してどのように遊ぶかによって得点をおさめ、ゲームを通して全体のスコアを得ることができる。
Series veterans will be able to import your coins, horseshoes, spouse and kids to Pioneer Trail, enjoying whatever benefits you have accrued in the original game. But you will be leaving that family behind in the new game to embark on a story-driven adventure: you set out on a trail to rescue a kidnapped boy. You can magically transport to your family's homestead to check in on them, but the meat of the game is on the trail as you strive to rescue the kid.
シリーズの熟達者はコイン、馬蹄、配偶者と子供をPioneer Trailに取り込むことができ、オリジナルのゲームの中で生み出した利益を楽しむことができる。しかし、物語主体のアドベンチャー、つまり誘拐された男の子を助ける追跡に乗り出すため、新しいゲームでは家族を残すことになる。家族がどうしているか確認するため、家へと魔法のように移動することができるが、ゲームの本質は子供を助けるための追跡である。
For FrontierVille fans: Pioneer Trail, formerly called Oregon Trail before a name change due to a competing game with that name, is an extension of FrontierVille that can be played as a standalone game. It's supposed to launch some time today, August 12.
FrontierVilleのファンにとって、Pioneer Trailはかつて、その名前で競合するゲームのために名称変更される前はOregon Trailと呼ばれており、FrontierVilleの延長で単独型のゲームとして楽しむことができる。今日8月12日にまもなく打ち上げられることになっている。
Your adventure will span a handful of zones, from the forest-filled Beaver Valley through to the snowy Avalanche Pass, each a place where you can gather resources, do jobs and find story notes that push the plot forward. The whole adventure is supposed to take 2-4 weeks to complete.
アドベンチャーは、森林に囲まれたBeaver Valley(ビーバー渓谷)から雪に覆われたAvalanche Pass(アバランシェの山道)といった地域の一握りに渡り、どの場所においても資源を集め、働き、物語の構想を前に進める物語のノートを見つけることができる。全体のアドベンチャーは、達成するのに2~4週間かかるとされている。
FrontierVille Sequel Pioneer Trail Gets Zynga a Little Closer to Making Hardcore Games, Limits FriendsAnd here's the twist: You can only bring three friends with you for the ride. That's right. Forget about most of your so-called Facebook "friends." You will be bring just three Facebook folks into your game, one to be the hunter, one the doctor and one the carpenter. Each will be able to provide you with a resource—meat, medicine, parts—and each will be able to go on specific jobs.
FrontierVilleの続編であるPioneer Trailは、Zyngaを少し本格的なゲームに近づけ、友達を制限するのであるが、ここが新しい仕掛けである。騎馬の道のりにはたった3人だけ連れていくことができるのだ。そう、いわゆるFacebookのほとんどの「友達」を忘れていいのである。ゲームにはたった3人のFacebookの友人を連れ、一人はハンター、一人は医者、もう一人は大工をする役割である。それぞれ食肉や薬、部品を供給することができ、特定の仕事をすることもできる。
Multiplayer Matchmaking: If Pioneer Trail players can't or don't want to play the game with their Facebook friends, they'll be able to make the game find them a person of similar rank to play with.
多人数参加型の出会い系:Pioneer TrailのプレーヤーがFacebookの友人と遊べない、または遊びたくない場合は、同様のランクの人をゲームで探して遊ぶことも可能である。
FrontierVille Sequel Pioneer Trail Gets Zynga a Little Closer to Making Hardcore Games, Limits FriendsPioneer Trail is the brand-new, massive sequel to FrontierVille, one of the most popular games on Facebook. It's got a few twists that are going to throw any FrontierVille fan for a loop.But it also has hints of where the people who made it at Zynga might be going... directions that any hardcore gamer should pay attention to.
FrontierVilleの続編であるPioneer Trailは、Zyngaを少し本格的なゲームに近づけ、友達を制限するPioneer Trailは真新しく、Facebookでもっとも人気のあるゲームであるFrontierVilleの壮大な続編である。FrontierVilleのファンにとっては少し驚かされる仕掛けもあるのだ。しかし、Zyngaを達成した人々がどこへ、つまり本格的なゲーマーであれば注目するべき方向へ、進もうとしているかもほのめかしている。
A Zynga rep told me that they limited the number of friends you can connect to in order to ensure that interactions with friends feel like the most powerful interactions possible in the game. Friends need to matter. And they'll need to be reliable, hopefully, as Pioneer Trail will let friends visit each other's games three times a day, helping their pals amass the resources and energy to proceed in this traditional Zynga-style resource management type of game.
Zyngaの代表は、友人との交流がこのゲームにおいてもっとも強力な交流になり得るかということを確かにするため、つながりがもてる友人の数を制限したと話した。友人はかかわる必要がある。Pioneer Trailは、この従来のZynga形式である資源を管理するタイプのゲームの中で、資源や進むためのエネルギーを蓄えるのを友人と助け合いながら、互いのゲームに一日3回まで訪問することができるので、できれば友人は信頼がおける必要がある。
For Facebook-game-shunning skeptics (aka many hardcore gamers who prefer the kind of stuff you can play on an Xbox 360 or through Steam): Pay attention to what Zynga is doing. They're not just making more and more resource-management click-a-thons. Their recently-released Empires & Allies added a light layer of strategic combat to their usual formulas. FrontierVille is set to add a lot more elements that might sound familiar:
Facebookのゲームに寄り付かない懐疑的な人々に(Xbox 360やSteamなどで遊べるものを好む多くの本格的なゲーマー達):Zyngaが行っていることに注目するべきです。彼らは資源管理のクリックマラソン型のゲームを作っているだけではありません。最近リリースされたEmpires & Alliesは通常のやり方に戦略的な戦闘を軽く付け加えました。FrontierVilleはより馴染みのある多くの要素を付け加える設定がされました。
Rovio Picks Up Former Fox Executive Andrew Stalbow as General Manager For North AmericaAugust 22nd, 2011Rovio is continuing its Angry Bird world domination plans.The company said today that it hired Andrew Stalbow, a former executive at Fox Digital Entertainment, to be its general manager for North America. Stalbow’s background plays into Rovio’s ambitions to be more than a gaming company and to have reach into film, books and toys.
Rovioは2011年8月22日、元Fox幹部であるAndrew Stalbowを北米の本部長として獲得した。Rovioは現在Angry Birdの世界的な支配計画を続けている。企業は本日、Fox Digital Entertainmentの元幹部であるAndrew Stalbowを北米の本部長として採用したことを発表した。Stalbowの経歴は、ゲーム会社だけでなく、映画や本、おもちゃにも及ぶようなRovioの野望に有利となる。