<i class="icon-picture"></i> エスプールの社会的意義
<i class="icon-picture"></i>The social significance of S-Pool
ロジスティクスアウトソーシング 下期事業方針
Logistics Outsourcing Second Semester Business Plan
Vol.69 (株)エスプール
Vol. 69 S-Pool Inc.
Vol.66 (株)アイスタイル
Vol.66 istyle Inc.
Vol.64 (株)インフォメーション・ディベロプメント
Vol.64 Information Development Co., Ltd
Vol.49 スズデン(株)
Vol.49 Suzuden Corporation Ltd.
Vol.44 プレシジョン・システム・サイエンス(株)
Vol. 44 Precision System Science Co., Ltd
Vol.29 アトムリビンテック(株)
Vol.29 Atom Livin Tech Co., Ltd.
Vol.9 (株)クリーク・アンド・リバー社
Vol.9 Creek and River, Incorporated company
The product below is extremely popular in Japan. In new or nearly new condition is preferred.If they are possible to order, please advise of your price, including postage.I would be most grateful if you would update us when you stock any unusual TourIssue items from now onwards.I would like to acquire things like autographed balls by Japanese professional golf players.The following players are popular, so we would appreciate notification should you come to stock any:We prefer balls that were actually used in play and have an authentication certificate.
To create making.To give ways of work of a creator,more freedom, more joyIf we can come first in Japan, we can come first in the worldWe want to further increase the speed of the creation of Japanese contents by optimizing communationTo create the way of making.Mugen Up is a global creative company that will keep providing a new way of working of creators.
I am Japanese (male) who lives in Tokyo. I am interested in the English language and foreign cultures and my wish of wanting to learn English has drawn me to your message.You are welcome to ask me about anything as I am able to provide you with the Japanese information you are after.I am also conduct business with people outside of Japan. I am therefore very interested in learning what things in Japan interests people from overseas.Unfortunately I am still a novice with my English conversation skills and therefore wish to improve by exchanging emails with you.I hope you will message me back.
いい加減にしろよ。いつ送りかえしてくれるかだと?質問にも答えない、返信はとろとろ、遅い。ペイパルの仲介でやっと返信してきて、間違ったのはお前じゃないのか?日本人なめてんのか?まず、謝れよ。そして質問に答えろって言っているんだ。今回のミスでいくらお金を損していると思っているんだ3-4日で到着する エクスプレス便で送って来いよ。何を考えているんだ。言葉が通じないのか?
This has gone way too far.How could you possibly ask me when I am returning the goods?You do not answer my questions and your replies take forever.I only get replies when PayPal acts as a go between, do you not realise this was your error?Do you think you are superior to everyone else?I believe you owe me an apology.I am repeating my request that you answer my questions.Do you have any idea how much money I have lost due to your mistake?I expect the items to be sent to me via express mail which should only take 3-4 days.I don't know what you are thinking, it seems like you do not comprehend language.
Would you please confirm the case with A soon? Currently we are planning to record ○ songs and the other songs have already had their application filed for nationally.Would you please send initially a video for one song as I would like to check its contents?Including discussion about the contract, we would like to commence planning specifics in preparation for next year. Would it be possible to arrange an interview with him/her in person locally before the ○ th?The media is Magazine A and it seems they are able to feature him/her for 2 consecutive months. Magazine A has a journalist stationed in Asia, who can attend a place of our choice and hopefully have an interview with him/her. For details, please correspond directly with the journalist.
雇用形態契約社員・正社員固定給月初残有給日数往復交通費今月消化日数時間外単価残有給日数年間出勤日数1ヶ月平均所定労働時間数出勤日数有給取得日数欠勤日数就業時間合計時間外労働基本給交通費差引額金額時間外労働単価※ 差引額より、源泉税・社会保険を差し引いた額が支払い金額となります。詳細は明細で確認して下さい。始業時間時間外労働終業時間就業時間有給欠勤先月繰り越し19時帰宅残業1h+残業分1.5h=残業分2.5h早退病欠休憩なし 実働6時間 残業分0.5h-早退2h=早退分1.5h
Employment statusContractors/Full-timeFixed salaryResidual paid annual leave days at start of month.Return transportation expensesNumber of days used for this monthOvertime rateResidual paid annual leave daysNumber of days work attended for the yearAverage working hours for the monthNumber of days work attendedNumber of paid annual leave takenNumber of absence days takenTotal working hoursOvertime working hoursBasic wage transportation-expense balanceAmount Overtime work unit price * The amount paid equals the withholding tax and social insurance deducted from the balance. Please check your statement for details.Opening timeOvertime workClosing timeWorking hoursPaid annual leaveAbsenceCarry over from previous monthReturn home at 19:001h overtime + 1.5 hrs overtime = 2.5h overtimeEarly leavingSick leaveWith no break Actual working hours: 6 0.5 hrs overtime - 2 hrs early leave = Early leave of 1.5 hrs
Hello. It has been a while since our last correspondence.How are you?I am very delighted that you have again chosen to purchase from me.By the way, when is your birthday? If you do not mind, please let me know.I hope you look after yourself and stay well.Thank you.P.S. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are looking for any other Japanese products.
Would you provide a discount and reduce the product price to the figure listed below?OOO dollarsShould it be possible to purchase at this price, I would like to purchase immediately.If the transaction is possible at the above mentioned price, please forward a PayPal invoice to the following address:OOO We sell your products in Japan. We are having some difficulties as our regular supplier has suddenly raised their prices.We are therefore inquiring whether we may purchase directly from your company.We have sales force in Amazon Japan and hold a proven track record.We hope to continue selling your company's products in Japan.We look forward hearing from you.
皆さんが履いている靴はどんなくつですか?漢字で書くと革が化けると書く字です今の靴は靴底が厚く 足への衝撃を和らげたものです1870年にこの靴が日本に伝わってきましたこの時、日本に外国から一度に文化が入ってきました陸軍が近代装備としてフランスから取り入れましたが、靴が入ってくるまで使っていたのがわらじです漢字はこんな漢字 草鞋はくつと読み西洋のくつとは違う漢字があります原料はわらで、わらは稲から取れます稲からとれるものの代表は米 米作りと共に発展してきた文化を稲作文化と言います
What kind of shoes do you wear?In kanji, the shoe is written as "transformed leather".Shoes nowadays have thick soles and lessen the impact on our feet.Such shoes were brought into Japan in 1870.The army brought them in from France as modern attire, prior to that, we used waraji (straw sandals) till shoes were introduced.The kanji for waraji is 草鞋. This was also read as kutsu and we have a different kanji for western shoes.These were made from the straw crops , primarily the rice plant.Rice represents what derives from crops.The culture which has developed with rice farming is called rice culture.
I am seeking a resolution to this issue soon.Would you please advise what I should do with the goods that have been sent to me by error?Should I return them to the head office of the manufacturer?The situation is serious if it is not resolved soon as I am incurring storage fees from the transfer company.In addition, my order of ○○○ placed a while ago has shown no sign of arrival despite being told of its expectant delivery.Because the delivery of goods is unpredictable each time, the management of stock is very difficult.Would you kindly compile and send a list of delivery time for each product?The payment is struggling to keep up.