Hi, You can ship me the jacket first and I will wait for the shirt later, if there is extra shipping fee that's ok.I will pay you separately. So if you can find it then I won't cancel it.Really appreciate your help. For the shirt how many days waiting approximately?The shirt can be size L or XL that's fine.■Do you mean for usd190. I will get one Polaroid back and one 6x9 film back and including shipping? Which is for my camera.That is 2 film backs in 2 pictures you send me before.Can you please retake some more detail picture? Especially on the mount on it. I will go ahead if you can confirm the above things.Can you please make a eBay purchase and send me a link, I will go there and purchase it.
やあとりあえずジャケットを送っておしてよ、シャツは後のやつを待つから。送料が余計にかかってもいいよ。別々で払うよ。シャツが見つかったら、キャンセルしないから。手助けしてくれて感謝するよ。シャツはどれくらい待ったらいいのかな?シャツのサイズはLかXLでいいよ。■USドルで190ってことかな? ポラロイドと6×9フィルムが送料込でその値段かな? どっちがカメラの値段?君が送ったのはフィルム2と写真が2だったよ。できたらもっと詳細な写真を撮れない? 台紙つきのやつね。いま言ったのを確認できたら、それを買うよ。ebayで支払いしてリンクを送ってね。そこで僕も支払うから。
When the band reunited in the studio last year to raise funds for guitarist Slim Dunlap, who suffered a stroke in February of 2012, the experience naturally led to the notion of playing shows again. Founding bassist Tommy Stinson says the band never actually broke up, but that they simply walked off the stage near the end of their last show in Chicago on July 4, 1991 and hadn’t returned yet.Head to the official Riot Fest site for more information. The Replacements' aforementioned recording session became Songs For Slim, which was released in March and is streaming below via Spotify.
The REplacementsが二〇一二年の二月に心臓発作で倒れたSilm Dunkapのための基金を起こそうと再び集まったとき、自然にまたショーを開こうという話になった。結成メンバーのベーシストTommy Stinsonはバンドは実際には決して解散していないんだ、一九九一年七月四日のシカゴでのコンサート直後にステージから歩み去り、まだ戻って来ていないだけだ、と話す。公式のRiot Festのサイトへ行ってさらに情報を得よう。The Replacementが前述したレコーディング・セッションはSongs For Slimとなった。三月にSpotifyを通してストリーム配信としてリリースされた。
Satori, the upcoming album from I The Mighty is out June 11 on Equal Vision Records, but we're excited to give you the first listen a few days early here on AltPress, and so are ITM. "We could not be more proud of this record and we can't wait to have everyone dissect it and rock out to it," says vocalist Brent Walsh, who hopes that fans can find something to relate to in these new songs."The album was written during a transitional period of my life, and I hope that people going through similar situations will be able to really relate and connect to the record and its messages."
サトリ、I the MightyのファーストアルバムはEqual Vision Recordsから六月十一日に発表されます。しかしこのAltPressでは数日早く、そのアルバムを聴くことができます。ITMからも聴けます。「このアルバムに対してこれ以上の誇りを持てないよ。みんなが熱狂してこのアルバムについて討論するのが待ちきれない」ヴォーカルのBrent Walshは言う。彼はファンになにかしらの共感を得られるのを望んでいる。「アルバムは僕の人生の節目に書かれたものさ。同じ状況にたたされてる人々がこのレコードに込められたメッセージに共感してもらいたい」
"We've been preparing for our tour with Say Anything, which is truly a dream come true for us. They have been one of our favorite bands for years now and it's amazing to be able to debut the live versions of these new songs on a stage shared with so many of our talented label mates," says Walsh.
「Say Anythingとのツアーを用意してきた。このツアーは僕らにとっての夢が本当に実現したようだ。彼らは何年もの僕らのお気に入りのバンドだったからね。それに新しく書いた曲がステージ上でデビューするのは素晴らしいことだよ。たくさんの才能あるやつらが一緒に立っているこのステージでね。」とWalsh。
イギExample: The notice from Seller Performance indicates that your selling privileges were removed for selling promotional versions of media (prohibited on Amazon.com). You could review your inventory and your inventory intake process. You may find that your supplier includes promo CDs in their shipments. Your Plan of Action might include immediately removing those items from your inventory, and then making changes to ensure you review your inventory regularly to remove promotional media.
イギ例:Seller Performanceからのお知らせはメディアの販売促進版(Amazonでは禁止されている)からあなたの販売許可が剥奪されたことを示しております。インベントリーとそれを取り入れる過程をご確認いただけます。供給会社が促進CDを付けて書類を送付したことがおわかりになられると思います。あなたの行動予定がすぐにインベントリーからこれらのアイテムを削除する可能性があります。それから確実にインベントリーを確認いただき、促進メディアを取り除いてください。
Forget Big Data, Small Data is the Real RevolutionThere is a lot of talk about “big data” at the moment. For example, this is Big Data Week, which will see events about big data in dozens of cities around the world. But the discussions around big data miss a much bigger and more important picture: the real opportunity is not big data, but small data. Not centralized “big iron”, but decentralized data wrangling. Not “one ring to rule them all” but “small pieces loosely joined”.
Big data smacks of the centralization fads we’ve seen in each computing era. The thought that ‘hey there’s more data than we can process!’ (something which is no doubt always true year-on-year since computing began) is dressed up as the latest trend with associated technology must-haves.Meanwhile we risk overlooking the much more important story here, the real revolution, which is the mass democratisation of the means of access, storage and processing of data. This story isn’t about large organisations running parallel software on tens of thousand of servers, but about more people than ever being able to collaborate effectively around a distributed ecosystem of information, an ecosystem of small data.
Just as we now find it ludicrous to talk of “big software” – as if size in itself were a measure of value – we should, and will one day, find it equally odd to talk of “big data”. Size in itself doesn’t matter – what matters is having the data, of whatever size, that helps us solve a problem or address the question we have.For many problems and questions, small data in itself is enough. The data on my household energy use, the times of local buses, government spending – these are all small data. Everything processed in Excel is small data. When Hans Rosling shows us how to understand our world through population change or literacy he’s doing it with small data.
高価なソフトの話しをするのは馬鹿げている。大きいということが価値あるということなら――ビッグ・データについて話すということが奇妙だということにいつかは気づくべきなのだ。大きさは問題ではない――問題なのはデータを持つということだ。それがどんな大きさであれ。そのデータが問題を解決してくれ、質問の答えへと導いてくれるのなら。おおくの問題と疑問にとって、スモール・データだけで十分だ。家庭での電力消費のデータ、市バスの時刻表、政府の出資――これらはスモール・データだ。Hans Roslingが人口変化でどのように世界を理解するのかとか、彼がスモール・データを使って文学を書いているのかを教えてくれる。
And when we want to scale up the way to do that is through componentized small data: by creating and integrating small data “packages” not building big data monoliths, by partitioning problems in a way that works across people and organizations, not through creating massive centralized silos.This next decade belongs to distributed models not centralized ones, to collaboration not control, and to small data not big data.Want to create the real data revolution? Come join our community creating the tools and materials to make it happen — sign up here:http://blog.okfn.org/2013/04/22/forget-big-data-small-data-is-the-real-revolution/
その技術を高めるということは、スモール・データをコンポーネントごとに分けるということだ。スモール・データのパッケージを作り、相乗効果を産ませることだ。ビッグ・データのモノリスを完成させることではない。人々と組織の仕事で生じた問題を分解するだ。大量に集中させたサイロを作ることではない。次の十年間は分配したモデルに属しているのであって、集中させたものにではない。強力させることであって、支配することではない。スモール・データであって、ビッグ・データではない。本当の革命を起こしたい? それを実現させるためのツールと資源を創造しようと試みる我々に賛同するのだ。――ここから登録しよう。http://blog.okfn.org/2013/04/22/forget-big-data-small-data-is-the-real-revolution/
Hunan beings are talkative creatures and always have been, so far as we can see.It was our urge to communicate with each other and growing ability to do so that made us that was probably the chief factor in the development that made us different from all other animals.Leading anthropologists are now of the opp opinion that it was not so much aggressiveness ability to co-operate that gave the earliest forms of man a superiority over other of ape family, and co-operation entails communication.
New and alien names were prominent in their place, Etruscan or Umbrian, Picene or Lucanian. Rome had known her novi homines for three centuries now, admitted in the main for personal distinction and service in war.Then Rome's wars against foreign enemies had augmented the aristocracy with a new nobility. No record stands of the sentiments of the nobiles when they contemplated the golden crown worn by a man called Vipsanius, or the elephant of Cornificius. It would have been vain to point in extenuation, to their valour in war, to urge that many of the upstarts derived their origin from ancient families among the aristocracies of the, kindred peoples of Italy. As for the consular Balbus, that was beyond words.
Ye Ole circle eyes.
Dear yamahaya88102012,Is this the time fyler that is used as a gun for the time robo dx?Does it come with the mini time rangers?- promoistClick "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
I just purchased this camera it is new. However I put the battery in plugged in to charge and it wasn't charging. I pulled the tab on battery to remove it and the whole sticker came off. Now I cannot get the battery out to replace it. I did take a pic while plugged in and printed it camera works great other than this battery issue. It will come with everything in original box all you need to do is get out battery and put in replacement one.
Masaaki,I am happy to announce that your account has now been set up. I look forward to working with you and I am here to answer any questions you might have. Remember that your first order will have a 5% discount applied to it above and beyond your normal margins. The 5% discount includes all products ( in stock, backorder, and pre-order ) so make sure you cover all categories to maximize your discount. Your first order with us should always be the largest because of the 5% first order discount. We only charge you for what can actually ship so if your first order happens to be all pre-orders for example you will see no charges until the product comes in and gets allocated to your order.
マサアキ あなたのアカウントが設定されたことを喜んで申し上げます。あなたとともに仕事ができることを楽しみにしています。わたくしはここであなたの質問をいつでもお待ちしております。最初の注文が5%の値引きを受けられることを忘れずに。この値引きはすべての商品(ストック、取り寄せ、予約)を含んでおりますので、最大の値引きが受けられるように必要なものは一度に注文したほうがよろしいかと思われます。発送済みの商品だけ代金請求をいたしますので、すべてが予約商品だった場合、商品がこちらに届き、そちらに発送されるまで代金は発生いたしません。
This is the perfect way to plan 2, 3, even 4 or more months ahead.Again, your overall margins are going to range from 20 to 50% off suggested retail. It’s all going to depend on what Vendor you’re looking at, the amount you are ordering and the actual product itself. You will need the following information to log into the wholesale website! We work primarily off of a back order and pre-order format so getting your order in as soon as you can is key because it puts you in line to get product. You will find that some Vendors on the site have very low margins and others will have much stronger margins.
Use the Wish list option at the top of the page after you have logged to save the items that you will want to order. Let’s go through your first order together so that I can make sure you get the 5% discount applied. This also allows me to see what you want to bring in and it gives me the opportunity to make suggestions for items that are selling very well and making money for all of my clients. Your account # is: xxx Your password is: xxx Meet your Rep: Just follow my link below ( This list my favorites plus it allows you to put a face to the voice/ email ) http://eearth.us/?l=2hntwcgf I look forward to working with you
You should apply it three times:1. Using a sponge, work in Tent Mate evenly over the clean, damp material. For the cotton blend (T/C) with PU-coating, it is important to always apply it to the UNCOATED (outer) layer! Let the material dry for 3-12 hours after application (depending upon the weight of the material).2. The first coating is used to stabilize the material.The second two applications increase the waterproofing of the surface. Spread Tent Mate evenly in a thin layer over the material. After letting it dry briefly, repeat the application.
三度、塗りつけてくさださい1.スポンジをお使い、Tent Mateを均等に汚れていない湿った生地に塗ること。綿にPUコーティングを施すために、さらの表層に塗りつけることが重要です。塗りつけたら三時間から十二時間かけて乾かしてください。(生地の重量によります)2.最初のコーティングは生地を固定するのに使います。次の二階の塗りつけでは表面の耐水性を強化します。Tent Mateを生地の表層に均等に塗りつけてください。十分乾かしてから、塗りつけを繰り返してください。
I have jabra freeway brand new in retail boxcan you buy them at $67 plus shipping i have 600 in stock let mek now
Jabra Freewayの新品が小売箱にあるんだ。送料込みで67ドルで買ってくれないかな。600個もストックがあるんだ。連絡してね。
ドイツ①I have checked your account and it seems all right. Please note that in accordance with German legislation shall be added in particular following information to the information about the seller: /including the VAT/ https://Nevertheless, please note that we cannot provide you the legal information on the fact which other information shall be added in the impressum to comply the legal requirements of the German legislation. ・他に対応することはないですね。必要あればご連絡ください。お願い致します。