小倉慎平 (pimpshit) 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
pimpshit 英語 → 日本語

Big data smacks of the centralization fads we’ve seen in each computing era. The thought that ‘hey there’s more data than we can process!’ (something which is no doubt always true year-on-year since computing began) is dressed up as the latest trend with associated technology must-haves.

Meanwhile we risk overlooking the much more important story here, the real revolution, which is the mass democratisation of the means of access, storage and processing of data. This story isn’t about large organisations running parallel software on tens of thousand of servers, but about more people than ever being able to collaborate effectively around a distributed ecosystem of information, an ecosystem of small data.




pimpshit 英語 → 日本語

Just as we now find it ludicrous to talk of “big software” – as if size in itself were a measure of value – we should, and will one day, find it equally odd to talk of “big data”. Size in itself doesn’t matter – what matters is having the data, of whatever size, that helps us solve a problem or address the question we have.

For many problems and questions, small data in itself is enough. The data on my household energy use, the times of local buses, government spending – these are all small data. Everything processed in Excel is small data. When Hans Rosling shows us how to understand our world through population change or literacy he’s doing it with small data.



おおくの問題と疑問にとって、スモール・データだけで十分だ。家庭での電力消費のデータ、市バスの時刻表、政府の出資――これらはスモール・データだ。Hans Roslingが人口変化でどのように世界を理解するのかとか、彼がスモール・データを使って文学を書いているのかを教えてくれる。

pimpshit 英語 → 日本語

And when we want to scale up the way to do that is through componentized small data: by creating and integrating small data “packages” not building big data monoliths, by partitioning problems in a way that works across people and organizations, not through creating massive centralized silos.

This next decade belongs to distributed models not centralized ones, to collaboration not control, and to small data not big data.

Want to create the real data revolution? Come join our community creating the tools and materials to make it happen — sign up here:





本当の革命を起こしたい? それを実現させるためのツールと資源を創造しようと試みる我々に賛同するのだ。――ここから登録しよう。


pimpshit 英語 → 日本語

New and alien names were prominent in their place, Etruscan or Umbrian, Picene or Lucanian. Rome had known her novi homines for three centuries now, admitted in the main for personal distinction and service in war.Then Rome's wars against foreign enemies had augmented the aristocracy with a new nobility. No record stands of the sentiments of the nobiles when they contemplated the golden crown worn by a man called Vipsanius, or the elephant of Cornificius. It would have been vain to point in extenuation, to their valour in war, to urge that many of the upstarts derived their origin from ancient families among the aristocracies of the, kindred peoples of Italy. As for the consular Balbus, that was beyond words.



pimpshit 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0


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pimpshit 英語 → 日本語

“I only get involved in projects that I am truly excited about and I have to be inspired by the artist or band I'm working with," says William. "My goal is to help Fearless Vampire Killers create an album that people care about, that people can relate with, and most importantly, that boys and girls across the globe can sing along to.”

This follow-up to their 2012 debut full-length album Militia of the Lost is set to continue the story set in their EP In Grandomina..., according to the band.

"This will be the second, more insane instalment," says FVK frontman Kier Kemp. "It's going to be like Disney meets Coheed and Cambria!'


「俺は本当に興味をかきたてるプロジェクトには関わらないね。それに一緒に仕事をするアーティストやバンドから何かを得ることができなければ意味がない」とWilliamは言う。「俺の目標はFearless Vampire Killersのアルバムづくりを手伝うことさ。そのアルバムにみんなが注目し、みんなが関係し、そして世界中の男の子や女の子たちが一緒に歌ってくれるのが目標なんだ」

バンドによれば、こういった追及により二〇一二年のデビューアルバム『Militia of the Lost』のストーリー設定を『In Grandomania』のEPにも取り入れることになったという。

「これは二番目の、もっと狂った分割となるだろう」FVKのリーダーKier Kempは言う。「こいつはDisneyがCoheed and Cambriaに出会ったときの衝撃のようさ」