iPadアプリを購入して、iTunesでPC経由でダウンロードしようとしましたが、PCのiTunesではダウンロード出来ていますが、同期してもiPadでは待機中の表示がされたままダウンロード出来ない状態です。機種はiPad2 iOS 6.0(10A403) モデル MC775J です。 よろしくお願いします。名前、。。。じゃなくて@@です、日本人でも読めないので気にしないでくださいね。
I tried to purchase an iPad app via iTunes on the PC. The item can be downloaded to iTunes on the PC, but it does not synchronise with the iPad and the download is only shown as in waiting condition. The model is iPad2 iOS 6.0(10A403), Model MC775JThank you in advance,Name, … is not @@, please do not take into consideration that I cannot read Japanese.
Thank you very much, I appreciate it.Please wait for a short while, as your request is expected at a later date.
The researcher was surprised at the abilities of 'Cyber-Dharma'.Perhaps the connected cables' layers of protection broke through his own flesh and assimilated him, he would have had to escape whilst the cables were growing onto his body. However, how did he escape from the cage and the lab with its tight security systems? That mystery has not been solved yet.
強靱な肉体、凄まじい戦闘能力、過酷な環境への適応能力に、民衆は幾度も驚嘆させられました。いつしか人々は、地方地方の雑多な素材を組み合わせてサイバーダルマを模した民芸フィギアを作り、神棚や居間に置いて願いを託すようになったのでした。そこには、幾度もの戦乱に見舞われながらも、強くしなやかに生きようとした人々の心が映し出されています。Trilabo作家Deraが描く「サイバー達摩」を池田淳によるヴィジュアライゼーションコラボのiphone ケースです。
The people were amazed time and again at the tough body, fierce combat abilities and the ability to adapt to harsh environments. Unaware people created folk art figurines modelled after Cyber-Dharma out of a combination of rural miscellaneous material, and put altars in the living rooms entrusting them with wishes. They had suffered from war again and again, but the hearts and minds of those who attempted to live strong and supple were protected."Cyber-Bodhidharma" is a visualisation collaboration iPhone cover, based on Jun Ikeda by Trilabo as the author and Dera as the artist.
I reconstructed a classical still life painting in my own way.By intertwining organic and inorganic matter, death and rebirth were repeated.On the armour of old Japan, there are several helmets with animal motifs.It is evident that the mysterious power of animals were highlighted in order to strengthen their power. The type of helmet with a rabbit motif symbolises agility.This painting is an image of a place that has appeared in front of the female rabbit who is leading the spirits of her men.
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There were some questions from Japanese men by mail.Please confirm for every 500 or 1000 pieces.How long will it take from the point of order to delivery?How about the transportation costs to Hongkong?How many gemstone bracelets are there in total?Is there a certificate?