If you want to use TASSEN in this context we can render the cups with a different shader (toon shader)so that it matches the style.We were wondering about the copyright of images like the Akira image you used, but this is up to you.We could also see additional combinations of different Japanese toon styles like e.g. Hello Kitty.If you send us images you want to use (and where the copyright issues are clear) we can integrate the cups.As we have the 3D data we can adjust the posing and render in a material that fits.For example the image with the Buddha - here the cup could be out of stone or out of Gold.Please let me know what you think.
Taobao Launches Pinterest Clone WantuEverybody in China seems to be getting into the Pinterest clone business these days, so perhaps it was only a matter of time. This morning, Taobao launched its own social photo-sharing platform. Unsurprisingly, it looks and acts a lot like Pinterest:The site, which you can find at wantu.taobao.com, is called Wantu, or roughly: “Mischievous Rabbit.” I’m not sure what makes the rabbit so mischievous — perhaps it’s his apparent penchant for copying other people’s websites? — but the name does follow in what appears to now be the official Alibaba tradition of giving new products weird animal names.
It isn’t clear what this might mean for the new cooperation between Mogujie, China’s biggest indie Pinterest clone, and eTao, the ecommerce search platform that, like Taobao, is owned by Alibaba.So, if you were in need of yet another Pinterest clone, uh, now you’ve got it. For the rest of us, this announcement is just further evidence to support the rumor I want to start about a new Alibaba cartoon TV show in which Sky Cat chases around Mischievous Rabbit. Or maybe they team up to fight crime. Either way, Alibaba, if you’re reading this, get to work!
中国でPinterest そっくりのサービスを行っているインディー最大手のMogujieとAlibaba傘下のTaobaoの様にeコマース検索のプラットフォームを持つeTaoの間の新会社にとって、このことがどう影響するかは、まだはっきりしない。もしPinterestそっくりのサービスが更に必要なら、これで解決だ。しかし大部分の人にとってこの発表は、Sky CatがMischievous Rabbit(いたずら好きなウサギ)を追いかけ廻すか、一緒になって犯罪に立ち向かうAlibabaの新しいテレビアニメ番組のうわさを後押しする更なる証拠に過ぎないのだ。どちらにせよ、Alibabaよ、もしこれを読んでいたら作業にとりかかってくれ!
POC makes a Receptor Bug (like this model) and a Receptor Bug Adjustable (like the M/L you are referencing). The regular model comes in one size (i.e. Medium 55-56cm) and the adjustable models cross two size categories like the M/L you are seeing.
POCはReceptor Bug(この様なタイプ)とReceptor Bug Adjustable(あなたが質問しているM/Lサイズのあるタイプ)のモデルを製造しています。前者のレギュラーモデルはサイズ別になっております(例えば:Mなら55cm-56cmの様にワンサイズ)。あなたがご覧になっている後者のアジャスタブルモデルの方は、M/Lの様に、二つのサイズにまたがって調整できます。
I have received the payment and will have the heads shipped out on monday when Fed Ex makes their next pick up. I will send you the tracking information then. Thanks.If you need any kuro kage shafts I got a few I can do them for 100 each. I also have all of the UST stuff in stock. These are also lower launching and lower spinning. These are the most played head on tour, there are over 20 pros gaming these on any given week, Dustin Johnson, Sergio Garcia, all of them.
Own-Brand Clothing Etailer Crucco Hopes that “Slow Fashion” Brings Quick GrowthCombining e-commerce with building your own fashion brand is one massive task – and so it’s perhaps with quite some relief that the Chinese B2C clothing site Crucco is celebrating its first anniversary online today.Crucco.com sells only its own-brand clothes, shoes, and some household goods. Its approach is quite minimalist and organic with mainly earthen tones – all of which resemble the signature style of the Japanese retailer Muji (TYO:7453). Founder and CEO, Xu Xiaohui, calls it “slow fashion” and believes that a lot of urban Chinese will appreciate a more relaxed and less showy mode of clothing.
自社ブランドの衣類を扱うeテイラーのCruccoは、”スローファッション”の急成長に期待。自社ファッショングランドを確立させ、e-コマースと組み合わせていく事は大変な業務だ。なので、その達成感からか、本日中国のB2Cの衣料品を扱うCruccoは、オンライン上で一周年を記念した。Crucco.comでは、自社ブランドの衣料品、靴、そしていくつかの家庭用品のみ販売している。主に自然を対象に、必要最低限でオーガニックな物を取り扱うのが同社の姿勢だ。これらは全て日本で特徴的な形で小売業を営むMuji (TYO:7453)に似ている。創設者でCEOでもあるXu Xiaohuiによると、これらは“スローファッション”といい、このリラックスした控え目なファッション様式の良さは、都会に住む多くの中国人には認めてもらえると考えている。
To mark the anniversary, Xu Xiaohui said today on his Sina Weibo page [1]:Today is your birthday, our first moment. Pictured is the site last year on April 6th, which we glimpsed fleetingly. Life is short, run a little slower.Xu’s background in tech covers stints at Lei Jun’s Kingsoft, Yahoo China, and Vancl. Crucco is in many ways like Vancl: a B2C etailer that sells only its own fashion brand. The more mainstream Vancl is now one of China’s top 10 e-commerce sites, and the largest that’s engaged solely in fashion.
Xu Xiaohuiは一周年をを記念して、Sina Weiboで次の様に述べた。“本日はあなたの誕生日であり、我々の最初の節目だ。写真は昨年4月6日のサイトのものだが一瞬のことの様思える。人生は短いので、もう少しゆっくり走ろう。“Xu のテクノロジ分野での経歴は、Lei JunのKingsoft、Yahoo China, そしてVanclだ。Cruccoは、自社のファッションブランドのみを扱うB2Cのeテイラーという点など、多くの点で、Vanclに似ている。Vanclは今ではeコマースサイトではトップ10にランクされる主流派で、ファッションのみに特化したサイトとしては最大手だ。
Talking to Chinese media, the founder said that his company is not yet seeking a new round of funding. Shortly after the site’s launch, Crucco reportedly received somewhere in the region of 10 million RMB ($1.58 million) in seed funding from unknown VC sources. Despite those protestations, some in the industry believe that some major series A investment is under negotiation.
So while having clickable bottles is a neat gimmick for Pepsi and Tudou, I don’t imagine it’s going to be setting the video advertising industry on fire anytime soon. Still, the thought of clicking on a Pepsi sort of makes me want to drink a Pepsi, so…mission accomplished?Disclosure: The author of this post was at one time an employee of Youku. However, he does not currently work for Youku or own any stock in it or any other company.
クリックできるボトルは、Pepsi やTudouにとっては巧妙な仕掛けでも、この仕掛けにビデオ広告業界がすぐに飛びつくとは思えない。それでも、ペプシをクリックする事でペプシを飲みたいと思わせるので、・・・ミッションは達成されたのだ。発表:この記事のライターは以前、Youkuに勤務していたが、現時点ではYoukuやその他の企業には勤務しておらず、ストックも保有してない。
These are the same 440 R11 Heads. I can do 425 each, let me know ASAP, i am going to list them today. Got the payment and I will ship the 3 wood out today. The best that I can do on the iron heads is $800 shipped. You can send payment to the same paypal address or I can invoice if that will work for you. Let me know and I can ship both together today.You are bidding on a BRAND NEW set of Tour Issued Taylormade 2011 Forged TP MB iron heads. These heads are the exact same version that is used by the Taylormade PGA Tour staff. Each head is marked with a Txxxx serial number so that you know it is an authentic tour head that has been tested to conform to the new groove regulation.
これらは同じ440 R11のヘッドです。各$425にしますが、如何ですか?早急にご連絡下さい。今日中に掲載する予定です。ご入金が確認できましたので、3つのウッドを本日出荷します。アイアンのヘッドですが、送料込みで$800が限界です。支払いは同じpaypalの住所宛か、あなたが良ければインボイスを用意します。連絡いただければ今日中に両方お送りします。あなたが入札しているのは、新品のTour Issued Taylormade 2011 Forged TP MBのヘッドのセットです。このヘッドは、Taylormade PGA Tour staff用に使用されているのと全く同じヘッドです。各ヘッドは、Txxxxのシリアル番号が入っていて、新しいレギュレーションに適合しているかテスト済みの本物のツアーヘッドです。
I should have more in on Thursday or Friday.Ill let you know.The invoice for the 3 wood head has been sent through paypal. I only have ATV 50* heads in stock right now, but I should know soon when I will have more of all of the other lofts available. I would be happy to work with you directly to supply you with some heads to sell in Japan. If you can buy them in some quantity, I can give you a little better price so that it is profitable for us both. On the tour issue ATV's, they do not have the Carbon Steel logo as they are made from stainless steel. The loft marking is not painted on the heads that I have received, but they DO have MICRO on the face.
木曜か金曜にはもっと入荷すると思いますので、ご連絡致します。ウッド用のヘッド3つのインボイスはpaypalで送りました。今はATV 50*のヘッドしか在庫がありませんが、他の物が入荷して全てのロフトが揃えばすぐにお知らせできると思います。日本でヘッドを販売するためにあなたと直接取引する件ですが、喜んでさせていただきます。もし数をまとめていただければ、両者に有利になる様、もうすこし割引させていただきます。Tour Issue ATVはステンレス製なので、Carbon Steelのロゴは入りません。入荷したヘッドにはロフトの印は入っていませんが、フェースにはMICROと入ってます。
I am having these sent directly to you from the Tour Van. You will have them mid week at the very latest. I appreciate your business and will talk to him later today. Once he send a tracking I will forward to you. However, you can trust me in that they will arrive no later then Wednesday.Talked to the tour van and you will have by Monday.Best i could do on the r11s is 820 shipped. I will have more left handed heads this week, ATV not sure I will let you know when i get some. Hey are you guys interested in any Scratch Golf Don White Grinded clubs? i have some sweet wedges and irons right now… i can do them as heads or build them too. Let me know
あなた宛てにTour Vanから直送してもらってます。遅くても週の中頃には受け取ることができると思います。いつも有難うございます。彼とは後程話します。追跡番号を入手次第、お知らせします。でも、水曜までには届くことは毎違いないので、ご心配なく。Tour vanに連絡したら月曜には届くと言ってました。r11sに関し最大限がんばって、送料込みで$820です。今週、左用のヘッドがもう少し入荷しますが、ATVに関しては、入荷次第ご連絡します。ところで、Scratch Golf Don White Grindedのクラブに興味はありますか?今、ウェッジとアイアンをいくつか確保してます。ヘッドのみでも、完成品としてもお分けできます。興味があれば、お知らせください。
I have just inquired with Patagonia, the order was confirmed on the 3rd, shouldhave been here last week?? Let you know soon what's up, OK that was quickSorry for the inconvenience. This order was stuck in the system and justloaded last week. The order is scheduled to be there on Thursday. Once againI am sorry for this inconvenience. Thanks
たった今、パタゴニアに確認したら、3日に注文を受け付けたとの事でした。先週のうちに届いてていてもおかしくないのですが?? 状況が分かり次第お知らせいたします。ここまでは、何とか調べがつきました。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。システム内で注文が保留の状態で、先週やっと出荷されました。お届は、木曜を予定してます。本当に、ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありませんでした。よろしくお願いいたします。
Bolt-On ConstructionBolt-on neck construction provides an affordable alternative to set-neck or thru-body designs. The advantage of this design is that if you do have any neck trouble down the line, you can easily replace it.The VMNTX's maple neck features an ultra-playable 24-fret ebony fingerboard, with classic dot inlays.
For technology, intellectual property laws are so lax that anyone can take and use someone else’s technology. And users? Tencent already controls 717 Million active QQ users and 100 Million Weixin users. So it’s no wonder China prefers to make and America prefers to buy.Perhaps the one advantage for start-ups in China to compete against big tech companies is if they are totally original and not a clone of anything. Of course you must be wondering if non-clones exist in China. In fact they do but they are rare. Take Douban for example. It is one of China’s most original and successful social networks.
As an interest-based graph network around books, film and music, Douban has around 53 Million registered users. Growing at such a fast speed, why didn’t Tencent, Baidu or RenRen who already had the money and the team to clone and crush it do it? The reason is probably Douban was so original that they didn’t know what to think of it. So for Chinese start-ups, being original and being fast is something to be confident in.
Of course you could argue, the deal was too good to be true and you shouldn’t believe it. I mean, I can’t even buy a Jian Bing (egg pancake) for 1 yuan on the street. But legal disputes have been taken to court in other countries for much more absurd things. I remember studying trade practices law in Australia and we learnt about Section 52 of the TPA that made it illegal to falsely advertise and mislead consumers. But alas, China is a developing country and still needs time to establish and enforce such laws.
もちろん異議を唱えることは可能だが、あまりにも話がうま過ぎて信じるべき取引ではなかったかもしれない。もともと1 yuanでは、道端でJian Bing(パンケーキ)さえも買えないのだ。しかし、他の国では、もっととりとめのない事で裁判になっているのだ。オーストラリアのTPA(取引慣行法)のSection 52では、不正な広告で消費者の判断を誤らせることは、違法であると学んだことを覚えている。しかし、残念ながら中国は発展途上の国なので、その様な法律ができ、施行されるにはまだ時間がかかそうだ。
In some ways, China’s e-commerce development is very impressive. I have ordered products from 360Buy and have been impressed with their same day or next day delivery. By using China’s relatively lower pool of manual labourers, such amazing logistic and distribution networks can be achieved. Watching Chinese friends place orders on e-commerce sites with as much ease and speed as writing an e-mail is also impressive.
Innovation Camp, the New Internet Startup Accelerator and Incubator Opens In ShanghaiInnovation Camp (iCamp), the new Internet startup accelerator and incubator opens in Shanghai. Located at the KIC high-tech and Innovation Park in Shanghai YangPu district, iCamp will focus on the internet and mobile application and provide systematic startup coaching and incubation to the SoLoMo application projects. In addition, iCamp also provides $2m seed funding named China Startup Republic (CSR) Fund .
Innovation Campというインターネットスタートアップのための訓練や支援を行う新たな施設が上海にオープン。Innovation Camp (iCamp)というインターネットスタートアップのために訓練や支援を行う新しい施設が上海のYangPu地区のKIC high-techとInnovation Parkにオープン。iCampではインターネットやモバイル用アプリを中心に、スタートアップのための組織的な指導や、SoLoMoアプリプロジェクトの支援を行う。また、iCampでは、China Startup Republic (CSR) Fund という$200万の設立資金を援助する準備もある。
Quite Silicon Valley style, is the impression we got about iCamp. It’s not just about angel investment, it’s more about mentorship. As Jun introduced, iCamp now has >30 international coaches and advisers who come from different background and help on the growth of startups incubated in iCamp. Furthermore, iCamp is also building a close relationship with silicon valley ecosystem. “Dave McClure is also one of our advisors and come to coach our startups.” Jun said, “His famous incubator 500Startups is iCamp’s partner, and we are planning to bring our startups to their place to experience the spirit of silicon valley.” 150 startups to be incubated within 4 years, Jun has set up the goal for iCamp.
シリコンバレーと全く同じスタイルだ、と言うのが私が受けたiCampの印象だ。エンジェル投資の事だけではなく、むしろ指導を行う部分だ。Junが説明した通り、現在iCampには世界各国から様々な経歴を持つ30人以上の指導員やアドバイザーがいてiCampでスタートアップの育成の手助けをしている。更に、iCampはシリコンバレーの収益構造と密接に関わりを持とうとしている。我々のアドバイザーの一人で、スタートアップの指導をしているDave McClureの500Startupsは有名な支援団体で、iCampのパートナでもある。シリコンバレーの精神が経験できるそこで我々のスタートアップがお世話になれるように計画している。とJunは説明した。4年以内に150人のスタートアップの設立というiCampの目標をJunは掲げた。