Hello!I'm (1)Thank you for purchasing from our store.The other day, I participated at (2), a world biggest free market event.It was held for three days from July 29th until July 31st. 100.000 people came to the event.Approximately 300.000 of used goods were displayed just in this period of time.Those three days were sunny. Furthermore, the breezing wind from the seaside was very nice.Please watch the other featured show from the event : the popular and magnificent comedians.On the other side, please also look for myself that was being dragged by an unbelievable amount of crowds.
Thank you for contacting us.When I heard about his death, me and my family was really grieving for him. He always made us feel happy and smile. We all wish for his happiness in the next world.It's quite hard if we bid him farewell right now, isn't it?Finally, please tell me if there is something that I and ◯ can do for him.He must be happy spending all his life with you. Thank you for letting us to met him!
ネックの形状は、本人のオリジナルは触ったことがないのでわかりませんが最近のシグネチャーモデルよりしっかりとした(少し太い感じ)握りになっています。We had never touched the original, so we don't really know the exact shape of the neck, but our product has a firm grip (a little bit thicker) compared to these days' signature models.本人のオリジナルは相当ネックが太いとも聞きますがそこまでではありません。We were informed that the original has a quite thick neck, but it's not just that. グリップ感はしっかりしています。The grip feels firm.Guildはもともと本人監修の元でこのモデルを作ってきた実績がありますのでネックにもその影響が表れていると思われます。Originally, Guild have made some achievements of making this model under the supervision of the original creator himself. His influence is shown and you can see it from observing the neck part.また、ボディーのサインは本人直筆のものですAlso, the original creator has written his autograph on the body part.前オーナーによると、本人がサインした個体を苦労して入手したとのことです The former owner told us that it was hard for him to get this creator-autographed one.
We are sorry for our late response.Regarding the case, we received some inquiries and the display of the product had been canceled/deleted before.Right now, we had found more stocks of the product, and thus we are contacting you now.We attached the inner label ample picture with this mail.Also, we have reached our limit to display the products, so we can't make the product to be in the display again.If you would kindly mail us to the attached e-mail address, we would like to continue our deal by using PayPal, then we will sell the product to you with a 10% discounted price : 2400 USD.Please give it some consideration.
Some 58 per cent of the 1,500 Britons polled felt that flexible hours would improve their health.Shirley Cramer, RSPH chief executive, said: 'For some, the daily commute can be a pleasurable experience, giving time for reflection or an opportunity to relax, but for an increasing number it is having a damaging effect on our health. 'As the length of our commute increases, this impact is getting worse.'Commuting adds 800 calories a week to our diet turning the rat race into the fat race
Some 58 per cent of the 1,500 Britons polled felt that flexible hours would improve their health.1500人のイギリス民間の中から58%が裁量労働制の方が自分たちの健康状態を良好にさせることを投票した。Shirley Cramer, RSPH chief executive, said: 'For some, the daily commute can be a pleasurable experience, giving time for reflection or an opportunity to relax, but for an increasing number it is having a damaging effect on our health. RSPH最高経営責任者のシャーリー・クレーマーは、「一部の民間にとって、日常の通勤は自己反省をすることやくつろぐ機会などとなって, 一日のなかで楽しめる時間だと思われている。だが、その時間が長くなると、健康に損害をもたらすことになる恐れがある。'As the length of our commute increases, this impact is getting worse.'その通勤・移動時間が増えれば増えるほど、悪影響が悪化しつつあることがわかる」Commuting adds 800 calories a week to our diet turning the rat race into the fat race長い通勤時間は摂取するカロリーを一週間につき800 カロリーまで増加させることができる。たくさん動いたり歩いたりすることで体がやせるはずが、体が逆に太りつつあることになる。